
Adventures of 'Another' Isekai Protagonist

Matthew was a gentle soul, always willing to give a helping hand until one day that hand slapped back, unable to understand why, he dies without understanding all the hate inside his soul. In his new life he plans to make the most of it, and make sure that no one betrays him ---- Join my Discord server! https://discord.gg/Xh8rENp3pm

ProjektBlue · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Monsters? Pt.2

Cao Tai POV

As I retrace my steps back to the camp, making sure to erase my footsteps after so that nobody knows that I was there, or that there are some inhabitants in these woods.

After half an hour I can practically see the base from here, just a few more steps and I'll be in view.

I then sniff some smoke, it's nice to know that they prepared a fire for me to cook on, unfortunately I won't be cooking since those hunters stole my kill…

"Wait a second..." I mutter before running back to base (And forgets to remove his foot prints.)

"Hey! Put out the fire Violet!" I believe that Violet would still be there, probably anxious to get a taste if my cooking, which she probably would, if I had the deer.

As I enter the clearing I see that Violet is nowhere to be found but Sasha is meditating outside still unconsciously massaging her jaw.

"Good morning Sasha, how are you doing?"

Her ears twitch but doesn't turn around, "I'm doing fine, my throat hurts from what happened yesterday though,"

"Hope you feel better, and Sasha, can you help me put out the fire?"

"What? But Violet worked so hard to get everything prepped for you!" Wow, even now Sasha respects Violet, don't know if it's due to respect or due to fear.

"Yeah, well there are some poachers in the woods and I don't want them to find us, and the fire is going to give them a rough area of where we are already, also, do you know where Violet is?"

"Probably getting something ready for you..."

I sit down next to her and put out the fire, and we have a chat before returning to meditation.


After roughly an hour of meditation I was awoken by someone shaking me,

<You have absorbed 233 Magical Essence in 56 Minutes, your new total: 5,213 Magical Units>

I looks to see Violet shaking me, "What is it?!" Even though I already knew what it was.

"You won't believe it-"

"There are Bandits still roaming around who stole the deer (It's not a deer but it's close enough) we were going to eat-"

I was cut off by being suddenly projected to the frontline, craters, gas, and burning vehicles.

Even worse it was night time, everyone knows that bad things happen during night time, from hyenas and ghouls to Weeping Widows eating souls.

But I know that this was clearly caused by Violet, I do the first thing that comes to mind to escape a circle of dark anger, I put my right hand on my nose, and close my mouth before forcefully exhaling, like what you do when you pop your eardrums. [There are much better ways for solving things, such as Yawning or drinking, but whatever]

Maybe too forcefully, but who cares. "Violet cut it out, also, did you cover your tracks on your way back?"

I gotta say, I handled it quite well compared to the first one, though she is no longer as young so she probably has better control on her power, not absolute, but give it a year or two. And I bet she could make a much more sinister contraption if she wished. Nevertheless, I also did a lot better, all things considered, from nearly dying to just getting some bloody ears from my zeal (And exposure to very high levels of magic, but he doesn't know that, so please don't tell him)

I was projected out the 'dreamscape' shortly after telling her to stop.

I feel like I was opening my eyes from a dream, still drowsy I temporarily lost my train of thought.

"I'M SORRY MASTER!!!" Violet kowtow's towards me, I just ignore her actions and just ask, "So did you cover your tracks?"

Violet gets up "What? No, why? What do you mean by 'cover your tracks'?"

I sigh and shake my head, when I see Sasha just laying there with blood coming out of her ears and nose, I knew I was right about Violet being nice to me, she could've made it a whole lot worse.

"Hey Violet, I think you forgot someone..." I motion towards Sasha.

"Sorry Master!" I feel like she's not truly sorry for what she's done to Sasha, but she shoots up and looks like she wants to kill Violet, I just nod.

Sasha, probably thinking I was nodding a go-ahead summons a sword, but from where? I'll ask her later.

For now I'm going to get my popcorn and toothpics [Yes] and enjoy this literal catfight

* [How did I get it so that my first Isekai fight would be over a bad dream!?]

Narrator POV

As Sasha raises her Crescent Moon looking blade Violet just stands there looking at her Master.

Her Master is busy watching the blade of Sasha.

Jealous, she summons her own blade, a large hole in the ground opens and a red barbary scimitar comes out, 5 feet long with some runes that ancient dragons could understand, and this aura of Fury and Anger. Not to mention its so heavy nobody under the 10th Cultivation Realm could even wield this heavy sword, and even for those who could, they would need both hands.

But to the surprise of the unknown viewers, she lifts it up with one arm. [Chibi Cat holds up, 'Be surprised']

While Violet was seeing her Master now admiring her blade and crying over how pathetic his sword is now. [On both fields...]

Sasha charges at Violet with her blade raised as if to hit the head but suddenly moves to the stomach, when the blade strikes just below where the ribs would be located, she heard a crack, not from Violet, but from herself, the blade ricocheted backwards off Violet's scales toward her hand, her blade bent more than a Moon should, but held.

Violet counters by hitting Sasha on the head with the flat of her head and mutters, "Go to horny jail"

Which Cao Tai with choking and flipping off his seat, 'How does she know of that!?!?'


Cao Tai POV

After picking up a KO'd Sasha onto her shoulders, Violet said, "Are you ready to move?"

"Errrr... Sure, ready when your ready! Also, where did you get that phrase?" I ask

"I heard you mutter it in your sleep, I don't know why, but I felt like it was the right thing to say at the right time, was it?" Violet asked.

"No, but it was funny," I chuckle.

"CHHHAARRRRGEEE!!!" A voice suddenly rang out.

A group of 20 men come rushing out, Violet puts down Sasha before drawing her sword, and I pull mine out of my scabbard before yelling, "Let's go get them!"

I begin to do what the night lessons taught me to do, first to enhance the blade with strength in case it's a rusted blade, with Essence of Fear if you are outnumbered, and Essence of Death if you want to be fear.

I decide to use Fear, muttering the incantation, I close my eyes in concentration before hearing system telling me I lost 250 Magical Essence for the starting fee.

I open my eyes to see it shining like Sasha's blade, a light Blue hue I give it an experimental swing and I hear the noise of nails on chalkboard, I don't know if thats scary but it does make my neckhair rise.

Now that the enemy were on me, I begin to block, parry, and thrust while telling Violet to keep one standing.

<9 Minutes Later>

As I wipe the sweat from my brow and wipe the blood off my sword with my shirt, beneath me are 3 men, I look at Violet to see her sitting on a man, watching me.

"Where are the re-?"

The man suddenly yells, "Please don't kill me! I'll do-"

He's cut off with Violet's sinister aura and her grinding her foot into his skull, "Don't interrupt Master." She say's menacingly.

I've been thinking about releasing a Side-Story filling the lore on Monsters (AKA a Beastiary. Or just the lore in general). Let me know whether or not this interests you.

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