
Accidentally Pregnant By Boss

An young sectreary in her busy day to day life accidentally discovered that she is carrying her boss's baby. Will he accept her or will she find solace in the arms of one of her handsome colleagues? What will happen when all the three handsome men fight to win over her heart and the fatherhood of her upcoming baby?

DaoistM0kcv3 · Ciudad
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26 Chs

At Night With David

David came in the appointed time. He wore his usual black txudo and looked drapper in it. She was waiting for his arrival. He gave a big bouquet of pink roses to her.

"How lovely. I just love flowers." She told him in excited voice.

"Me too. Flowers are also exciting like girls." He whispered to her while kissing softly on her forehead.

She blushed hard while feeling totally blissful. Who knew that a man known as 'Devil' would made her feel so precious !!!

"Umm what is in your mind?!!!" She asked him.

"To love you whole night." He told it to her in mischievous tone.

She blushed hard while nuggling him tightly.

At night they made fierce love with each other. She lied naked beside him while he was, very happily, touching her bare midribs.

"You had made a good move." He appreciated her.

"What move??!!" She asked in wide eyed by turning her head towards him.

"By marrying Raymond." David answered her.

Her mouth remained agape for some times before she forcefully cllosed it. Her brain was refusing to believe her own ears. How the hell he know about her secret marriage??!!

He was grinning big as if by reading her mind. He leaned over her and bite her right earlobe softly while telling -

"I know everything about all of my employees. Thats why I am called as 'devil'."

She blushed again and shielded her flustered face in her right hand. He gently removed it and kissed the knuckle.

"Baby, you need to keep the game up. Without marriage you simply can't take the entire responsibility of a child out of wedlock. So I must congratulate you for your great move."

He kissed her passionately on her lips. She purred like a cat. She was feeling secure in his arms. She wanted to remain there forever.


At Morning

She was making cofee and toast for breakfast at morning. David was sleeping like a baby after a very satisfying intercourse session.

Sonia was hamming a famous old Hindi song in cheerful mood. She was craving for hot chocolate and noodles with sua sauce. It was bad combination for any normal human being but not for a pregnant woman like her. Her tummy wanted those foods badly.

She made noodles and ate it with garlic and sua sauce. Hot chocolate was her all time favourite drink. By putting toast on the pop up toaster she was bringing up the butter from her fridge when someone grabbed her from exactly behind.

Her body stood rigid with a jolt and relaxed only after hearing David's hearty giggling - "Why are you afraid of me, baby??!!!"

She punched him softly and he broke into a hearty roar of laughter.

Sonia felt so lively and happy with him. David, even if known as 'devil' among all of his subordinates for his bad-temper, was truly a genuine and soft-hearted man. He may have some bad life experiences which changed him this way.

"Are not you happy with your fiancee?" She asked him.

David clenched his fist angrily. He did not want to spoil his mood by the mention of that b*itch at that moment.

He playfully lifted her in his arms. She started to caress his broad chest with her artistic fingers.

He leaned over her left ear - "Are you really that hungry for me?"

Her ears turned hot red instantly. "This man!!! He is truly unbashful!!!" Her brain told her.

She made a face and answered him -

"At least let me eat my breakfast before doing anything."

David with a big grin put her down and she drived over her food.

While she was eating her full meal, he was staring at her and then told her - "At this rate you will soon gain more weight than usual." By nodding his head disapprovingly.

She choked on her food but did not stop chewing her meal.


At Noon

They were making fierce love with each other. He was now sleeping beside her in happy mood. He seemed satisfied. She was also satisfied too. Her pregnant body took some time before reaching to its climax but when it came it came very strongly. Her whole energy was drained now.

He leaned over her and started to suck her very happily. She clutched the bedsheets too tightly. Her body was feeling hot now.


A Sudden Guest

Ring. Ring. Ring.

When David and Sonia were enjoying each other's company then her door bell all of a sudden rang. She gasped in shock. Who could be at that odd hour??!!

Sonia looked at herself. She had no cloth on her. Her neck and chest was full of hickies. Now how could she go in this way??!! She had to tiptoe towards her closet and put on some cloth, but how??!! She could not stop her Almirah to make sound as if always let out a small "Screech" sound whenever she would open it.

She angrily looked at sleeping David. He was sleeping like a baby just beside her. Her closet's noise would definitely awake him.

However she managed to bent down on her lingerie tossed on the floor and put on them noiselesslessly. Then she tiptoed to the main door and peeped through it's eyehole.

She felt a deep shock by seeing a sexy yet ultra-modern blonde wearing red off-shoulder eveninng gown. "Who the hell is she?!! What she wants from me?!!" Her brain asked her.
