
Accrued Online: Affinity for Battle

Muraya was an avid gamer but not the type of monster-slaying, battle-ready warrior you imagine. She played every game that Cerebral Consoles had to offer since she was gifted her first console at 10 years old, but focused on simple jobs and avoided fights. She enjoyed crafting, selling, and other miscellaneous activities that most would consider boring. When her coworker and only friend, Yanet, encouraged her to try a new game, Muraya was hesitant but decided to give it a chance. Freedom Online was a new and exciting game where warriors fought over treasures and formed alliances in order to become the champions of Altria. Freedom Online was the first game of its kind where a player's entire gaming history from the console was uploaded into the characters they created. The bloodthirsty world of Altria was massive and riddled with beasts ready to attack any player who came close enough. Although Muraya had never played games where fighting was the main focus, she quickly realized she was a natural. The world quickly recognized Muraya's talents and her name was famous after just a few days of the games release. Muraya's quiet, boring life was about to take a wild turn. Everyone would either worship her elite skills, or hunt her down in an attempt to steal her fame and riches, in the game and even in the real world.

qbanhotty2003 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

A New Friend

Murmayd finished trading her loot in town before deciding to set off on a less dangerous mining adventure. After her last encounter with a monster, she remembered why she avoided fighting and stayed away from dangerous beasts. She couldn't help but think about death after she fought that cyclops especially since she had such a close encounter with death in real life just hours earlier. She shook her head and instead decided to focus her attention on creating armor. She walked out of the shop and started sorting her materials in her backpack and saddlebags.

"Hello," a deep voice called out from behind her. "Did you just start playing? I just joined in a few minutes ago too! I was battling some giant snakes and scorpions in the dessert and was having a hard time, so I was hoping to come back into town to find someone to team up with and you seem to be alone as well. It's not easy playing this game by yourself especially for a gentle lady such as thee."

Murmayd turned around and saw a slender man with a strong build in leather armor sitting on a sturdy stallion. He was a handsome man who looked powerful atop the beautiful silky white horse. "I'm sorry but, do I know you?" Murmayd asked. She thought he looked familiar and wondered if she had seen him in another game. Since most other games allowed you to change your appearance, it was difficult to tell if they had played together before.

"I don't think so," he replied with a puzzled look on his face. "You don't look familiar but, I would like to get to know you. My name is Bravado. Pleased to meet you..."

"Murmayd," she replied. "I was actually on my way to get some more materials to craft some gear, so I don't think I'll be able to join your expedition to the dessert. Besides the dessert is not my favorite place around here anyway."

"Nonsense," he told her. "Everyone knows you cannot improve in this world if you waste time creating items. The only way to make sure you don't die, is to fight! And if you help me kill some of these beasts, I can help you as well! We can be a great team if we work together my lady, and we can attain our goals at a much quicker pace. I won't take 'no' for an answer. I only need to work on my ranged skill, so I can venture to other lands. What skills do you wish to improve?"

"Everything," she said with a laugh.

"Well then I think we can work together, and we will both get what we wish," he replied. "And we can go see the wonders that await in the cities of Accrued, together."

"I already have friends waiting for me on that continent," Murmayd said, "but I suppose I can help you hunt lower-level creatures in the dessert for a little while before I need to log off. I'm not looking forward to fighting any dangerous creatures up close. I can use my bow and arrows and you can gain the skills you need."

"Perfect! Then let us go and do what we do best," Bravado said with a smile. "We will be an amazing team of warriors and no need to worry, I can protect you!"

Murmayd looked at Bravado with an eyebrow raised. He was a strange man, but she admired his cheerful demeanor. She suddenly recalled her last fight and was still a little hesitant to go back out and fight so soon but gave it some thought and decided that he was right. She needed to fight to improve her skills and more importantly gain her confidence back. If she mostly used her bow, she could help him while staying far away from dangerous monsters. Besides, it was always great to make friends right away in case she needed any help later.

"Excellent, mount up and let's go! I can kill every creature on the dessert on my own but am having trouble killing them quickly since my ranged skill is quite low." Bravado added her to his group as he continued, "you see I tend to use more one-handed weapons and enjoy the fighting up-close and personal. I seek adventure in the eyes of creatures I slay and even though I can..."

'He sure does like to hear himself talk' Murmayd thought to herself. She followed him out into the dessert as he continued to fill the air with empty words the entire ride. He had an interesting way of speaking and seemed to be taking to the 'role-playing' very seriously. "We are here," Murmayd interrupted him.

"Very well, I shall walk up to these heinous creatures and slay them while you provide support from the rear. As soon as I have reached the required level we can head back if you would like," he said.

"That's fine with me," Murmayd replied as they approached the first creature. Bravado took out his weapon and started chopping away at the creatures while Murmayd equipped her bow. He attacked the first large scorpion in the dessert to get its attention and Murmayd fired her arrows shortly after. The arrow pierced the scorpion's carapace killing it instantly.

Bravado froze as he witnessed the sheer power of her arrow. "My goodness," he said. "That is quite the powerful weapon you have; your bow skills must be legendary. At this rate we will both be moving onwards to Accrued in no time. If I may be so bold as to ask the level of your ranged skill?"

"It's over 260," Murmayd replied.

"Quite intriguing," he said. "Normally it would take at least a few more arrows to kill these beasts at that level. I suppose you have some perk I am unaware of that allows you to kill with such ease?"

Murmayd just shrugged her shoulders and asked him to move onto the next creature. The quicker she finished helping him level up his skills, the quicker she can get away from his incessant blathering.

"Alright then my lady. If you wish to do so, you may keep your secrets. I am eternally grateful for your help regardless. I shall collect the loot and we can disperse it accordingly when we arrive back in town." Bravado continued stabbing at creatures in the dessert while recanting stories of his days as an adventurer in other worlds. As they continued to kill the monsters, Murmayd would kill them all with one arrow allowing them to quickly progress. Nearly an hour later, Bravado exclaimed "it is done! I have achieved my goal and have proven victorious with your help. I am in your debt Murmayd. Let us venture back to town and divvy up the goods."

Murmayd followed Bravado back to town. They walked past the shops and continued walking. "We can stop here if you'd like and split up the loot," Murmayd told Bravado. Bravado did not stop and was silent for once. "Hey Bravado, we can stop here. This area is fine," Murmayd repeated. Bravado did not stop walking and walked straight ahead. He continued walking and walked right through the portal into Accrued.

"Group disbanded"

What the hell just happened? Murmayd was thoroughly confused. She stared at the portal in shock. Did she just get robbed?