
Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Sawamura Eijun, a Relief Pitcher in the Pro League after 10 years of hard work and still couldn’t achieve his dreams, woke up back at the time of his youth. Can he achieve his dreams this time? This is a translation and I don’t own anything.

Cold_Colt · Cómic
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419 Chs

Chapter 17: The Most Akagi-like Team

On the night of the end of the game, after the onlooker reporters dispersed. All the players of Seidou High School's first string came to the conference room to participate in the discussion about Akikawa Academy.

Rather than a discussion meeting, it would be more appropriate to say a tactic-organizing meeting.

This can also be regarded as one of the characteristics of the Famous School baseball clubs. After identifying the opponent, immediately study the opponent's information and formulate corresponding tactics.

If there is, a gap between the two within a certain range, Famous Schools like Seidou will also do some targeted training.

In theory, Seidou High School is not afraid to compete with any team other than Inashiro and Sankou. Of course, Seidou also has absolute confidence that they will defeat Inashiro and Sankou after confronting them.

It's just that the mood is different. It's like when two countries go to war, you always have to measure your own strength first, and then measure the strength of the other side. Then do an assessment and be aware of it.

Nevertheless, no matter who the opponent is, in the real competition, Seidou must go all out.

Whether it was West Tokyo or the whole Nation, Seidou can now pat their chest and say they can win against any team!

They have such strength and confidence now.

However, it doesn't mean that you have such strength and confidence that you can be careless. If that is the case, it will be a matter of time before your imminent fall.

Whatever you do, give it your all.

This is the lifeline rule of Seidou.

The information brought back by Takashima is very comprehensive, but apart from Yoh Shunshin, the other players' information is not very detailed.

At most, what is the Batter good at? What is the defense good at? And their weaknesses.

Because there was no comparison with Chris's small notebook, everyone didn't notice anything about the information that Takashima brought back.

Normally, it is very rare for an ordinary Giant team to bring so much information, detailed game footage, and the characteristics of the main pitcher, the batter's habits and weaknesses…

To sum up, Akikawa Academy is undoubtedly Yoh Shunshin's one-man team.

The entire team, whether attacking or defending, is centered on Yoh Shunshin.

The other players are decent, but they are really not strong, and they are very unremarkable.

Compared with them, Yoh Shunshin is like a shining sun.

"The speed of the ball is 130 to 135 km/h. Although he doesn't often use the breaking ball, in order to get the number of Strikes, he sometimes uses the Curveball and the Forkball. The most important thing to watch out for is his extremely accurate ball control. If our guess is right, his ball control is on the level of a nine-square grid. And the error range is about half a ball to a ball. If you wait for a Strikes near the center as before, then the most likely result is, not a single ball like that will come."

"And don't be fooled by his corner pitch that is close to the strike zone. How to apply your own hitting skills should be the key to defeating this pitcher."

Yoh Shunshin alone accounted for two-thirds of the information on Akikawa.

It can be seen that Takashima Rei and the members of the investigation team attached great importance to Yoh Shunshin.

After analyzing all the information, Superintendent Kataoka finally announced his tactics against Yoh Shunshin.

"The shaky swing will only increase the confidence of the opposing pitcher! No matter what kind of pitch he throws, you must do your best every time you swing the bat. This thing must not be forgotten. Also, if you want to shake this pitcher's confidence, then the key is all about mobility and accuracy."

After saying that, Kataoka set his sights on the first two batters Seidou, Kominato Ryosuke, and Kuramochi Yoichi.

If it is about the mobility and accuracy offensive, in Seidou, these two people must be the two should be brought to the highest level.

One of them is unparalleled in mobility, and the other is as powerful as a devil in batting skills.

As long as the two cooperate properly, it is not hard to win points from Yoh Shunshin.

It doesn't need too much. With two or three points, Seidou High School can secure the victory.


The coach ordered, as a player, how can there be a reason not to agree?

As soon as Kataoka finished speaking, all the players of Seidou High School agreed.

Ochiai, who was watching from the side, was secretly envious.

'Coach Kataoka is really liked by his players.'

"Ochiai coach, do you have anything else to add?"

After Kataoka ordered the tactics, he took the initiative to ask Ochiai for his two cents.

This is Kataoka and another person with a little bit of experience would not do this.

As the final decision maker, Kataoka should be the last to speak. Only in this way can we help him establish a stronger prestige.

However, he is just such a person, he will say whatever he wants.

He asked the school to help, and the intention of asking Ochiai was to let Ochiai, a coach with rich experience in Koshien, see their team's advantages and their shortcomings.

As a mentor, Kataoka must feel uncomfortable for the students whom he has put his soul to cultivate, waiting to be picked on by others.

This is also human nature.

Nevertheless, compared to the discomfort in his heart, he hoped that Ochiai could really point out the shortcomings of Seidou.

He hopes that these players under his current team can go further and the road in the future can be smoother.

In today's extremely egoistic society, it is a blessing to all the members of Seidou High School to meet such a dedicated mentor as Kataoka.

It was because of his heart that the players from Seidou High School were willing to work for him.

Hearts are changed by hearts!

Ochiai, who had been at Seidou High School for more than two weeks, was not surprised that Kataoka would ask such a question.

"On the surface, Akikawa Academy is not a very strong school. If they are judged by their comprehensive strength, if they can win one or two games in ten games against us, they should be proud.

However, this is the most important thing. For Akikawa, their mission is actually very simple, that is to make those two games possible. Our mission is to go all out to avoid the situation where these two games may happen. This way, our task is much heavier than the task of the other party…"

After hearing Kataoka's words, the Seidou players, who already had a clear plan in their minds, became confused one by one.

Originally, they still understood the objective very well, but after being told by Ochiai, they suddenly felt a bit confused.

Chris and Miyuki looked at Ochiai thoughtfully. Obviously, these two guys understood something different from others.

Ochiai smiled indifferently.

"You may not understand, so let me give an example. In the middle school softball league last year, the winning team was Akagi Middle School from Nagano Prefecture. Most of you also watched that year, Akagi Middle School smashed the finals. In fact, the rise of Akagi Middle School did not start at that time. The time can be traced back to two years ago when the Akagi Middle School baseball team was just established…"

T/N: There is No Flashback Scene in the next chapters.

Anyway, Thank you all for reading, and have a nice day!

You also can check my Patre0n for extra Chapters.


There are +80 Chapters there.

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