
Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as he keeps up the act, maybe they'll continue to love him. It's worth it, even if it means sacrificing his true self. Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost. ________________________________________________________________ Oshi no ko Fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except my OC.

SUS · Cómic
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46 Chs

Prologue Ends

(Aikara POV)

I didn't respond for a while, but it seemed like Aqua saw right through me as he nodded, understanding my expression. "Judging from your face, it seems like you still want revenge," he acknowledged. "I'll discuss our plans with you once I've made progress in my investigations. In the meantime, continue auditioning for roles to make your mark in the entertainment industry."

Aqua, listening to your words, I want to stop you.

I want to tell you to stop pursuing revenge because I love you, I don't want you to be harmed.

Despite deciding to be selfish, I'm still the same person at my core.

A person who loves others.

That's why I don't want you to continue your revenge.

If you do, you might die.

I don't want that, it should only be me.

I'm willing to die for my cause and I'm sure you are too.

But, just because you are willing to die, doesn't mean I'm willing to let you die.

So, how do I stop him?

Should I say that I'll back out from the plan in hopes of making him quit.

No, that won't work, if it was that simple to make him give up, then he won't be willing to sacrifice himself in the first place.

Words won't be enough to dissuade you—I need to stop your plans forcefully.

For now, the best option is to continue being your partner in crime. By doing so, I can gather information about our father from you, as you're smarter than me and will likely uncover crucial details. Furthermore, by hearing your plans, I can secretly find a way to thwart them if you're putting your life at risk.

"Sure thing," I replied to Aqua. He seemed satisfied with my response and walked back to the apartment.

Now that I was alone, I began to contemplate Aqua's words. "Continue auditioning for roles," he said. I could do that, but the problem is that it will likely be an unsuccessful endeavor. I've been trying for the past month, attending numerous auditions, but I've failed each time. I'm not foolish enough to persist with something that has a low chance of success.

Let's consider why Ellie is successfully obstructing my chances. There are two factors at play. Firstly, Ellie's influence in the entertainment world is considerable. I can't even convince Miyako to persuade her to stop because Ellie left Strawberry Productions and joined Lalalie Theatrical Company. Secondly, my own insignificance plays a role. It makes sense for them to reject me if Ellie asks, as I'm not important enough for them to disregard her request.

So, does increasing my influence offer a way to secure a role despite Ellie's protests? The question is how to achieve that.

Singing and dancing are not my strengths, so gaining popularity through those avenues seems unlikely. The thought of exploring YouTube and becoming a streamer crossed my mind, but the platform's age restrictions pose a significant hurdle. YouTube's policies explicitly state that children under the age of 13 are not allowed to livestream without adult supervision. Violating this policy could lead to channel termination. It's clear that I'll have to wait until I turn thirteen to pursue that option.

Do I have no other alternatives? Should I simply continue trying auditions, as Aqua suggested?

"Haaah" I let out a sigh of frustration. I'm not particularly skilled in matters like these. Unlike Aqua, I'm not adept at planning or cunning enough to devise a brilliant solution for this situation. The only aspects I'm confident in are my emotional intelligence and acting ability.

For now, I decided to put these thoughts aside. It was already midnight, so I returned to the apartment and settled down on the futon. My mind was overwhelmed with tangled thoughts as I attempted to sort them out. Eventually, exhaustion took over, and I drifted back to sleep.


(12 years later)

"That's all, guys! I have to head to school now, so I'm ending the stream early!" Aikara exclaimed, his voice echoing through the room as his figure appeared on the webcam. He swiftly reached for a button and clicked it, bringing the stream to a close.

Aikara let out a groan as he stood up, stretching his body. "So tired... so sleepy," he muttered, completing a series of light stretches before making his way out of his room and descending the stairs.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he hurriedly walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a loaf of bread. Just as he was about to take a quick bite, Aqua's voice interrupted him.

"How much longer, Aikara?" Aqua's voice carried from the exit, prompting Aikara to rush to the entrance with a piece of bread in his mouth. He hastily adjusted his necktie.

Coming face to face with Aqua, Aikara removed the toast from his mouth and greeted him with an apologetic smile, clapping his hands together. "Sorry, Aqua-nii! I just finished streaming, so can you forgive me for being late?" Aikara's eyes gleamed with puppy-like innocence as he pleaded for forgiveness. Aqua sighed and covered his face.

