
Chapter 6

The class waited for the teacher to show. Mr Aizawa said to go outside after

Izuku's speech and wait for them. But it seems like for whatever reason they must have been keeper behind, as other classes were already leaving the assembly.

"What should we do? Should we go back to the hall and wait there or maybe go ask a teacher where they could be?" Momo Yaoyorozu a rather bodacious young women with her hair in a tired back ponytail.

"No we should stay here as Mr Aizawa's instructed" Iida -the guy with the blue hair- said.

"No we should go and have some fun" said the grape boy with a sickening grin.

"Oh and am I invited Mineta" Mr Aizawa said reappearing with Izuku trailing behind him.

"... nevermind" Mineta said as he shuffled to the back of the class. Izuku left Aizawa's side at the same time and walked over to Uraraka.

"What took you so long?" She whispered to him as the teacher explain what they were going to be doing.


Five minutes earlier

"So Midoriya I wanted to ask about your quirk" Aizawa said.

"Sure" Izuku said wondering if he knew about OfA.

"Did you really spend 10 months training?"

"Yeah… I mean, I didn't just use my Adaptation during the exam but I think it's fine" Izuku replied.

Looking Izuku straight into his eyes he asked, "Does your quirk affect you mental?".

"Yes… but it hasn't been anything permanent" he said as he walked away. (1)


"Nothing" Izuku said to her. Before Uraraka could reply Mr Aizawa said "Midoriya you came first in the entrance exam. What was your best throw in middle school?"

"106 metres, but I'm not sure if that counts" Izuku said.

"Without your quirk" Aizawa said annoyed.

"My quirk is passive so after my first throw I just keep getting better. This was my best FIRST throw but it was when I had just started training" Izuku explained.

"But in the assembly you said you worked your butt off to be able to fight robots" a pink skin girl with horns and yellow eyes said.

"I did… all I had to do was punch hard stuff to continually improve my strength" Izuku said.

Watching this Aizawa said "if your done can you please come up and throw this ball?"

"Oh, sorry sir" Izuku said as he walked over.

"All you have to do is throw the ball with your quirk as far as you can" Aizawa told him. Activating Full Cowling the ever so familiar green lightning reappeared around Izuku as he pulled his arm back and then he through the ball as hard as he could.

"1409 metres" Aizawa said as he showed the class a device that counted how far the ball went.

"We get to use our quirks!"

"This is going to be so cool"

"This is so fun"

"Is that right" Aizawa said about the three outbursts. "Whoever comes in last place will be expelled". Izuku having adapted to tell lies years ago gasped.

Yes he actually gasped.

"First will be the 50-metre dash. Iida and Asui, your first". The pair walked over to the starting line.


As Izuku predicted Iida won at 3.04 and Asui got 5.58 seconds. Next was Uraraka and Ojiro a student with a long tail with a tuft of blonde hair at the tip. The pair both used their quirks respectively, Uraraka used her quirk to lighten her clothes and Ojiro used his tail as a third leg. Uraraka got 7.15 and Ojiro got 5.49 seconds. Aoyama and Ashido, the two used their quirk surprisingly well with Ashido sliding on her acid and Aoyama jumped and launched himself back with his laser. To bad he had to stop half way.

"Midoriya, Bakugou, your next" Aizawa called.

Izuku after lining up used Spring Legs with One for All at 20% shot off the starting line and past end in only 2.08 seconds. Picking himself up Izuku noticed the looks of his classmates and teacher.



After he explained how his quirk gained more 'effects' the class continued with the rest of the activities. In Grip Strength he came second with 700kg, Yaoyorozu somehow made sort of crushing device and broke the machine. Skipping everyone's humiliating defeat to Mineta and Standing Long jump with either someone cleared the box or had a normal jump. Izuku came first in push ups and the long distance run he tied with Yaoyorozu who was riding a bike. Once the ball throw came around again Bakugou score 705.2 metres. Uraraka the black horse of the throw somehow got infinity, giving Izuku an idea.

