
Adventures of the moon and the sun: Their Love Story

Heidi_Lartey · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Dinner pt2

"Sorry for being late, I could not find my way to the hall," said Aphrodite who immediately sensed the Queen's thought.

"Sure, whatever you say" Arete smiled with mischievous glint in her eyes

Ace shook his head disaprovinly at his mother and passed by Arrow to take his seat.

Arrow also went to take her seat, but the only available seats was at the back and those seats were far away from everyone.

*Well at least I can get a piece of mind* she thought as she walked toward the back seats

"What are you doing sitting there princess Aphrodite, please come sit here" Arete pointed towards the seat next to her son

"Thank you auntie, but I am ok here"

"don't be shy come sit here"

Arrow later realised that she was not going to win the argument, so she just listened to Arete and sat there.

"Great" Arete smiled and went back to her conversation with Hera

Arrow ate her food quietly as she observed the hall, whilst she was observing she noticed some of the maids staring at her and her sisters with a stink eye and a look of disgust on their faces.

Seeing this, her thoughts went back to when she could not find her assigned maids or the guards.

She wondered why. they were kind to her at first, what happened?

*Do they have something against us*

'Maybe the ,' a voice in her head whispered, Arrow knew it wasn't someone mindlinking her so she assumed it might be her conciense.

*Is this the work of the king and Queen?* she questioned herself.

*No, I'm sure it wasn't them, they have been nothing but welcoming to me, my sisters and our people*

"Princess Aphrodite" a distant voice said.

'Maybe that was just their front cover' the voice told her

"Princeas Aphrodite,"

"Princess Aphrodite,"

"Princess Aphrodite!" Ares exclaimed

Arrows eyes widened as she jumped in shock, she looked around the table and saw that all eyes was on her and immediately composed herself.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought" she said with any expression on her face, but if you looked at her closely you would notice the beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

"Are you sure you're OK," Ares whispered to her when he noticed the beads of sweat on her

"Yes, I am, Thank you all for worrying about me, I will just lost in my thoughts," she gave a tight liped smile.

"Are you sure you are okay, if you aren't you can go have a rest and I will call the doctor" Helios said with a worried look on his face.

Helios, Mira and Arete weren't the only ones who were worried about her, her sisters were the ones most worried, they knew Arrow rarely acted like this unless something was bugging her or something bad had happened.

'Are you sure you're OK?', Hera asked in their group mindlink. 'Did anything wrong happen?, if you don't feel well we can go out together' Nyx added.

Arrow felt uncertain if she should tell her sisters about her Situation or not, she thought through for a while before she decided not to tell her sisters anything until she was sure if her thoughts were true.

'Yes I'm OK, I was just stuck in thought'

'You sure?' Nyx asked

'Yes I'm sure'

"I just need some air," she paused "Can I be excused"

"Of course sweetheart, Ares can you please show the Princess to the garden" Arete politely asked her son but it mostly felt like a command.

'Mom stop trying to play matchmaker,' Ares mindlinked his mother.

'I know this may shock you but I am not playing anything here, I want you to learn about leadership and what else she can teach you that will prepare you'

Ares gave his mother one last look before He agreed.


Ares and Arrow were taking an awkward walk around the garden when Arrow noticed a blue lake.

"How do you have a blue lake?, is a blue lake even supposed to exist on the sun" She asked

"What do you mean it is blue, it is red' Ares looked confused at what she was saying

"Are you trying to fool me or what, I am telling you it is blue" she said to Ares with frustration

"Are you OK, are you sure you don't need to rest" Ares worriedly said.

Sigh "Its OK, maybe I am just seeing things" she said even though she kept on glancing at the lake and seeing a blue color.

"Are you sure, " he asked to confirm

"Yes" Arrow smiled a little at his reaction

"You know, I love the moon Kingdom, it makes me think about one of my favourite places" he smiled mischievously

"And what may that be"

he shrugged and kept walking ahead.

"Hey!, that's not nice" she smiled, all of a sudden feeling better

"In my kingdom we have a big lake there it looks like the deep blue sky you see down on earth except it is deeper" she said, this was a secret she had only told her siblings but she felt comfortable with him that she confided in him.

"What! You went to earth, do you know how dangerous that is!" He yelled

"shhhhh, don't scream" Arrow looked alert as she whispered "What if someone hears you"

"What were you doing there?" Ares said As he kept on thinking 'be mature, don't fool around, do what Ace would do'

"OK, I know it is dangerous but it is actually very gorgeous, the people there can be corrupt but there is so many fun things to do there" She looked at him with a faint smile "come on, loosen up, it is very fun, we can go together there when you have time" she blinked twice.

Ares kept on glancing down at Arrow face as he thought, 'Don't do it, you need to be responsible, but this is so tempting'

"OK, but just this once"

Arrow burst into a smile when she heard this and then quickly went back to normal even though she was excited.

"Meet me here at dawn, we go and back early ok" Ares said and Arrow nodded and they both went their separate ways after chatting a bit and walking around.

BTW guys Ares was sitting beside Arrow so he was able to get a closer look at her.

Wow, what do you think is going to happen.

Heidi_Larteycreators' thoughts