

Follow Uchiha's journey into the world of Dolo and how it influences events Where he is embodied after his death in the second ninja war The story will be different from the rest of the stories in terms of characters and I try to distinguish the events The hero has a cruel personality And a rather harsh silence And there is no hero system that depends on himself

Starlessii · Cómic
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33 Chs

Chapter nineteen :Izanami


Note: (I changed the appearance of the mc you can review its shape in chapter three).

After a few hours, the process ended and Tang San's lover, Xiao Wu, disappeared. Normally, absorbing such a ring should take a longer time, but because it was a sacrifice, it did not take long. As for the soul bone, it was the left leg. Suddenly, I felt many changes. I decided to see them later. 

"Are you okay?" Ning Rong asked worriedly.

"Yes, don't worry, I succeeded. Thank you for protecting me."

It seems that she deserves my trust because she did not do anything while I absorbed the Soul Ring, which would then make me defenseless, even though I kept a back card in such cases, but she did not know that. 

"I noticed that when I was talking to Xiao Wu that you wanted to talk to me, you can tell me.

"Nothing, but don't you think she's poor and you can just convince her without threatening her?"

"Hmm, it's disappointing. As a young lady, you should know these things. Becoming stronger means crushing others. If I behave in a different way, I might get a result, but most likely it will be worse or it will harm me. So you should know that when you identify someone as an enemy, you should... Deal with him without mercy because he will come back to bite you and cause problems."

"Yes, I understand, brother."

"It seems that you are not completely convinced. Do you know that if this rabbit comes out, she can tell two spiritual beasts of the level of 100 thousand years, and then they will try to kill me, and I will not be able to go to star dou? This is one of the problems, and there are others. In order to prove that leaving an enemy is unfair to yourself and causes problems, I will leave her lover, Tang San, who I wanted." "Kill him so that you know that what I say is true."

"But, brother, didn't you say that you would not kill him?" she asked in confusion

"Yes, and if you say so, do I have to stick to it?"

"As expected of you, brother."

"Ha-ha-ha, what do you mean?"

" nothing"

"Okay, now we should leave Soto City to avoid trouble."

"Where should we go?"

"We're going to the sunset forest."

"We didn't go there"

"There is a place that will help you, so don't ask."

After that, we left Soto City, and after a few minutes of leaving the city, we saw a person who looked like a beggar, with disheveled hair, and eyes red with anger. As soon as I saw him, a shiver ran down my spine. I recognized him as Tang Hao. I saw him a few times when I was in the Holy Spirit Village, but I don't think he was him. He will know me. It's been a long time and my appearance has changed. 

Suddenly, I quickly walked. I wanted to pass him, but I did not succeed because I heard his voice behind me saying, "Wait, boy, why do I feel the aura of my son's friend over you?" I screamed inside, "Curse you," you mean the ring of your son's soul. 

Then I told Rong Rong to run away. At my signal, she wanted to ask the reason, because even though the person seemed abnormal, they had a Soul Saint with them, but after seeing his worried and serious look, she remained silent and trusted him. Since he was worried, this meant that he was stronger than the Soul Saint, and most likely he was a douluo title. . 

Then I turned to Tang Hao and replied:

"What do you mean, sir, I don't care about other people's wives?" 

Rong Rong looked at  my with a blank look. 

As for Tang Hao, he felt a little embarrassed because his words could be interpreted in another sense, but then he said, "Boy, quickly take out your martial spirit, otherwise you won't be able to bear the consequences." He released his martial spirit, and the nine spirit rings lit up, especially

The Ninth Soul Ring, yes, it is a 100,000-year-old soul ring.

Ning Rong Rong looked in horror. It was the first time she saw a 100,000-year-old soul ring(After Xiao Wu's previous ring) , and even her grandparents did not have such a ring. She suddenly felt a sense of danger that she had never felt before. 

Suddenly, I was in trouble. How could I not understand why Tang Hao doubted me? The reason for this was because it had not been long since I absorbed the Soul Ring, and the faint aura of the Soul Ring was still on my body. It seemed that Tang Hao wanted to confirm the matter, and if he saw that I had obtained the Ring, he would kill me because he wanted the Ring for his son. 

Suddenly, another person, yes, it was Ning Rong Rong's time guard, appeared in front of us and said, "Master, the girl is the princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Sect and the boy is her boyfriend. Can you tell me how he offended you? Perhaps there is only an understanding."

"Hmph, are you threatening me with your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Sect? I'm not afraid of anyone." 

