
Across the Abyss

A story about a young college student who sells daffodils and a second generation chaebol. When their paths cross, a new beginning blooms like daffodils in spring.

Chen_Wynn · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Lovely Daydream


*School bell rang*

"You may all have lunch now." The professor implied.

"Hey, Drei! Let's go grab lunch!"

The president said, full of enthusiasm.

"Sure, president—" I said while having this thought in my head about his demeanor. "It very much resembles the way a dog acts when its owner comes home after a long day out." "I told you already, just call me Jinhua, we've been friends for so long, cut the formalities." The president told Drei as he wanted to hear Drei tell his name.

While the two walk to the cafeteria, Jinhua couldn't help but be pissed, as Shinzo is following them behind. "Why are you coming along?.." He said while gritting his teeth. "Can I go and eat at the cafeteria with you? Besides, you're supposed to give me a tour around campus. Our professor said so, didn't she?" Shinzo replied while smiling. It seems he knows what the president's goal is.

"Tsk! You-" He suddenly stopped because he realized that Drei is with them and he almost showed his bad side. Drei suddenly pushed Jinhua and Shinzo towards the cafeteria, because Jinhua did not have the guts to go against Drei, He gave in and the 3 of them continued walking to the cafeteria.

When they got to the cafeteria, they went to get food and found a table. As soon as Drei sat, Jinhua hurriedly sat next to Drei. "Why are you the one sitting next to Drei?" Shinzo asked calmly but was furious inside. "Well I am Drei's BEST friend, so it's pretty normal for me to sit beside him instead of you. Right, Drei?" He told Shinzo while giving a smug look. "Yeah, it's okay Shinzo." Drei said, although he was confused on why they would bicker about trivial things.

"This is for you Drei!" Both Jinhua and Shinzo said while giving a side dish and dessert to Drei at the same time. "Eat this side dish instead, I know kimchi is your favorite~" Jinhua said confidently and shoved the dessert Shinzo gave to the side of the table.

Shinzo got furious. "I think you would like this cake better, that side dish tastes bland." Shinzo stated and the two glared at each other and made it awkward for Drei.

"Thanks guys… I'll just eat both." Drei said and proceeded to eat the side dish and dessert. "It's true that the kimchi Jinhua gave me is my favorite so i don't have a problem with it but… what do i do with the cake Shinzo gave me? I don't like sweets!" I nervously thought as I stared at the dessert. Drei hesitated to eat it at first but as he saw Shinzo looking forward to him eating it, Drei couldn't refuse it.

"Oh welp- if it's from Shinzo then I'll gladly accept it. Oop- i knew it, I really don't like sweets." Drei still continued to eat the cake. Jinhua wondered why Drei would eat the dessert when he doesn't even like sweets.

–moments after–

Drei seems to have appreciated all the food by the crumbs on his face. Shinzo notices, which drives him to stare at Drei's lips. "Wha- why is he staring at me?! Oh, are there crumbs? I think there is… or am I just too handsome…. "

I felt something that happens in a movie, it was quiet and just the sound of a wind like it's my main character's moment. It was telling me to move my mouth forward. Shinzo suddenly got a tissue and wiped the crumbs on my lips.


"Shinzo did get a tissue but only to wipe his own lips but then, I thought Shinzo would wipe off the crumbs but didn't. Luckily, Jinhua lent me a tissue so I didn't get embarrassed…"I should stop daydreaming." Drei said.

After eating at the cafeteria, the morning students went home. "Damn it! Why did I have to take afternoon classes?!" Jinhua wanted to go home with Drei but unfortunately he had an afternoon class. Although he didn't want to leave Shinzo and Drei together, he had no choice because of his class. So, he bid farewell and went away holding his tears.

"Well, I have to go now too. I have a part time job at the nearby flower shop." Drei added and proceeded to go to his bike. But, as he went to get his bike, it wasn't in where he parked it anymore. The lock got picked. It seems it got stolen. "Oh no! no! no!

-–to be continued—