
A Conference of Snakes

"Such a pity."

With a disappointed sigh, Erika took out a white cloth from her inner pocket before proceeding to cleanse her knife of bloodstains. She didn't even bother to glance at the dying man a few feet away from her.

There was no way that he was going to survive. Erika made sure of that. She punctured his heart with a single thrust. That was an injury that no ordinary man could possibly survive.

The only real problem now was how to dispose of the body.

However, to her convenience, the solution arrived right in front of her.

"My Lady, the emperor has- My God... What happened here?"

An Omega Battalion colonel flanked by four infantry men soon found Erika, seemingly with a message relating to Maxwell.

"We have a 'situation 7'. Ensure that this 'mess' is cleaned up. Now what is this about the emperor?"

As one would expect, every member of the Omega Corps consisted only of those who were extremely loyal to the Imperium. Not only did they excel in the examinations which tested their capabilities and competence but they also displayed the lowest signs of dissidence.

As such, every Omega Corps soldier, whether they be a mere infantryman or a commanding officer would never question any of the Imperium's orders or policies.

"Understood. The emperor has called an emergency war conference. Only those of the highest levels of authority are permitted entry."

"Emergency war conference? Where?"

The colonel kept a straight face as he spoke, representing his staunch unwavering loyalty to the Imperium.

"In this very building actually. Maxwell is currently awaiting for you in the War Room."

Erika returned her knife and cloth to the inner pockets of her coat before she responded to the colonel.

"I see. Then I must depart immediately."

Soon, Erika turned her attention away from the colonel before she proceeded to leave for the War Room. However, just before she did, Erika decided to leave the colonel a message first.

"If you're going to question why I killed that man don't bother. He was a threat to the integrity and security of the Imperial Drussian Armed Forces and thus made him a threat to the Imperium of Drussia as a whole."

When Erika said this, she made sure to face the colonel again before staring deep into his eyes.

"A man like that must be eliminated immediately."

"Understood my lady."

When Erika heard the man's response, she once again turned away from the colonel.

"Then handle the mess as you wish."

However, like before, just before Erika could leave, she remembered another message that she should leave the colonel before she made her way for the War Room.

"Oh... one more thing. Until told otherwise, you are not permitted to speak a single word about this incident. Is that understood?"


It was only when Erika confirmed the colonel's answer did she finally decide to leave the colonel and his infantrymen to clean up the 'mess.'

The 'War Room' as its name would suggest was the room designated for surveying the current war situation of the Imperium as well as planning future Drussian military actions. It was also in this room that the most important and classified military documents were held.

Due to its importance, it was placed in the exact centre of the Imperial Military Tactics and Administration Centre.

It was only after walking around the maze-like labyrinth of the I.M.T.A.C for ten whole minutes did Erika finally reach the War Room.

Due to the I.M.T.A.C actually being a renovated and repurposed citadel made from what was left of the Citadel of Briegkhoven after it was besieged by the Paniards, the War Room was actually a remodelled throne room.

As such, the War Room was grandiose in scale as the ceiling appeared to reach into the skies. Tall marble pillars lined up the halls while sculptures of coiling snakes were engraved into the pillars.

Of course due to being a remodelled throne room, the War Room had a throne.

And of course, the one sitting on that throne was none other than the emperor; Maxwell Von Galnus Dunnwal.

In front of Maxwell was a long rectangular table which contained a map of the Eurrelpeon continent. Other than the throne, there were also similarly luxurious seats that only fell slightly short of being as extravagant as Maxwell's throne spread out amongst the table.

The others present within the war room was the imperial prime minister; Cromwell Gorro Dunnwal, the imperial treasurer; Keizwell Garno Dunnwal, the imperial secretary of miscellaneous divisions; Sicilia Gella Dunnwal and the Marshal of the 101st Alpha Corps; Zanack Dugall Xavos.

It would seem that the Marshal of the 363rd Gamma Corps; Wilhelm Erich Rommel was absent from this meeting. However, when one thought about it, Wilhelm's absence from the conference made sense if one thought about Wilhelm's current circumstances.

Soon, Cromwell confirmed Erika's suspicions just as she took her seat among the table.

"Now that the commander-in-chief has arrived, we can finally commence with the War Conference. Unfortunately, Marshal Wilhelm is currently unable to join us do to his duties in the newly annexed western Porrand."

"Yes yes, none of us here are idiots Cromwell we can skip the formalities."

Erika caught a slight expression of irritation show on Cromwell's face before Maxwell continued speaking is his usual, nonchalant tone.

"Before we begin on the main topic, why don't we deal with the minor subjects first? If there are any of course."

"May I begin?"

The first one to respond was Erika.

"I see no reason why not."

Maxwell leaned back onto his throne as he permitted Erika to speak.

