
Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Sawamura Eijun, a Relief Pitcher in the Pro League after 10 years of hard work and still couldn’t achieve his dreams, woke up back at the time of his youth. Can he achieve his dreams this time? This is a translation and I don’t own anything.

Cold_Colt · Cómic
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425 Chs

Chapter 16: The Glasses Fetish Reporter

Owada Akiko is a news reporter for the baseball magazine "Baseball Kingdom".

Today she went out for the first time with the magazine's senior reporter Fujio.

"Fujio-san, where are we going?"

Akiko was very excited, she was tall, and even if she didn't wear high heels, she was 1.75 meters tall. Now he is wearing a 7-centimeter high heel, so she can look down on Fujio, who is only about 1.6 meters tall.

Fujio's full name is Fujio Mine.


When Fujio shouted this word, Akiko's eyes suddenly lit up.

Since taking office in "Baseball Kingdom", she has made up for her high school baseball knowledge.

And Seidou is the team with the strongest limelight right now!

They recruited the once-in-a-century super-genius of the Middle School Softball League, Sawamura Eijun.

Moreover, in the first year, he took the heavy responsibility and was promoted to the Ace of the team.

After Sawamura became the Ace, he lived up to expectations and showed his Demon King level of abilities.

In the Kanto Tournament, the quiet and Famous Seidou High School was a blockbuster.

On the other hand, Inashiro Industrial, the king of West Tokyo, also ushered in their golden age.

The current Inashiro is known as the strongest Inashiro in the past 20 years!

In the days before the start of Koshien, 70% of the fans in the country had their eyes on the regional qualifiers in West Tokyo.

At a time like this, Fujio-san was able to interview Seidou.

It really made her feel incredible.

'Besides, Seidou's catcher is That guy, right?'

Thinking about it, there were two blushes on Owada Akiko's face.

The car soon drove to the baseball club of Seidou High School.

As soon as they entered the baseball club's field, Owada was stunned.

'People, many people!'

Outside the net of Seidou, there were many people standing densely. In addition, many of them are holding cameras in their hands, and are recording and taking pictures.

"Fujio-san, there are so many reporters here?"

Wearing high heels, Owada Akiko, who is over 1.8 meters tall, is very tall.

In the face of the tall and pretty girl who suddenly came out, almost automatically, the crowd made way for Owada Akiko. Let her watch Seidou's players practice.

In the bullpen, three pitchers and three catchers are doing pitching training.

Furuya, who had just made a big splash recently, was doing ball control practice alone.

Seidou did not intend to hide these basic exercises and were so grandly displayed.

"Fujio-san, is that player Miyuki-kun?"

Behind Owada, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man appeared.

He wore a newsboy cap and looked calm and unassuming.

"It's rare, you know Miyuki-kun!"

Owada had just joined the newspaper and was not a very dedicated newcomer, Fujio was still surprised that she knew about Miyuki.

"Of course, last year Fujio-san made a report on Miyuki-kun. I have read it many times. I am a fan of Miyuki-kun. He looks so handsome with glasses."

Hearing this, Fujio rolled his eyes.

Owada just likes people who wear glasses. To put it bluntly, she has a glasses fetish.

"Sawamura-kun and Furuya-kun are here, why don't these reporters go for an interview?"

Owada's brain circuit is very strange, but even she noticed this.

Fujio smiled wryly.

"Coach Kataoka will not allow reporters to interview."

"Eh? But before, didn't Fujio-san make an interview with Sawamura-kun?"

If there is no one who can do an interview, then it is not Fujio's article or has he made it up?

Fujio shook his head.

'This is the power of connection!'

"Let's go, Seidou is just doing normal training, there is nothing to see."

Saying that, Fujio left first.

Owada Akiko looked unwilling. She also wanted to take a photo of Miyuki.

"Where are we going now?"

"We are going to Akikawa Academy!"

Fujio said calmly.

'Superintendent Kataoka, the Demon-King Sawamura, the new coach Ochiai, and the Fastball pitcher Furuya Satoru, who has just appeared and shocked Kanto…'

'I have to say that Seidou is indeed rich with news.'

'However, many people must want such news.'

'Instead of fighting with these guys, it's better to start from the other side.'

'Since I can't get news from Seidou, I might as well get it from Seidou's opponent.'

Akikawa Academy, will not be as busy as Seidou.

Fujio guessed right, Akikawa Academy is very leisurely, and there is not a single reporter.

Akikawa's Coach was very enthusiastic about their visit.

Who doesn't know the power of the media yet?

If Akikawa can defeat Seidou, then he will not worry about no reporter coming to Akikawa. However, what if they can't defeat Seidou? What if Akikawa became Seidou's stepping-stone?

What will happen to Akikawa's star player?

For Yoh Shunshin, this player who rose with Akikawa, the Coach of Akikawa warmly received Fujio.

He hopes to let more people know about Yoh Shunshin through Fujio's report.

At a time like this, Akikawa's players are also doing adaptation training.

They got a pitching machine out of nowhere and cranked the ball up to max speed for the players to get used to.

The ball speed of 160 km/h! (~100 Mph)

"Is this kind of training to deal with Furuya-kun? However, Seidou has four pitchers, and Furuya is only one of them. Is it okay for Akikawa to do this?"

Owada Akiko asked in a daze.

Akira Ogata, the Coach of Akikawa, was taken aback by the question.

This female reporter is very aggressive.

"Of course not all."

He replied: "Rather, it is impossible to throw a 160 km/h ball at the current level of high school students. Rather, it is just to get them used to the speed of the ball, and also to exercise their courage."

"Rather, the effect of this kind of training is still good. Rather than competing forcefully with Seidou, we are weaker, and we may experience all kinds of despair in the game. Rather than letting them experience it on the field, it is better to experience it now rather than letting the players experience it the first time during the match. They know how weak they are, so when they compete with Seidou, they can know better what they should do."

Owada nodded repeatedly.

This surprised Fujio.

"You understand?"


"What did you understand?"

"Coach Ogata's favorite word is rather."

Fujio felt the black line on his forehead getting heavier and heavier.

However, Akikawa's Coach Ogata doesn't seem to be simple.

An absolute Ace, players who knows what they can do, and a wise Coach.

Such a team, once they show their fighting spirit, their momentum is absolutely not to be underestimated.

Even if it is Seidou, they have to be careful.

At the same time, Seidou was also holding a meeting about Akikawa.

T/N: Do you like the story? Comment it and let me know.

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