
adventure of Multiverse

Gautam_Patil · Cómic
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 new adventure begins.

Chapter 1 new adventure begins.

on earth,

Mumbai, India

on the 30th Flower Boy standing on the corner, the boy jumps from the building.

boys pov.

finally, this journey going to stop now, I am going to start a new journey.

finally this time for his death. In the final moments of his life, Gautam lay on the cold, hard pavement, the world around him dimming. He had been an ordinary man, a gamer by passion and an office worker by necessity. But as his consciousness faded, a peculiar thought echoed in his mind: if only life were as simple as a video game, with health bars, second chances, and respawns.

Supreme System Activated

· Name: Gautam patil

· Level: 1

· Charm: xx

· Luck: xx

· HP: 100/100

· MP: 100/100

· Skills: None

· Quests: None

"You must grow stronger, complete quests, and unlock the secrets of this world," Aetherius continued. "The fate of this realm rests upon your shoulders."

The light around Gautam intensified, and he felt a rush of energy surge through him. His vision blurred, and for a moment, he was weightless, spinning through the void. When he finally landed, it was on solid ground, in a lush, vibrant forest bathed in golden sunlight.

Gautam took a deep breath, the scent of pine and earth filling his lungs. He looked down at his hands, marveling at how real everything felt. The interface was still there, hovering just within his field of vision, a constant reminder of his new reality.

New Quest: Find Your Bearings

· Explore the forest.

· Reward: 100 XP, Basic Equipment Pack.

After calming down gautam looks at his reflection on the system panel, after that, he is frozen in place

Gautam patil, at seventeen, commanded attention with his striking looks and charismatic presence. Standing just over six feet tall with an athletic build, he had dark, tousled waves framing a perfectly sculpted face. His deep blue eyes, framed by thick lashes, could shift from playful to intense in an instant. His high cheekbones, angular jawline, and sun-kissed skin added to his allure.

After hours of navigating through the dense forest,

notification rang

Quest Completed: Find Your Bearings

· Reward: 100 XP, Basic Equipment Pack.

Supreme System Activated

· Name: Gautam patil

· Level: 2

· Charm: 140(normal charm is 65)

· Luck: xx

· HP: 150/150

· MP: 150/150

· New Skill: Beginner Survival Instincts.

congratulation on completing the first task

1. reward : sword:- Nightmare's Edge

after he gets out his sword another message comes from a system

(ding-drop blood on the sword)

after reading the message gautam dropped his blood on the sword, then another message came.

(ding- Nightmare's Edge has now become your soul weapon this sword can grow infinitely)

The Nightmare's Edge sword exudes an aura of darkness and despair, its very presence seeming to warp the reality around it. Those who gaze upon it cannot help but feel a sense of unease as if they are staring into the abyss itself.

In battle, the Nightmare's Edge sword moves with an eerie grace, its strikes swift and deadly. Each blow is accompanied by a haunting whisper as if the spirits of the fallen are guiding its wielder towards their inevitable doom.

Truly, the Nightmare's Edge sword is a weapon of nightmares, a harbinger of death and destruction wherever it goes.

The First Encounter

A pair of goblins emerged from the shadows, their crude weapons raised in aggression. Gautam squared his shoulders, his eyes locked on his adversaries.

Simple Sword Move: Slash

With a swift movement, Gautam swung his sword in a wide arc, cleaving through the air. The blade met its mark, slicing through the first goblin's defenses with ease. The creature stumbled backward, its weapon clattering to the ground.

Simple Sword Move: Thrust

Without hesitation, Gautam lunged forward, thrusting his sword towards the second goblin. The blade found its mark, piercing through the creature's chest. With a final gasp, the goblin collapsed at his feet.

Deeper Challenges

As Gautam ventured deeper into the forest, the monsters grew more ferocious. He faced giant spiders with venomous fangs and wolves with gnashing teeth. Each battle tested his skill and resolve, but Gautam remained focused, relying on his mastery of simple sword moves.