"Fine," he replied indifferently.

Aikara seemed satisfied with Aqua's response and flashed a wide grin, making a peace sign. "Yay!" he cheered, but Aqua ignored him and turned to Ruby.

"How about you Ruby, what's taking you so long?" Aqua asked as he looked at Ruby who was looking at the mirror as she carefully started adjusting the bow tie on her neck as she tried to make it look as good as possible.

"Geez Ruby, you're always so clumsy." Aikara's voice entered her ears as she suddenly felt a pair of arms rest on her shoulders as she looked upward to see Aikara's face, his arms on her shoulder as he carefully adjusted her bow tie as he stood right behind her while he looked down, his breath caressing her head.

"Hmmm," he hummed, his voice tinged with satisfaction as he worked on her bow tie. When he finished, he beamed at her. "You look beautiful, Ruby! I'm sure you'll be a heartthrob at school. Although, anyone interested will have to pass your onii-chan's screening first before dating you," he teased, closing his eyes and playfully rubbing his chin.

Ruby grinned at his compliment as she started to rub the back of her head in embarrassment "Thanks a lot Aka nii!" She exclaimed as she started to inspect Aikara "I think you look handsome too Aka nii, I'm sure you'll get popular on looks alone." Her expression suddenly turned worried. "But are you sure about not wearing a wig? What if someone finds out?"

Aikara's smile warmed momentarily as he glanced at a picture on a nearby table. "Even if there's a chance of being discovered, I think Mom wouldn't want me to hide who I am. So I'll proudly embrace my purple hair and live my life authentically, because I'm her son."

Ruby seemed to appreciate his response, her smile glowing warmly as she nodded in approval. "I give you 100 points for that main character-like response," she remarked, giving him a thumbs-up, which he gladly accepted with a grin.

Observing their playful interaction, Aqua let out a sigh, realizing they were still fooling around despite being late. He quietly approached them while they were walking and swiftly raised his hand, attempting a karate chop.

As his hand descended, it struck Ruby's head, causing her to crouch down in pain, clutching the top of her head.

But, his other hand never met its target as Aikara quickly tilted his head to the side, evading the attempted strike. Yet despite tilting his head, the hand would have still hit his body so in one swift motion, his body arched backward as he propelled himself off his hands, flipping in mid-air, and landing back on his feet with finesse.

"What was that for, Aqua-nii?" Aikara asked curiously, his gaze fixed on Aqua, who clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Tch," Aqua scoffed. "No need to show off your amazing acrobatics."

"Hahaha, is our Aqua getting jealous perhaps?" Aikara asked as he leaned forward and looked at Aqua while wriggling his eyebrows.

Aqua ignored his teasing "Let's go, we'll be late."

"Yes~" Aikara responded cheerfully, offering a helping hand to Ruby, who was still recovering from the pain. She thanked him quickly, readjusting her skirt.

Aqua, who noticed Ruby's hand movements, took a good look at her skirt and realized just how short it is "Isn't your skirt too short?"

"Aqua nii, you've always sounded like an old geezer." She said which was followed by Aikara letting out a quick and quite laugh.

Aqua ignored her teasing as he opened the door and began walking away.

Aikara and Ruby took a few steps forward before realizing they had forgotten something.

Glancing to the side, they were greeted by a picture of the whole Hoshino family beaming with happiness.

"Mom, we're heading out now," Ruby said with a faint smile.

"Mom, wherever you are, we hope you'll keep an eye on us," Aikara added warmly.

Aqua, who was already walking away, quickly stopped for a brief moment as he also turned to the picture at the side, but he didn't say anything as he just stayed there for a few seconds before walking away once again, this time followed by Aikara and Ruby.


Thus, their prologue came to an end, and the curtain rises on a new act. Aikara, fueled by a newfound greed, embarks on a tale of revenge. No longer willing to forsake himself for the sake of others, he embraces his desires and seeks the revenge he so desperately craves. With each step, his determination intensifies, fueled by the memories of his past and the pain he carries within. This is the beginning of a journey where Aikara unapologetically pursues his path, unyielding in his quest for retribution.



Finally, teenager arc starts.

Aikara at 16 year old.

(Image here)

Should I make this the new cover for the novel?

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You'll be able to read four advanced chapters.