
Adventures of Yavetel, last of the Scythewings

this is a survival story originating in the How To Train Your Dragon world ( around the same timeframe shown in the movies series) except for one difference.. I created my own species of dragon. The Scythewing is very similar to the nightfury in intelligence and build, but it takes on weaponry as a part of it's design. imagine a nightfury with slightly longer wings... except they have sharp blades at the end. ( resembling a current day scythe blade without the handle) allowing the creature to divebomb and attack fiercely as well as have an advantage in Arial combat. This serves as a armour rather than a permanent part of the creature. ( more like scales, they can fall off and be damaged but can be re-grown as well) some other features and powers can be discovered throughout the novel! yes, because I thought that a basic survival story would slowly become boring (basically eat, sleep, drink) I added the well-known system to this story , and no the character is not reincarnated. if you want a logical reason for the system, the dragon god gifted it as a way to help the species stay alive. thank you for your time and if anyone has judgement or advice I will happily accept it as this is my first novel and everything helps!

Kiko_The_Dragon666 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Second Tunnel

As the baby dragon awoke from its slumber, its mind was churning to remember yesterday's adventure. 'That was a good nap.. but I'm forgetting something..? I think it was kinda important, mabey how I learned to swim?..'

Confused, the hatchling did it's best in it's tired state to remember it's main course of action. 'So after I hatched I heard a voice then wanted to explore- The voice! That's what I forgot!' Comeing to a conclusion, the small dragon remembered it's newfound friend. 'Friend? are you still there?' The dragon soon received a response from the entity, "Yes?"

'Friend! I'm glad your here, can you tell me if eating the fish made me stronger??' In a monotone voice, the entity responded. "Yes I can tell you that for your first meal the fish was the most nutritious possible- as it was mutated. Therefore allowing you to see a larger increase in strength." Confused by all of the complex words being spoken, the dragon asked a new question. 'So how can you show me that I have become stronger?'

"I will show you a data table showcasing your abilities, anytime you have gained a significant amount of strength, I will record it on to the table for future reference. And as for your comparison to others, I will be comparing you to the Nightfury species, as there are no more of your kind to compare you too."

In one swift movement, a table of sorts entered the baby dragon's mind.


NAME: Yavetel

AGE: hatchling (1 day old)

SPECIES: Scythewing


(Anything in parentheses is the nightfury equivalent for current age)

Health: 10/10 (13/13)

Magic power (breath attack power):Locked

Strength: 2.1 (2.9)

Speed: 3.5 (4.5)

Defense: 2.7 (2.6)

Skills: Comprehensive level- low


Peirce (claw)

Night vision (eyes)


'Wait... I have a name..? So I am Yavetel? That's who I am!' Comeing to a happy realization, the hatchling learned it's name. And sounded it out in excitement, attempting to speak it's first word. "Ya-Vet-Al... Yavetel!"

'I can talk! mabey after I practice more I'll learn how to talk to other dragons!'

After reading through some more the dragon became surprised at it's current weakness, the baby dragon became determined to grow stronger and surpass whoever this 'Nightfury' dragon was. 'So I'm weak compared to them? then I need to get stronger! Friend, how do I get stronger??'

"You will either need to hone your battle skills, hunt for food, or hone your current skills for survival purposes."

The entity answered swiftly as if expecting the question beforehand. 'Ok then, when I'm done exploring this big cave I'm going to train my battle skills with the fishies!'

After settling its mind on it's future course of action, the baby dragon ate what was left of the large fish and started walking twords the main cave. Soon arriving and turning into the tunnel on the right, traveling through at a steady pace in order to not trip over it's still clumsy feet.

When the small dragon arrived at the end of the tunnel, it stepped through into the cave, amazed by what It was seeing.

The little dragon had found a large cave filled to the brim with shelves, each one lined with a canopy of books. Some books had a warm and calm aura to them, others seemed cold and viscous, as if the contents inside spoke of evil.

'WOW friend what is this place called!?, it has so many books! And books teach you right? So I can learn a lot from here!' The baby dragon was very excited to be finally learning about the world around it. The entity answered the baby dragon in a simple voice, as for the young dragon to understand better. " The place is called a library, a place of knowledge and learning. You would be better off if you knew how to read. I will supply you with the basic understanding of the words on the page, aswell as the knowledge to read the books.

In a swift flash of light, the baby dragon gained a new understanding of the language in the books. Exited to read the baby dragon picked up a book from a lower shelf and read the title through the power it had acquired. "H-ow To Kil-l a Mon-stor-us Ni-ght-mare?" The baby dragon read out loud, sounding out the multiple syllables in the words as it was not used to speaking.

'Is that a kind of dragon? cool! And it will tell me how to kill one! If I read this I'll learn how to protect myself from one of them then!'

As the baby dragon started reading the book, his eyes quickly spotted an illustration of a odd creture attacking the dragon with a long stick that had a sharp stone attached to the end.

The little dragons eyes widened at the sight of such and unusual creture. It had a flat face, long legs and arms, with five appendages sprouting from the ends, similar to a tree sprouting branches. 'What an unusual creture?'