"Unfortunately, we have experienced our first 'situation 7,' although the perpetrator has already been eliminated and his body should be disposed of, I still wish to question if I should continue with the standard procedure."

That standard procedure being to not let the news of the person's death become public until a conflict comes up. From there the plan was to reveal to the public that said person has died 'heroically' during the conflict.

This sort of procedure would be what Maxwell calls 'hitting two birds with one stone.' Not only does it hide the true nature of that person's death from the public but it also helps to foster a sense of nationality and pride within the citizens of the Imperium.

Soon enough, Maxwell gave Erika her answer.

"I don't see why not. Although I said it before, I really have no other answer to give you."

After chuckling to himself, Maxwell once again questioned those present within the war conference.

"Does anyone else have something they feel that they need to bring up at this moment?"

"I believe it is my turn."

Everyone's eyes turned to Sicilia the moment she spoke up in response to Maxwell's question.

"Everyone here is aware of the Wraith Initiative correct?"

Although everyone knew what the Wraith Initiative actually was, albeit of a very limited capacity, no one decided to respond to Sicilia. Instead they allowed silence to be their answer. Even Maxwell laid back on his throne as he rested his cheek on his fist.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Sicilia spoke with a combination of her usual snarky and mocking tone in combination with what seemed to be pride. It would seem that she was extremely proud of what she has done.

"Allow me to introduce to you, the first 'product' made by the combined efforts of the Heisenberg institute and your's truly."

As Sicilia said this, she moved to the side to reveal a figure behind her.

The figure wore a completely black hooded cloak which left no skin exposed. The figure wore the hood over its head with a blank mask to conceal its face. The mask had no features and only appeared as a blank curved slate with only a set of eyeholes and an array of miniature holes where the mouth should be.

Within moments, the figure walked in front of Sicilia in order to present itself to everyone. However, Erika felt that there was something off about it.

Even with its bizarre appearance, the most strange thing about the figure was its composure and the way it moved.

It looked stiff and lifeless.

Its eyes seemed to be gazing at nothing.

As if it was nothing more than an empty doll tied to a string.

But the most surprising thing about the figure was its size. Unless it was a midget, then Erika was sure that the figure was nothing more than a mere child.

But even if it was a child, Erika knew that if Sicilia said so then this figure should truly be a competent and dangerous person. After all-

"How the hell did that get in here?"

Cromwell's confused voice displayed what everyone's thoughts were upon seeing this mysterious masked figure. Everyone... except Maxwell. When Erika glanced at Maxwell, he still kept that unperturbed casual demeanour. In fact, it looked as if he was a little underwhelmed.

Soon, Sicilia answered Cromwell's question in a mocking voice.

"You idiot. She snuck in of course."

Within moments, Sicilia started a presentation about the figure.

"Meet 'Operative 0,' the first successful wraith; magically gifted individuals who serve under the Imperium. Now I would like to make it clear that wraiths are distinctively different from those magically gifted knights who just love to run facefirst into our bullets."

The more that Sicilia spoke, the more that looks of understandings grew on the people present in the war council. Everyone except the person who was most likely responsible for conceiving the idea of the wraith initiative; Maxwell.

"As you can tell, wraiths excel in stealth and covert operations rather than battles on open fields, although they can still hold their own in a fight. Whether it be espionage or assassinations, I can assure you that they will complete their duties without delay."

"Lady Dunnwal. Do you mind if I ask you something?"

As Sicilia concluded her presentation, she was immediately questioned by Zanack.

"Of course not."

"I don't know why exactly, but I don't get the sense that your 'Operative 0' is alive. Just what did you do to 'it?'"

Sicilia answered Zanack's question in a blunt, straight to the point voice, completely unlike the mocking voice she had when speaking to Cromwell.

"I'm afraid that I can't answer that question. It's a trade secret after all. The wraith initiative operates on a 'need to know basis' so unless I or Maxwell deems it necessary, you don't need to concern yourself with the 'raw materials' or the 'production process' of wraiths.


A short moment of silence passed after Zanack refrained from pursuing the true nature of the wraiths. Erika herself didn't care if she were to never know the truth behind the wraiths. If it's Maxwell's will that Erika may not know about the truth, then she would only comply.

Soon, the silence was broken by Maxwell's voice.

"Now that, that's settled is there anything else that anyone would like to share?"

Seeing that there was no response, Maxwell smirked slightly before he continued.

"Then we can move on to the main event; the news of a possible incursion into Drussia in the form of a Katholic Crusade. Although... I do doubt that there is much to talk about."

Although Maxwell spoke in a casual tone, this time Erika was also able to sense a condescending glint within his voice.

"After all, It doesn't matter how many zeros try to work together under the illusion that they can achieve their shared goals. In the end, they will never amount to more than nothing."