

"You can't wake up like that, you need to rest a little," he said as he approached me. "Who are you?" I asked. "Because your stomach injury is so severe, you must rest and avoid disturbing your bandaged stomach. It's not healthy for you, and you need to rest,' he said, still smiling at me. Why is he ignoring my inquiry? "I just asked a question. Who are you?" I boldly asked, taking a step back. The way he's smiling gives me the impression that he is suspicious. "I'm your lifesaver; if it hadn't been for me, you would've barely survived, if not died," he said, smiling. "And, does that lifesaver not have any name? Who are you and how do you even know me,' I glared at him. "One question at a time, my dear,' he calmly said, still smiling. I wish I could wipe out that smile from his face right now. "OK. Then, give me an answer,' I said reluctantly. "My name isn't important right now; what matters is your health, Russell." He stated. What!!! He called my name; how did he know my name; and who is this man? "How...How did you know my name?' "Well, let's put that aside for now and come with me, Russell." He stated. "And why the fuck should I accompany you...?" He ignored me and continued on his way to another door. I debated whether or not to follow him. This man appears suspicious, dangerous, and calm, as if he knows what he's doing, and he appears to be a leader. He was six feet tall, with black hair, black eyes, white smooth skin, and hairy hands. He was dressed in a designer black long sleeve and a black trouser suit, and the shoes he was wearing were worth a million dollars and were the most popular shoe on the Internet. He's a badass. But the question is, what exactly does he want with me, and how did he save me? So, I guess I'll have to follow him and find out. Find out where I am and get away from here, as well as this man, to meet my family. They should be on the lookout for me by now. Lee, Stormi, and especially my father are probably concerned about me. I took a step and followed him, trusting my instincts. We both came out of, God knows where, and entered a strange room where I saw a long shiny Gold table with about 20 chairs around it. Who lives and sits here anyway? Then, all of a sudden, some parts of the walls began to open, and I saw a group of people emerge from those walls, which were painted with gold paint. Some of them were laughing as they sat at the table, while others were staring at me and smiling. What are they smiling about, I wondered. Then a young man my age approached and smirked. "Is he the same boy who can't even lift a finger to save himself?" he remarked sarcastically. "What are you on about?" I inquired. What's the matter with this guy? "Did you just ask me that?" he scoffed. "Of course, I asked you that question. Who else is here, and you're the only one talking to me?' I blurted out. If this boy thinks he can subjugate and control me, he should think again. I don't let others control me; I can stand up for myself. "Oh, you're just a newbie here. If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut because you never know who you're dealing with,' he sneered. "Who am I dealing with?" I sneered. "Are you insane, and who do you think you are here?" I inquired. This guy is already grating on my nerves, and he is extremely rude. I don't care who he is, and he has no right to speak to me as if I'm not a human being. "Is that how you treat visitors here?" I inquired. "There's a visitor.' He looked around him and looked back at me. "I had no idea you valued yourself so much, brat,' he smiled deftly, and before I knew it, everyone had gone silent and was staring at us. "Who are you calling a brat?" I became enraged. He began to laugh hysterically and then stopped. "Of course, you. Fuckwit,' he exclaimed. "Wait a sec. Say that word one more time, and I'm going to kick your fucking ass,' I smirked, and I became so enraged that I clenched my left hand into fist or I will lose my cool. "Oooh, you wanna do that. You want to compete with me, motherfucker,' he started laughing and he looked around him and the whole place and shouted on top of his voice. "Can you see that, he said he wants to beat me, this dick here wants to fucking beat me. Are you guys hearing that,' he mockingly laughed and he stared at me and smirked. You are a complete fool, inferior, Son of a bitch and don't even think...' "Shut up?" I chimed in with a mutter. Why wasn't anyone talking, and this man here who calls himself my lifesaver just stood there, staring at us, as if he's enjoying what he's seeing, and why is everyone staring at this idiot and remaining silent, are they afraid of him or what? He's a big guy. He was nearly six feet tall, with brown eyes and brown hair, and he was dressed in a black singlet and a crazy white trouser, with a long tattoo on both of his arms and two earrings on each ear, plus one on his nose. He is very fair, has pink hair, and, as much as I dislike admitting it, he is quite attractive. But he's so rude, and it seems like he hates me for no reason. I'll give him some trouble if that's what he wants. "You're a complete failure, and...' "Shut up...' "Irresponsible and no wonder everyone around you calls you a creep and avoids you like a plague and ...' "What!!! I kept looking at him, what did he just say? "Oh, are you wondering how I knew about you? Of course, it's all over your neighborhood and your school too. Your mother hates you, your father just shows pity on you, because he doesn't know what to do with you, poor child. He had no choice, but to take care of you, so he could save his business and you were a blessing to him and a curse.' With venom in his voice, he said. My feet began to shake as memories of how I had been mistreated returned to me. No, I don't want to remember the pain or what happened to me. For several years, I've been attempting to block out those memories. "I told you to shut the fuck up," I yelled angrily. "Am I pestering you, you're such a coward, that can't even fight back and even in school you try to act all smart and cool. But, still people avoid you and call you a FUCKING MONSTER?' He shouted and I ran to him and gave him a hard punch across his face and he fell down to the floor and with blood coming out of his mouth, he spat down on the floor, got up and smiled. "Sod it,' I was out of breath, breathing heavily, I didn't care, if he was bleeding he deserved it. Then, all of a sudden, he punched me across the face, and I flew through the air, hitting my back against the wall and screaming in pain. I could hear the bones in my back cracking and it was excruciatingly painful. I felt such sharp pain and dizziness as I tried to open my eyes and see what was really going on. I looked up, everything blurred, he was so far away, did I just fly from where I was standing, and I saw his hand, like an animal's hand, and his fangs were so long, his eyes turned red. What! What's going on here, am I seeing things, is there anyone else out here like me? "See how he resembles a drained cat who has sucked all the blood from his body? You wanted to show off, didn't you?' He got closer and closer and closer. "Come on, enough already. You've shown courage and done what you were supposed to do. So, leave him alone,' said a man who appeared out of nowhere, his hair black and long, and his eyes the color of a snake's. He was about five feet tall and dressed in a white gown with a lot of laces, like the clothes that the Chinese on TV wear all the time. "I just taught him a lesson, so he won't mess with me again, and besides, I'm his superior here...' Then, a girl came running up and interrupted him, I heard her saying. "You should just drop it, you two. Can't you see the way, he's injured,' she said as she approached me and knelt in front of me, and that's when I noticed the wound on my belly had opened and I was bleeding. She placed her hand on my belly, and a gleaming blue light radiated from her hands, as if it were piercing through my wounds. Seconds passed, and it began to feel so good. I couldn't move or comprehend what was going on. "You two, huh. He was the one, busy torturing the poor guy,' he shrugged. "Glad, you called him a poor guy. He's really such a poor little thing,' he mocked. "I said, shut up,' she shouted and they kept quiet and she returned her attention to me. "Don't worry,' she said, looking at my face. "It won't completely heal, but it will alleviate the pain, so take a deep breath and relax. You've had a lot of blood loss.' She said this as I looked at her hands, which were even brighter than before. "Why are you wasting your time and energy on him? He's lucky because I didn't use wolfsbane on him; or else you wouldn't have been able to heal him?' He said it with venom and looked at me with daggers.

"Will you shut up, your filthy pit you call a mouth,' roared the man who referred to himself as my lifesaver, his eyes turning red. Who are... these people?'