
Chapter 18

When Jessie returned home, she found Rick and Reena waiting again for her in the parlor. They did not look pleased.

"What now?" Jessie sighed, sitting across from them on the new sofa they'd purchased.

"We've had a visit from one of Daniel's new friend's parents. They were very upset, and we can't blame them."

"About what?"

Rick leaned forward, knees on his elbows. "They said you threatened to beat up their son."

Jessie leaned forward in the mirror image of her father. "Did they tell you why?"

"Of course they did." Rick leaned back as if punched. "How could you? He's just a kid, Jess. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Doesn't Daniel mean anything to you? That Chris is a troublemaker. I just told him-"

"We know what you told him, Jessie," Reena said. "And now, you've reached a new low. Just when we thought you were sincere about starting fresh, you pull this."

Jessie sat up. "What, exactly, did they say?"