
Accidentally Awakened a Prince

Set in the ending of 20th century, where smart phone, automated running cars are introduced. The technology development is so fast that people are so fascinated in learning about their ancient history. When most of the young generation are running behind computers, fashion Diana chose to be a archeologist. Diana Ruth, an archeology student, went to Egypt, precisely Alexandria, for an internship. As an archeology student, she is more interested in the history of the country. She always wondered about the process of mummification. To her surprise, her team found a historical mummy that looked like an ancient kingdom's prince. Does he a Prince for real...? After getting him out of the coffin, is Diana in danger..? Author Note: At the starting chapters, you will learn more about Egyptian culture as it's required for the story so please be patient.

deepu_ · Historia
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13 Chs

Visiting The Great Library (II)

After Fadil left from there, the four members were divided into two groups. Jonathan and Diana decided to search for books specialized in mummification while Rupert and Charles to find out the history of Alexandria.

With the help of directions mentioned on the notice boards, they reached a separate wing dedicated to mummification.

After going through several racks, they found a book titled 'Origin of mummies in Egypt.' Diana started reading the book, whereas Jonathan began writing the thesis for the assessment.

Rupert and Charles found several books on the history of Alexandria. At last, they selected two books and started preparing a thesis for Alexandria's history.

It takes almost two hours to drive to Alexandria city from the temple, so Cepos almost arranged everything at the temple. With the help of workers, they set up tents and essential things for their stay.

Professor Ahmed supervised everything and called the government authorities to talk about workers and cranes.

The official government gathered permission and the required official approvals from the current royal family of Alexandria.

To dig up centuries-long back tombs and ancient places need certain approvals and officials' permission.

Based on Osiris' words, Rupert and Charles tried to find something about the prince who lost his life to internal politics while the fourth dynasty ruled the country.

Unfortunately, they didn't find much information, so they stopped and indulged in finding the city's history.

Diana started reading, and Jonathan began typing it into a thesis.

"Phew, what a lengthy process..? See, they believe in the Afterlife for centuries," Jonathan commented.

"I am curious to know more about them. Let us wait to find out something at the Temple of Taposiris Magna. It seems the mummification is coming from long back, even before the Roman Empire started here," Diana added.

Rupert and Charles came after an hour and shared the details about Alexandria's history they found in the history section.

"Diana, we didn't find any information about that prince, but we found interesting things about Alexandria city.

There used to be a place where the Mediterranean sea and Nile river used to connect in ancient days. The local people used to pray in that area to bring back the dead prince.

The area where the sea and the river meets is called 'Medile' combination of both the names. Furthermore, at a full moon, the Nile river flows towards the Mediterranean sea and turns into a red color," said Rupert.

Diana and Jonathan looked at each other, listening to his words. They nodded their heads at each other, understanding that something mysterious exists at that place.

It took them more than 3 hours to prepare both thesis and then called Fadil to pick them up.

"Your professor called me and said to bring you, people, to the temple spot," said Fadil.

"Is everything arranged there..?" Jonathan asked, along with Charles.

"Fadil nodded his head, "it seems so. It would be best if you packed some things to bring along with you," saying he started gypsy towards Sunrise Alex Avenue hotel.

They reached the hotel around 6 pm and packed some things in 20 minutes. Jonathan was the first one to come out of his room.

"How much time do you need to pack some necessities..?" banged on her door and barked into the room.

"I am already done with packing. I was coming out of the room, and you barged in at the same time. Don't you know the meaning of privacy..?" Diana asked him. 'Thank god I already packed, or else this idiot would have made fun of me,' she thought to herself.

"As if I don't know how much time you will take to pack," he sarcastically commented.

Diana glared at him, which made Jonathan shut his mouth. They both came out of the room carrying their backpacks.

"Hey, Diana! That is our temporary stay. Why do I take so much time to pack," Charles commented?

Rupert, hitting on his head, said, "she is a girl, you idiot," to which Diana gave a thumbs up.

Fadil brought a car this time and placed all their luggage in the trunk. "You brought all the necessities, right..? Because the temple is quite far from here," he reminded further.

Everyone nodded their heads and boarded the cab. They started discussing the thesis they wrote as an assessment throughout the journey.

"These assessments will help us while we study the dead body we are going to dig up at the temple," Diana said.

"Of course, but I don't think, so the most important information is scribbled in those books over there. Moreover, the dead prince is quite mysterious, yet I feel so bad that he died in the hands of politics," Jonathan commented.

"Why do you feel sad for the dead prince, Jonathan..?" Charles asked him.

"See, his father built a village under his name, yet the prince never saw that. When he was about to become a pharaoh, somebody murdered him at a young age, so our Jonathan feels sad for him," Diana explained.

"Aww! what a pure heart..? You have started believing in the old man's words," Charles and Rupert cooed at the same time.

Charles smiled and took a piece of paper out of his pocket and showed it to them. "Guess what have I found in the library..?," he asked.

Jonathan surprisingly took into his hands and exclaimed, "you found some information about the dead prince, correct..?"

"Charles nodded his head and said, " it seems what the old man said is somewhat correct, and someone murdered the dead prince for the throne."

"There's no information on who murdered, but there is a design of the small town. There is a script in an ancient language at the corner of the paper," Rupert added.

"It seems this piece of paper is written after the prince got murdered," Jonathan said, looking serious.

Hey Guys! be patient all these process is required in the future chaps

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