Simple Sword Move: Parry and Strike

A giant spider lunged at Gautam, its fangs dripping with venom. Gautam sidestepped the attack, his sword deflecting the creature's mandibles. In one fluid motion, he countered, driving his blade deep into the spider's abdomen. The creature screeched in pain before succumbing to its wounds.

Simple Sword Move: Crescent Slash

Surrounded by a pack of wolves, Gautam spun in a graceful arc, his sword tracing a crescent pattern through the air. The wolves recoiled from the sudden onslaught, giving Gautam the opening he needed to dispatch them with swift, decisive strikes.

The Heart of the Forest

At the heart of Seolo Forest, Gautam faced the most formidable opponent yet: a corrupted treant. Its massive form loomed before him, its eyes glowing with malice.

Simple Sword Move: Precision Strike

Gautam focused his energy, his gaze locked on the treant's weak spot. With unwavering determination, he dashed forward, his sword aimed for the creature's heart. The blade found its mark, piercing through the treant's bark with precision.

Simple Sword Move: Final Flourish

With a surge of strength, Gautam unleashed a final flourish of strikes, his sword flashing in the dim light. Each blow weakened the treant further until, with a final, resounding strike, the ancient creature fell to the forest floor, defeated.

Victory and Reflection

As the corrupted treant crumbled to dust, a sense of satisfaction washed over Gautam. Despite facing the forest's dangers alone, he had emerged victorious, his skill with the sword unmatched.

With a weary smile, Gautam sheathed his sword, his heart filled with pride. The journey through Seolo Forest had been arduous, but it had also been a testament to his strength and determination.

Departure from Seolo Forest

After his victorious battles in Seolo Forest, Gautam Walker prepared to embark on a new quest, this time journeying from the depths of the forest to the bustling city of Orario. Armed with his trusty sword and the courage born of his recent triumphs, Gautam set out on his solo adventure.

Quest: Journey to Orario

· Depart from Seolo Forest and reach the city of Orario.

· Navigate through unknown terrain and overcome any obstacles.

· Reward: 1000 XP, Gold Coins.

The Wilderness Path

The forest gave way to rugged terrain as Gautam ventured deeper into the wilderness. The path ahead was fraught with challenges – steep cliffs, treacherous ravines, and winding rivers. But Gautam pressed on, his determination unwavering.

Challenge: Cliffside Traverse

· Scale the steep cliffs blocking the path.

· Danger: High.

Gautam surveyed the sheer rock face before him, calculating his route. With a steady grip and nimble footwork, he began his ascent, each handhold and foothold a testament to his strength and agility. After a perilous climb, he reached the summit and continued on his journey.

Encounter with a Bandit Ambush

As Gautam traveled, he encountered a group of bandits lying in wait, their weapons drawn and face twisted with malice.

Battle Initiated: Bandit Ambush

· Number: 5

· Difficulty: Medium.

With no allies to aid him, Gautam faced the bandits alone. His sword flashed in the sunlight as he deftly parried their attacks and countered with precise strikes of his own.

Skill: Sword Mastery

Gautam's mastery of the sword proved to be his greatest asset, as he dispatched the bandits one by one. With each foe defeated, he drew closer to his destination, his resolve unshaken.

Arrival in Orario

After days of travel, Gautam finally reached the outskirts of Orario, the city's towering walls looming before him like a beacon of hope. Despite the challenges he had faced, he felt a surge of pride at having completed his journey.

Quest Completed: Journey to Orario

· Reward: 1000 XP, Gold Coins.

As Gautam stepped through the city gates, he knew that his adventure was far from over. But with his courage, skill, and the lessons learned along the way, he was ready to face whatever the future held in the grand city of Orario.

after coming to Ontario

he checks his new level

· Name: Gautam patil

· Level: 10

· HP: 500/500

· MP: 250/250

· special skills:

1. Crimson Requiem:

· Description: Channels the bloodlust of the ancient gods, empowering the caster with unstoppable fury. Each strike becomes a symphony of carnage, leaving behind a trail of crimson devastation as enemies are torn asunder.

· Skills: Advanced Swordsmanship, Elemental Affinity, Tactical Genius.