
Accidentally falling for you.

She came like a thief during the night, with no warning and not much of an expectation, but she didn't come to steal, although she took more than he was willing to give. - He was the Criminal, the one to fear, never before has anyone gotten away with stealing from him. Will she? Will she even want to? -

Joanette_Gates · Ciudad
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28 Chs

Chapter 16 When it hit her

"I am fine." Madelaine assures me over the phone. She started her first day at college and I wanted to know how she was fitting in. She was staying with my mother for the time being as Mia and I were in New York, but I didn't want her to think that I forgot her so I called her on her new smartphone. She answered on the second ring. Probably staring at the screen like teenagers do, when the phone rang. "Achille is taking me shopping today. He said that I could choose whatever I liked, but I don't want you to spend any more money on me. I can never repay what you have already done for me."

"Madelaine, listen to me. I know we haven't had the chance to get to know each other the way we should have and I know that you have never had the chance to be a child, which breaks my heart, but I want you not to worry about being so accountable anymore. I promise that I will not put you through anything like that again. You are now my responsibility. My family, my daughter. I want you to have everything that you have always wanted. Go enjoy yourself today and let Achille do the paying part. You deserve it." I meant every word I said.

"Thank you." I could hear the sobs in her voice as she said goodbye and hung up the phone.

I got up early this morning took a shower and got dressed before anyone else woke up. I didn't like sharing a shower with other people, but I did not have a choice. I couldn't leave Mia alone and she wouldn't stay with me in a hotel. I had to work with what I had. When in Rome, do as Roman's do, I guess.

"Was that Madelaine?" Mia stirs on the bed. Her hair a beautiful mess around her head. She blinks her eyes a few times as she turns to face me.

"Good morning." I smile. I crawl onto the bed and plant a kiss on her forehead. The smell of mint and us cling to her skin. "My mother bought her a phone and she mentioned that she doesn't have anyone to call." I shrug. I called her okay. "We should get you one." I smile planting a few more kisses on her cheek.

"Ah." She breathes as she sits up and removes a box from inside her bedside cabinet. "My dad kind off..." She opens the box and retrieves a phone from inside. A terribly old phone which is only able to call and send messages. I didn't know you could still buy them. She deserves the best.

"I will get you one."


"Yes." Her arrogance is starting to irritate me. I have told her many times that I don't mind doing things for her and I have enough money to buy a stupid phone. I want to do this. I will buy her a new phone. "It is done. We will go buy you a phone."

"I don't want you to buy me a phone."

"If this is about owing me, I told you that you don't owe me anything." My voice was laced with annoyance.

"You don't get it, do you?" She dwindles her eyes as she lifts the phone into the air. "My father bought me this. He doesn't have money, but he wanted to do something for me. That means something to me. I don't care about money or expensive things. This is what means something to me." She was mad at me?

"I get that and you mean everything to me. I only want the best for you."

"Money is not what is best for me." She states. Her tongue spits venom. Money is what got us here. Money is what she needed even if she didn't admit it, but understood what she said. Fuck I will give up all the money in the world for her.

"Then let's get this phone setup." I take the phone from her hand and switch it on. Her eyes stare at my hands as my thumb slide over the buttons. Not much to do, the fucking thing doesn't even have email settings. This is terrible and I will convince her to get another one just not right now.

"She is awake." Michael burst into the room like he owns the place which he actually does, but god. Doesn't anybody knock around here?

"We have to go." Mia jumps up disregarding the idea of having a phone. She wasn't even dressed yet.

"This is good news. Michael, why don't you go ahead and leave for the hospital. I will bring Mia as soon as she has taken a shower." I suggest interjecting. Michael nod and closes the door behind him as he exit.

"Stop telling me what to do." She turns to face me. "I do need a shower." She nods taking a pair of black jeans and a green top from the drawer and throwing it onto the bed. She didn't seem to be so messy when she lived in my home.

"Go shower." I order as I hush her out of the room. I pick up her clothing, folding it neatly before placing it on the cupboard. Then I pull off the duvet cover and the sheets which I regard into the empty washing bin standing lonely in the corner of the room. Pain crushes my heart when my eye catches the redness on the sheet, reminding me of last night. I walk over to the closet build into the wall removing the thought of me hurting her.

