

“Little Ren.” “Yes master?” “I’ve been hearing some things lately.” “Oh, like what?” “For one, an Imperial transport from The Great Yang was surrounded and looted just a few weeks ago. Have you heard about this?” “What? That’s awful! Who would do such a thing?” “Also, I’ve been hearing that someone has been extorting the local businesses on the island. Have you heard about this?” “That certainly is cause for concern.” “Hmmm, someone has likewise been forcing the local pirates to pay a so-called protection fee, they’ve made quite a sum I’ve been told. Have about heard about this?” “These are indeed troublesome times.” “Hmmm, one last thing, apparently all of this was done by one group, they say their leader is quite young.” “Don’t worry master! I’ll get to the bottom of this!” “…..” Shameless! My disciple is shameless!!!

WithTheWind · Oriental
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

You kidnapper!

::Blue Reef City- Eastern District::

Space began to warp and twist in a dusty back alley as a strange blue light started to flash. A weird bubble appeared before vanishing in a flash of blue light. From the light a figure came into view. The figure remained still for a while, once he realized that everything was clear he relaxed.

"Dammit, why couldn't I just be chucked into some random starter village?!"

'Also, you have a lot of things you need to explain to me!' he shouted in his head towards the system

After all of the stressful sequence of events, he could finally take some time to himself and gain his bearing. He would force this damn thing to explain the entire situation to him.

Why did he have the system in the first place?

How could it actually help him besides giving out gifts?

Where was he actually supposed to go?

What was he supposed to do?

And most importantly, why was he so little?!


The system didn't respond.

Before Li Renjie could retort he suddenly heard a weak sound come directly from behind him.


He quickly jumped up as his eyes quickly focused on whatever snuck up on him!

A little girl!

She had short black hair that reached her shoulders, deep but quite dim blue eyes, was dressed in blue cotton robes, and seemed to be about thirteen years old.

"U-Uhm…excuse, m-me…I…uh," the little girl began talking but just ended up mumbling before averting her gaze and staring at her feet.

Li Renjie was stunned!




His left eye quickly began to glow.


Seeing that he could not see her reflection he relaxed a bit; however, thinking back to how he couldn't see the two elders' reflections and how his left eye actually began to ache when he tried to look at the purple robed elders' reflection, he couldn't help but ponder.

How exactly did his eyes work in this world?

He needed to do some tests.

For now though he took a moment to glance at the nervous wreck of a child before shaking his head. Even though he was now in this tiny body, he was still a young man inside, he felt a bit moved seeing her pitiful expression.

'She seems to be lost and scared. Poor girl, who would bring and abandon her in sum muddy back alley like this? How awful, people are indeed cruel.' He shook his head as he lamented the heartlessness of mankind.

[...] The system hearing his inner monologue remained unnaturally quiet.

Li Renjie slowly approached the little girl while trying to appear friendly.

"Hello little girl, do you need some help?"


"…. are you lost?"


"Ehm…are you hurt?"


'What the hell?!'

'Can't you give me something to work with?' Li Renjie was at a loss.


'Are you enjoying this?!'


'Damn thing!'

Li Renjie's face contorted at the sound of the systems laughter, the little girl seemed to think he was displeased with her for not responding, she quickly bowed down and stammered out some words.

"T-T-Thank you f-f-or saving me…" she said before quickly looking down again.


[Hahahahaha!] the system was unable to contain itself.

The little girl seeing that the young boy didn't seem upset any longer slowly lifted her eyes to meet his.


She couldn't help but marvel at the reflections from the boy's eyes. The orange and yellow skies were captured flawlessly in those eyes of his.

She could even clearly see herself reflected in those silver eyes; it was the clearest reflection she had ever seen. Although, she couldn't understand why he had two pupils, it looked quite strange to her.

'System, explain! What's she talking about?!'

[What's there to explain? You abducted her! She was teleported with you from the previous location! You kidnapper!]

'Guh!' Li Renjie reeled.

He was the one who brought a child out into this place?

What the hell?!

He couldn't take care of a child!

'Send her back!'

[No can do.]


Li Renjie ignored the system before turning back to the little girl.

"It seems I got you caught up in my mess, sorry I'll try to send you back home, although it might take..." before he could finish, he saw the little girl began to shiver slightly before beginning to shake her head vigorously.

"I-I don't want to go back! P-Please don't send me back!" She clutched onto a small wooden box in her hands as she spoke.

Li Renjie was stunned before taking a second look at the little girl.

There was faint bruise on her face, her hands too were covered in faint scars.

Though faded, they still told part of her story.


Li Renjie was conflicted, seeing the girl's reaction he obviously knew he couldn't send her back there, but he couldn't keep a child with him. Hell, he too was now trapped in a child's body.

"Do you have any family or relatives?"

"…..." the little girl said nothing, but her eyes dimmed a bit more as she shook her head.


'I didn't…' Li Renjie wanted to respond to the system but couldn't, he felt empathy for the little girl.

She was like him.


He began to rack his brain.

He couldn't leave her alone in this random alley even he didn't know where they were, and he also couldn't send her anywhere else.

What to do?

The little girl glancing at his face seemed to understand what he was thinking. Her eyes trembled ever so slightly but that was all.

"T-thank you for s-saving me. Even if it was by accident, I'm still grateful," as she spoke her voice became clearer.

"You don't need to worry about me, I-I'll be…f-fine."

After saying what she wanted to say she bowed again before turning walking away, gently holding onto her little wooden box.


Li Renjie said nothing but as he saw the little girl's lonely figure his heart ached. He was truly conflicted; it would be a lie to say that he hadn't suffered being alone his entire life.

No family.

No real friends.

No one.

It was lonely.

It hurt.

He wanted to escape it all.

'She's just a little girl…'

'She's not me, this isn't the same.'

'Am I really going to leave her alone?'

'I don't even know her! I have dreams of my own! She'll only burden me!'


'Let her leave. She'll be fine, I was.'

'Was I…?"

'This was just a chance encounter; I have no obligation to help her.'


His breathing rate started to increase as his heart began to race.

[…..] the system seemed genuinely surprised by his reaction.

The little girl was just about to turn the corner and disappear before she suddenly heard rushed footsteps coming from behind her. The little silver eyed boy was running towards her, soon he was right in front of her.

She could clearly see herself in those eyes of his.

"If you have nowhere to go, you can stay with me…for now."

It was simple a sentence and quite blunt at that.

He didn't know what else to say.

The little girl stared blankly into his eyes.

They were almost the same age, although he was just a bit taller it was clear they were both just children. He obviously didn't have anything, wearing only dirty linen robes and barefoot at that.

And yet.

She felt a sense of kindness in his words.

Tilting her head down she didn't say much and simply nodded while shivering slightly.

She didn't want to be alone.

'She must have been through a lot,' Li Renjie thought as he looked at the little girl who was trying to hold back her tears.

'Well, I've always wanted to have siblings, and it's not like anything has been going to plan anyway. She can now be considered my temporary little sister...until I find a place for her to stay of course,' Li Renjie tried to console himself.

[Who'd have thought you'd actually be a somewhat decent person.]

'Screw you!'

"What's your name?"

"Xueyue…I can't remember my family name."

"…. I see," Li Renjie was at a loss for what to say.

This was going to be tough.

But he had already made his decision, he started walking ahead before looking towards Xueyue and smiling.

"Let's go."

Xueyue looking back at his silver eyes couldn't help but stare into them.


Without blemish.

"Un," she nodded before starting to follow.

The two walked out of the alley, their silhouettes outlined by the setting sun.