Moment ,moment,moment
Awake the fantasy,need to rouse inner child.
....A smooth road is fun for ride
...A restrict road give adventurous side.
1 ) whatever,ever,ever..
You succeed or not
But,still ,please grow forever.
Our ambition,you proceed,blessever
So ,no stop,never,ever ,ever.
Just do action at every moment
So forget recent,coming new events.
Don't be silent ,be fluent.
2 ) Don't care,care,care
What you are?
You ,just show,you be a player.
Ignore,just flip the hair..
In the air,air,air,air...
Just do action at every moment.
Don't be abortion,be cuent.
Less spent ,more earner.
👉Impel life to comic
for relieving the stress harm fab music
Do whatever dance steps,just match phonics.
Don't try to coerced,why are you so panic?
Just improve & always grownic.
So thrive,just thrive like iconic.
👉Repel love bagging
For healthier the health,keep jogging.
You little bit throb,when alarm is ringing
Bangin' songs give bliss, means shouting.
Don't cry ,dry the years,blue sky ,tomorrow is new lighting.
New opportunities, ahead knocking.
So bloom,just bloom,restrict locking.
Moment ,moment,moment
Awake the fantasy,need to rouse inner child.
....A smooth road is fun for ride
...A restrict road give adventurous side.
3 ) Let's focus ,focus,focus
However you are in throng .
Just pivot at you locus.
Behave like lotus
Opportunity not give a notice.
Do action at every moment
No one love you more than your parents.
Keep want,don't prevent.
4 ) Livin' hope,hope ,hope
Make passion
Rather be dead than hope
Sing like a pop.
Give world to a rock.
Do action at every moment
Just make detection ,at your efficient
RAP (Rhythm and poetry)÷
👉 you guys,first proper eat your meal
And better feel
Take deal breath.
In cold ,you cover by proper sheath.
Now,you think and believe at lead.
Never drop,continuously read,
Always do good deed.
Don't make your thinking cheap
At difficult situations,don't weep.
.. ..... ...... .. .. For BTS