"Do you mind if I have another go" Izuku asked Aizawa.

"Be my guess" he said wanting to see what Izuku will do.

Taking off his shirt Izuku heard a couple of gasps behind him but he ignored them. Transforming so to activate Dragon Wings, Spring Legs. Using a spike of 100% of One for All in his springs (legs) and 50% in his wings Izuku launched while also using Repulse for a further boost. Increasing his speed with Adaptation Izuku reached 10,000km in the air. Reaching back Izuku will Adaptation to keep healing him, he used 100% and Repulse (only at 50% though) to throw the ball as hard as he could. And then he let go and fell.


"Incredible" Aizawa said out loud by accident.

"What is?" Iida asked.

"It's the fact Midoriya just traveled 10,000km in 10 minutes" Yaoyorozu answered.

"No. It's that he is falling right now". Looking up class 1-A finally noticed what looked like a meteor coming straight for them.


Standing in the middle of a crater he just created Izuku whispered to self "Impact Resistance is amazing" and it was. There wasn't a scratch on him.


"So now that everyone is ready" Aizawa said while looking at Izuku who said just put his shirt back on.

"I will reveal the results"

Name Rank Name Rank

Momo Yaoyorozu 1st Koji Koda 11th

Shoto Todoroki 2nd Rikido Sato 12th

Katsuki Bakugou 3rd Tsuyu Asui 13th

Tenya Iida 4th Yuga Aoyama 14th

Fumikage Tokoyami 5th Hanta Sero 15th

Mezo Shoji 6th Denki Kaminari 16th

Mashirao Ojiro 7th Kyoka Jiro 17th

Eijiro Kirishima 8th Toru Hagakure 18th

Mina Ashido 9th Minoru Mineta 19th

Ochako Uraraka 10th Izuku Midoriya 20th (2)

(I'm too tired to alter this so just imagined Izuku being 1st or 2nd and everyone else down my 1)

"Nooo" Mineta yelled. "Why me?!"

"Also that 'expelling whoever comes last' thing was a lie.'' Aizawa said with a sly grin.


The day was finally over.

"DEKU"... nevermind.

"What is it Bakugou?" Izuku said exasperated.

"Why are you really here?" He asked.

"This again. I am trying to be a hero"

"No. Why are you here when your Dad's was a villain?" (2)


Sorry about the late upload after saying you would get another (this) chapter, it turned out I had forgotten plans I had already made.

(1) Foreshadowing…. mahhahahah.

(2) What in the world!

https://discord.gg/AACwaPQ link to a discord for news and if anyone wants to put quirk/story ideas there that would be awesome.

Izuku's Quirk's Effects:

Hyper Adaptation;Mutant- the ability to adapt to anything whenever the user chooses

(e.g. being able to tear the sludge villain) and Passively adapts to something for long periods of time (the weather/ heat or cold).

Also allows the user to copy Transformation and Emitter type quirk but not Mutant by having that DNA absorbed.

One for All;Emitter - stockpiles power simply, it gains more energy as it is passed on, it also lets the user use the past users quirks. The user can use the power on their body and quirk.

Dragon Wings;Transformation - user able to rapidly grow green dragon wings which do not need to be flap to lift off (Carry weight unknown).

Attraction/Repulse;Emitter - the ability to telekinetically attract objects to the user by manipulating the gravity of said object.

(Inko's quirk but Izuku trained it to be a lot more powerful)

Impact Resistance;Emitter - when activated the user becomes immune to impacts. Only works for 30 minutes, if used for longer than 30 minutes the user experiences extreme headaches that causes them to go unconscious afterwards for triple the amount of time past 30 minutes used once they stop using the quirk.

(Thanks to The_Inheritor for the 'effect')

Spring Legs;Transformation - turn the user's legs into a spring which can be used to launch themselves away. (They would coil their springs -legs- and then get launched)