
First meeting

He came to the cathedral on the night of December 31 for Thanksgiving prayer. He had been attending church regularly for several days, but this was his first visit to the cathedral. The service had not yet begun. The rush of people was coming in. The entire Catholic community gathered there, at least which was in the city. A large number of foreigners were also present. There was also a large crowd on the cathedral's lawn, who were busy chatting instead of attending the service as it was the last day of the year and the New Year celebrations had already begun.

He entered the church with a bird's eye view of all the people. Looking at the rows of benches, he tried to find a place for himself. Somewhere in the front rows he finally found a bench. He went to a bench and sat quietly. He took out a prayer book and took it in his hand. He stared at it for a while, then closed the book. A strange sadness overwhelmed his being. He did not feel part of the environment. They were all born Christians and he was born Muslim. Each of them seemed superior to him. He was suffering from many complications, but this was the first time he felt inferior.

The service was being prepared. There was a strange fatigue on him. Leaning against the back of the bench, he closed his eyes. Only then did he realize that someone was sitting to his left. He did not open his eyes. He knew that gradually all the benches would be filled with people.

"Feels great here?" He heard a faint but strange voice near him. He still hadn't opened his eyes.

"Maybe this sentence was said to someone else." He thought.

"This evening is the best evening of my life, Hadid!", The voice was the same but this time his name was also mentioned. He opened his eyes with lightning speed and looked to his left. Nearby, a girl in a black suit leaned back against the bench and closed her eyes.

The black scarf covered his head. There was a strange calm and serenity on her face that was visible through the black scarf. But even without this condition, she would look very beautiful.

He looked at her intently and then became confused. The girl was now silent with her eyes closed. He wondered if she had really spoken to him or if he had misunderstood her. He was looking at her face and thinking. Before he could ask her anything she suddenly opened her eyes but instead of looking at him she was looking at the Holy Cross in front of her.

"I thought that day, I would never see you again and if I didn't see you again ..." she said looking at the front as if she was whispering. Hadid was really confused now.

"I don't know you. I think we've never met before and I don't understand how you know my name. Will you introduce yourself? ".

She moved her eyes from the Holy Cross looked at him. Hadid had seen many eyes in his life. Eyes that hypnotize a man at first sight, eyes that you want to see again and again, eyes that tell everything and keep secrets. Eyes that make you think that maybe the world was created to show those eyes. Laughing eyes, eyes that go down to the heart, Enchanting eyes...

But he had never seen such sad eyes. As she sat with her eyes closed, he thought that her eyelids were beautiful. When she opened her eyes, he saw that the color of her eyes was also very beautiful. Dark black! but now his eyes were not on the long eyelids or the color of the eyes but only on the sadness that was in the eyes. He was a bit puzzled.

"You didn't recognize me because you never saw me or met me. But I know you because I have seen you and I have met you."

Christina took a deep breath. "I saw you in the park that day. You came to Sister Elizabeth."

She reminded Hadid. Hadid looked at her carefully but did not recognize her. He probably didn't recognize anyone, and the group he went to was very large and wide. He didn't know if that girl was in it, but he shook his head.

"Yeah, maybe. You were there anyway i didn't see you."

The service had begun. He had seen the bishop on the platform." Can you walk out with me for a while? Hadid heard a faint whisper.

"But I'm here to attend service," he said hesitantly.

"Please!" This time her voice was pleading. He stared at her face for a moment and then stood silently. Instead of the nave, they came out through the aisle.

There was also a large crowd of people outside. It was as if a storm of voices and laughter were coming.

"Come with me." As soon as he came out, he heard Christina say. He quietly followed her. She brought him to the back of the cathedral. This side was relatively quiet. She sat down on a bench there. Hadid looked at her and sat down on the same bench. The light from the lamp post near the bench made them both stand out.

"Why do you want to be a Christian?" She asked after a moment's silence.

"Why do you want to be a Muslim?" The question was answered with a question.

"Because it is the true religion."

I think the same thing about Christianity.

"You think wrong. No religion is true except Islam."

"Should I also say that you think wrong? No religion is true except Christianity." Hadid's steadfastness was no less.

She began to look at his face with some helplessness.

Why do you hate your religion so much? "

"If I ask you this question, why do you hate your religion so much? "Hadid once again answered his question with a question."

I don't hate my religion," said Christina softly.