I remove clean bedding which I hoped would be there and make up the bed. Once the bed was covered with light blue and white stripes I take a seat on it and take Mia's new phone in my hand punching in my number and saving it in her contacts. "Almost ready." Mia enters the room and her face falls. "You didn't have to do this." Her hand gestures across the room. I did need to do this. I wasn't use to living like this. She grabs her clothing from the cupboard and again throwing it onto the bed. She let the towel fall from her body revealing her beautiful body dressed in another pair of blue underwear.

"I am buying you new underwear." I blurt sternly. How many pairs of these terrible pieces does she owe? I am throwing them all away. I decided right then and there.

"You don't like my underwear?" She questions a v forming above her eyes as she takes the pair of jeans in her hand and steps into them. They suit her body lovely, showing every curve of her long legs.

No. "I think green will suit you better." I take her shirt into my hands as I near her and throw the material around her shoulders before I start fastening the buttons over her stomach, starting from under. Mia has other ideas. I assume as she starts unbuttoning my dress shirt from the top. "Don't." I warn her.

"Why not?" She cocks her head to the side. "If you are scared of me crying again, I promise..."

I surround her with my arms tugging her towards me our chests pushed against each other. Skin touching skin. Her heart pressed against my own. "You fit me perfectly." I ignore her statement.

She will not cry again. I will make sure of that. I pick her up into my arms and her legs immediately wrap around my waist. I walk her to the bed crushing my lips onto hers as we both fall down onto the bed, my body crashing down on hers. She pants into my mouth. She tastes like mint the cool air from her mouth transfers into mine and I push my tongue farther into her mouth, deepening the kiss. Her lips latching on to mine.

My hands run up her back from her behind before I take her hips into my hard grip and turn us both around so that she sat straddling me. Our lips lose contact and her body jerks with the movement. "This way you have control." I inform her as she sat straddling me.

"I don't know what to do." Her eyes fall from my eyes to my chest. She always seemed like she knew what she was doing. How could she not know what to do now? She didn't seem so innocent before.

"Don't think about it, you just do as your body tells you." I place my fingers around the back of her neck and pull her smart mouth towards me, but I don't kiss her. I keep her in place as I move my pelvis up against her growing. Pushing and brushing my hard length against her entrance through the material. "You feel that?" I question her through a husky breath. What is she doing to me? I have never before had any problems with pre-ejaculation, but I am afraid that with her I might lose myself ahead of time.

Even while my body was about to betray me I had to place her first. I will my body to fighting the urge to come undone as I stop moving beneath her. She sighs in disappointment. I know what she wants, but she needs to tell me. "You want to feel it?" I question her and to my surprise, she doesn't answer me. She starts to move rhythmic, up and down, up and down. Pushing down hard against my dick. "Let's see if you can come like this." I challenge, pushing my hips upwards to match every move.

"Ben..." She pants warningly, my name pushing from her lungs. Her whole body tensed up as ecstasy builds up inside of her and with a final tweak, her body jerks as an orgasm burst through her. She falls down on my chest her weight hugging me with comfort.

The discomfort from my pants settles during the car ride to the hospital. Mia talked non-stop. She was telling me about her childhood. How she had always wanted a sibling, but her mother got sick early on so there was no possibility of that ever happening. She informed me about the small elephant she had which she pretended was her brother when she was around four years old. I couldn't imagine my life without Achille. Growing up always having someone who understood you or to be there for you. Having a sibling should be mandatory.

The subject that interest my most through her endless babble was the fact that she never knew her mother spoke Italian, which she told me earlier, but she had never noticed growing up. She says that it was the first time in her life that she heard her mother speaking Italian when she spoke to me in the hospital. "The fact that she actually is Italian didn't ever make you wonder?" I question her as I change lanes moving through the cars.

"I look Italian. Did you ever think I could speak the language?" She moves her line of sight from the moving cars to the side of my face.

"I assumed." I shrug placing my hand on her tight. I quickly noticed that she couldn't when I had her captured in a hotel room. No pureblood Italian woman can resist a good fight, which sometimes shows in Mia, but that night when she didn't start shouting in Italian I had my reservations about her being Italian.

The fact that her mother never taught her the language was a puzzle to me. "She never really talks about her past." Mia places her hand over mine when suddenly she screams and my heart hitch.

"Fuck!" I push the button to loosen her seatbelt and drag her towards me as the front end of another car hits the side of the car where she is seated. Tires screeching and glass breaking attacked my ears. This is not the way I go down.