
Advent of the Demonic Mage.

Leonel, 27 years old, son of the wealthiest man in Britain, found himself in the body of an abused, affinity-less, hybrid prince, demon-human of the demon Kingdom. His uncle, the demon king, sent him to the human kingdom under the pretense of protecting him, but it was all a ruse. Assassins were sent to kill him, as the king feared he was a threat to his throne. On the brink of death, Leonel discovered new powers within himself. A spirit companion, a dual affinity for Light and dark magic, and a demonic eye - all rare and coveted. With new power at his disposal, Leonel set out on a journey to reclaim the demon kingdom. Along the way, he'll face many challenges and will have to decide what kind of mage he wants to become. Will he use his powers for good, or will he succumb to the darkness within him?

Unique_Ideas_ · Fantasía
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3 Chs

A frozen wasteland.

Leonel could be said to be just one of the bad boys, a rude child, but also particularly, a guy who loved his father so much.

His blonde hair was neatly swept back, and his body was crafted in tats. On a Friday afternoon, he sat in his room, and scrolled through his phone, looking at the latest post of his father on his social media page.

As he scrolled on, his eyes caught something that irked him. He abruptly stood up from his bed, and to his door.

He met his father standing in front of his room ready to knock as he opened the door.

"I need to tell you something," Mr Lucian said with a straight face.

"Let me go on first." He responded with a raise of his hand.

As he saw that his father gave him a go ahead, he voiced out in anger, his bottled up frustration, "What the fucking hell did I see on your page? Don't tell me you plan to marry her after all that I told you?"

"I see," Mr Lucian trailed on, and then added, "That's also what I came to tell you. I am getting engaged to her soon and I want you to behave well with her."

"That's bullshit!" Leonel responded, his nose flared in anger. He retreated his steps back into his room and slammed the door to his room shut at his father.

Mr Lucian, the target of the unruly behavior, stood unfazed by his words, and his mouth opened to form a response.

"I knew you weren't any different from your mother," he spat out, his face scrunched up in anger.

Leonel stood up from his bed as he heard the words of the old man behind the door. He hated those words. He hated hearing anything related to his mother, especially when he was being compared to her.

He picked up his phone from the table and stomped towards the door.

"That's it! I'm leaving this house for you to do whatever you want. Bring in your slutty mistress whom you love so much," he said to his father, who was still there just as he expected as he opened the once closed door.

"You don't talk about your stepmom like that!" Mr. Lucian raged, his tone very high as he made his words clear to his unruly son. "There's nothing left to discuss. I'll marry her."

"Fine!" Leonel shouted, his hands raised up in an undefensive pose.

He walked past his father towards the door leading out of the house and said, "Go on if you don't mind losing your son."

Even though he threatened his father with these words, his father didn't say anything. He only turned and looked at him with a grim expression before leaving for the sitting area.

Seeing this, Leonel looked on at him, his mind hoping that the love his father had for him was somewhat better than the one for his so-called lover, but it was all a lie.

He turned the doorknob dejectedly, still looking on, maybe his father would tell him to stay, perhaps he would change his mind.

But nothing happened. Stepping out of the door without any change, his face hardened and so did his heart. He stomped his foot to the parking lot and inserted his key into his car before speeding out of the house.

And while he did that, Mr. Lucian stood on the couch in the sitting room with a grim expression on his face.


Leonel was very high even though he never had any drugs or alcoholic drink. Or did he?

Yes, he did. After leaving the house in anger, he had driven away to his friend's bar to have a drink or two.

He had walked into the bar with a very hot face. His neatly swept hair, a scattered mess on his head.

With all the eyes of the ladies, ogling him, he simply didn't acknowledge them today. He walked straight in and sat in front of the counter to get a few drinks.

After drinking for a while, he noticed that his friend wasn't there, so he left the bar to go and meet him at home. His brain didn't bother to tell him to call him first.

And currently, he was behind the wheel, reeking of alcohol and barely able to see in front of him, driving off to his friend's house.

Does he have a death wish? Not really, but fate had something else in store for him.

He managed to watch his speed limit and made it to the intersection leading to his friend's house, but…

Even though he had been in perfect control of his speed. The alcohol did nothing to affect him negatively except helping to dispel his anger.

As the traffic light turned green, he revved his car engine and sped on, only to see a big truck coming towards him from the left through his side mirror.

He only heard a strong, high-pitched ringing sound in his ear as the truck collided with him. He had only thought about this at the end.

"Is this my fate or is this unnatural?"

At the end, he still thought about his father. His mother had been a drug addict until she died, and she didn't have the time to show him love as she was busy showing all her love to her drugs.

His father had been there for him, and that was why he would never let him marry his mistress. She is a slut, someone who he had once used to satisfy his older woman sexual fantasies, and even though he adamantly told his father, he wouldn't believe him.

The woman had already gotten into his head. What a pity!


In a desolate, frozen wasteland, body parts, limbs, heads, and even whole corpses were scattered across the snow-covered ground. The air was so cold that it felt like a morgue.

Amidst this eerie scene, a thin human hand emerged from the snow-covered ground, accompanied by muffled sounds as the hand tried to free itself.

After a few struggles and pushing hard, the rest of the human body emerged from the snow. Emerging from the snow, the human's skin showed no signs of frostbite or skin breakage, but it was as white as a mummy and his frame was frail.

The man's features were well-defined, his face structured and pale, and his body frail, resembling that of a woman.

Despite his graceful appearance, the words coming out of his mouth were a stark contrast.

"What the fuck is this place?" The frail voice barely echoed in the deserted area, emphasizing its weakness.

Leonel's eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing. His eyes scanned the surroundings, trying his best to spot something that would calm his raging mind.

A minute ago, he had been driving his car, thinking of meeting his friend, and now he found himself in a place that looked so gloomy; he could only describe it as an ancient wasteland.

His initial thought was to connect this abnormal place to his accident, but would he call it heaven or hell?

This place doesn't fit the features of either heaven or hell. Hell is typically described as very hot, while heaven is warm and tranquil. Perhaps heaven is a cold place and hell is a hot place. But can both be mixed together?

Realizing this flawed reasoning, he pinched himself and felt the pain, confirming that this was not a dream.

After trying his best to find an explanation for what was happening, he cursed and let out his frustration. He then paused to think about how to get out of there.

Maybe the answer to his question lay in getting out of the frozen landscape.

He decided to walk towards the area that felt warmer, thinking that the entrance might be there and it would be warm.

He dragged his frozen foot across the snow-covered plain, struggling to reach the strange door that stood alone in the middle of nowhere. He didn't know what lay beyond it, but it was the only hope he had of escaping the freezing cold.

As he approached the door, he noticed that it wasn't attached to any walls or structures, as if it was floating in open space.

The door stood at least twice as tall as a man, made of shining metal and inlaid with intricate designs. Runes and symbols that he couldn't read covered its surface, and it seemed to glow with a faint light of its own.

As he drew closer, he could feel a subtle vibration in the air around it, as if the door was humming to itself. The air around it shimmered with heat, contrasting sharply with the freezing cold of the snowy plain.

'What is this place?' Leonel's heartbeat hammered in his heart as he thought.

Welcome readers. Hope you enjoy it. Let's go to the next chapter. Shall we?

Unique_Ideas_creators' thoughts