The guard frowned and wanted to respond, but after thinking for a while, he decided to remain silent. There are not many douluo title on the mainland, and most of them would give face to the sect. Since he did not care, this meant that he was not afraid of the sect. He might be from the Spirit Hall, but after looking again at the person and seeing his martial spirit, he made a guess. Who is he but can't offend him because he's a madman who killed the pope from the Soul Hall. 

Suddenly he was in a dilemma. He knew the nature of the young lady and it was impossible for her to leave the boy behind her. When he thought about making her unconscious, he saw Enlil giving him a signal and decided to wait. 

As for Uchiha Enlil, he knows that he is not a competitor to Tang Hao, and one hit is enough to kill him for that. He approached him, activated his fighting spirit, and shouted: "Range, run away." 

Before she knew what was happening, she saw that the guard was carrying her and going away. She started screaming and trying to get rid of the guard's hand: "Leave me. How can you leave Enlil alone? Take me back quickly, otherwise I will tell my father to punish you." When she saw that it was useless, she shouted in Enlil's direction: "It is better to have a plan and not die." Otherwise, I will never forgive you." 

"I don't know if it was courage or stupidity that you dared to stand in front of me alone. Are you ready to die?" He said in an angry voice when he saw the red fourth soul ring. As for Rong Rong and the guard, he ignored them. He did not care about them. Also, despite saying those boastful words, he did not want to be. Enemy for Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Enough Soul Hall that made him live in a village in hiding

"Not yet, I have a lot of things to do."

"It is unfortunate because I will kill you and take the greatness of your soul."

Then Tang Hao stepped forward and grabbed me by the neck, but I hit him at the same time with a kunai in the corner of his hand, but it did nothing but tear a small tear in his worn clothes: "It's no use, but before I kill you, I want to ask you how you made her sacrifice the Soul Ring." I did not answer, but in At the same time, I disappeared and appeared five meters away. Yes, it is the new skill I obtained. 

"It's no use," I heard his voice as he put his grip on my neck again. 

"It's interesting that you have a teleportation skill, but I haven't seen you do a soul ring skill. Is it a soul bone?" 

"It's no use, now answer me, how did you make her sacrifice her soul ring?" he asked after I tried to attack him, but I did nothing but tear a piece of clothing. 

"Are you sure?" I asked with a smile

"What do you mean, brat?" After that, he looked around and immediately noticed that the piece of clothing he had just torn off was the same place he had previously attacked, but he decided to ignore that.

 Considering that he was wrong, but his senses were telling him something was wrong, he decided to kill him because how he made her sacrifice the soul ring was not important and it was just curiosity, and after that he cut off his head with his fist and blood flowed. 

But suddenly he found himself in the same place he was in before he attacked that boy. He looked in front of him and found that the boy was alive and there was no injury or mark on his neck He looked at his clothes unconsciously and noticed that his torn clothes had returned. 

"How did you do that? What skill is this?" 

"It's not important. What you need to know is that you are in my grip." 

"Don't kid me, I'm douluo title, how can I fall for the trick of a brat like you."

He advanced and beheaded him with one blow, but he found himself in the situation. The boy looked at him and said lightly, "I told you it is useless to surrender." 

"You bastard, I will kill you." 

About a quarter of an hour later, a huge explosion occurred at the previous location, and in the middle of the explosion was Tang Hao, panting

He succeeded in breaking free from this illusion after detonating eight rings and using his most powerful attack. 

Away from this place, Enlil Uchiha was running at full speed in the direction he had previously indicated to the guard to take, which was the Sunset Forest. 

He was also holding his right eye, and if he looked closely, he would find that his eye had become white 

Damn Tang Hao, he forced me to activate the Izanami and I lost my right eye. Because of him, I didn't even know what the ability of my right eye was. I only know that my left eye has a place-related ability, and thanks to it, I escaped from Tang Hao. 

Now I am weak, but in the future I vowed to take revenge. Suddenly, he felt something and looked back and said: It seems that he has been freed from Izanami, but he is late and I am a long way away and I placed fake tracks using a shadow lookalike that will lead him to the city of Soto. Most likely he will go there. 

Now when I think about what happened, I feel angry, all because of a simple miscalculation, because I expected that when he found that his wife was missing, he would get angry and look for the perpetrator, but on the contrary, he went to Tang San to protect him. It is good that I mastered Izanami, otherwise I don't know what would have happened. 

But I don't know how to treat my eye and it seems that the treatment will be difficult. Maybe only the gods can treat it because it is not an injury in the sense. In fact, it is more like a sacrifice.