
Accepting the Darkness/ His Angel, Her Demon

Plagued with darkness, Sukie desperately tries to make sense of what has been haunting her since she was a child after years of psychological evaluations with no answers. Is her 4 year crush the missing piece of the puzzle? A journey to hell and back and a love beyond the ages reveals the truth. Who you have been taught to believe you are is not always who you are meant to be...

DMMarz · Fantasía
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6 Chs



Graduation was boring of course with the exception of Abel's valedictorian speech. He was so good. He made us laugh and cry, hope and dream. Vikki watched in pure admiration of her man that didn't know he was her man. It was so cute. After receiving our diplomas we threw our caps in the air and it was finally over. We were done! Brent and Abel had met up with us for pictures. Brent put his arm around my waist and held me so tight while posing for the picture my breath hitched and my body tingled. Good lord what is this guy doing to me. Was that intentional? Couldn't be. My mind is such a treacherous place. I gathered myself and posed for the pictures and my mom and dad started talking to Vikki's parents.

So Sukie, Brent looked at me with the most awkward expression. His eyes looking at my feet with the most nervous energy that he made me feel nervous. What are you doing for your birthday? Wait, he remembered my birthday? Wow. I almost forgot to respond as I was in shock. Uhm, I really hadn't planned anything. Maybe binge watch Twilight. . Ahhhh man, such a chick flick, he laughed. The laugh seemed to bring him back to his confident self eliminating his awkward behavior. Well, I got you something. He handed me a small box with a beautiful blue bow on it. Blue was my favorite color. Someone was paying attention. Hmmm…You can't open it until 12:00.. Awww, Brent, you didn't have to. I know, I really wanted to. I am gonna miss you. Im gonna miss you too Brent. I hope I see you at the party later. Talk to you. He ran off before I could respond and put one of his teammates in a headlock. Ahhhh back to the mindless animalistic behavior of the Jocks.. I couldn't stop smiling. I was in a daze.

Oooooooooo, what was that about? Vikki questioned with a grin on her face making kissy noises. That looked pretty intense. Your face is totally flushed, she laughed. Uh, nothing, he just gave me a gift. What! Her eyes widened. I love it! Open it! I can't. He said to hope not at 12:00. Ah Mannnn, ok, Lets go get ready. We gotta go get your man tonight! She teased. He was just being nice Vikki. Its nothing. I didn't want to get my hopes up. He was just a really nice guy with a huge heart that got crushed less than a year ago. Well we are gonna find out tonight, she winked.

Snap, snap, snap!

Vikki took a pic of me in her dress that she apparently bought for me specifically for tonight. Gotta love that girl. She is always ahead of everything. I looked amazing. The dress was cobalt blue, my favorite color. It really made the blue in my hair show out. I flat ironed it dead straight. I must admit it was so beautiful and shiny. My make up was not very heavy. I did a pretty natural look with a pink/ nude lip and gold hoop earrings with strappy gold stilettos. I had a gold brass knuckle clutch which was my favorite accessory as it was a weapon as well. It was a birthday gift from my dad last year. He's the best.

I put the small present that Brent gave to me in it, eager to open it at 12:01. Omg you look amazing. Brent is gonna choke when he sees you. I gave her a crooked smile while blushing and we walked into the kitchen. Mom, we are leaving. We will be back by 1:00. Ok sweetie. Be careful. Princess, you ladies look beautiful. Do you have your pepper spray and pocket knives? Yes dad, I dragged out the words to satisfy his overprotective personality. Dad had me taking tae-kwondo classes since I was 4 years old. He taught me to shoot from 14 years old. He wanted me be one of those females not to be fucked with. He also worked for an organization which he never really told me exactly what it was. Neither did mom but I know he was gone a lot and he made really good money. Mom didn't mind so I didn't either. He was an awesome dude . They were still so in love after all these years. I hope I have half of what they have in life. Buy guys. Love ya.