
Big Brother Allen

In no time, Allen reached Scarlett's school and asked around for her class. Having found it, he headed straight to pick her up but when he got to her class, he saw some boys bullying her and she was on the floor with tears in her eyes.

He suddenly got angry that he didn't know when he rushed to the group of boys and pushed them away. Thankfully, he didn't exact too much strength or he would have injured them which will then cause him more problems.

"If I ever see you touch her again, I promise to make you and your entire family disappear!" He said to the boys who then screamed and ran away in fear. He ignored them and turned to Scarlett. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" He asked her.

She shook her head in reply without saying a word and Allen was able to confirm that what her mother said about her not saying anything was true.

"Come, let's go back home," he said and carried her on his back before leaving the school and boarding a train back home.

When they arrived back home, Scarlett didn't say a word to him and went into her bedroom. Allen sighed and got into the kitchen to prepare lunch with the available foodstuff. While he was cooking, she came out of her room and entered the kitchen, he was expecting her to say something to him but she didn't, instead, she watched him as he prepared the food.

When he was done, he served her and she hurriedly left with the food, back into her room even before he could say something to her.

"How can I get her to talk to me?" He mumbled with a sigh and then served his food. "Maybe I should go join her in the room," he said and carried his food to Scarlett's room.

As he got to the room, he knocked on the door and minutes later, she opened it for him.

"May I come in?" He asked her and she moved aside which means that he was allowed to enter. He smiled and went inside and then she closed the door behind him, looking around, he was quite fascinated by the fineness of the room and even how neatly arranged it is. "Your room is a good place to stay," he said to her and then sat down on the chair by the side of the bed.

Scarlett ignored him and went over to her bed where she sat down and continued to eat her food again. It was like she was happy he was with her but she didn't or perhaps couldn't say so, she would only occasionally glance at him and then continue her food.

Allen noticed it and decided to talk. "If you want to talk to me and don't know how to, start with a hi and I'll respond immediately. Keeping everything to yourself is sometimes not good, you can feel free with me and talk. Besides, I don't bite little girls like you," he said to her with the last words a bit dragged. Realizing what he had just said, he turned to look at her expression but surprisingly, she was calm about it like the words had no sinister meaning. Seeing that she wasn't still saying anything to him, he sighed and stood up, "If you still won't talk, I'll get going. Got other things to do," he said to her and left the room with his place.

As he left, Scarlett watched him leave and when he was gone, she opened her mouth and mumbled a word. Outside the room, Allen smiled and walked away. He had heard what she said despite how low her voice was and, this, of course, made him relieved.


Later in the day, he wanted to go out into the forest for a hunt but just as he was about to leave the house, Scarlett ran and stood before him.

"I-I want to go with you," she said to him but her head was lowered while she spoke as she didn't want to meet his gaze.

"Do you know where am going? It's a forest, pretty dangerous for a little girl like you," he replied to her.

"But I want to go, can't I?" She asked him.

"I can let you come with me but not until you tell me why you don't talk to anyone," Allen said. He didn't have any problems with her coming along with him, he is capable of protecting her from the monsters as long as they are weaker than him. If they encounter a higher-rank monster, he'll carry her and escape first.

"I promise to tell you when we come back," she replied.

"Very well then. Shall we go?" Allen asked her and she nodded. He locked the door and held her by the hand as they headed for the forest which wasn't too far away from the village. It was the same forest he had come out from and so though he wasn't familiar with it, he was certain that they won't get lost inside.

"You have to stick with me so you don't get lost and when you see me dealing with any monster, be sure to stay far away but be close so you do not get lost, okay?" Allen said to her as they went into the forest.

"Yes, I will not wander away," she replied to him.

Just as they stepped into the forest, a monster sneaked out from behind but unfortunately for it, Allen was aware of its presence, and just as it was about to attack them, he turned around and caught it by the neck.

"Close your eyes for a moment," he said to Scarlett who was hiding behind him. She nodded and closed her eyes immediately, he smiled and then faced the monster with a sinister smile on his face. "Die!" He said to it and slammed it on the ground, making sure to crush its head with his bare hand. Thankfully, the monster was a small one and so he didn't have to fight it or waste any time dealing with it. "You can now open your eyes," he said to her.

"You killed the monster!" Scarlett gasped in surprise. She then trailed her eyes to his hands and seeing the blood on his right hand, she gasped. "Big brother, your hand is bleeding!" She yelled with a frightened gaze.

Allen took a look at his hand and saw his hand covered in blood, only then did he realize that he was yet to clean off the monster's blood on his hand.

"This is actually the monster's blood and not mine, I just forgot to wipe it off," he replied to her only for her to breathe out in relief. Seeing how unfazed she was at the sight of the crushed monster's head and the blood on his hand, she all of a sudden, piqued his interest the more. "Aren't you scared?" He asked her.

"Of you?" She asked him back and turned to look at him directly. "I am not scared of you because you won't hurt me," she replied with her big eyes locked on him.

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