
Preview 2 reincarnation

In the void where multiple houses could be seen,houses connected with roads, a light was travelling so fast that if humans could see and compare it to anything then they would only be able to compare it to at least the speed of light but that detail was insignificant compared to the direction in which it was going as amongst the houses, if they could be considered houses, it was going towards was one of the biggest although not the most magnificent and biggest but still above at least the majority.

Landing directly in front of the gates which opened in front of him, a buttler appeared and said to him :"The master was waiting for you in the office, if you would please follow me."

Having no other choice our mc had to follow as the buttler did not even wait for his reply before going in forcing him to follow while complaining in his head.As they entered mc couldnt help but be surprised by what he saw as...compared to the wood outside the inside was made of gold! It was made of pure gold and if not for him testing whether it was wood and the buttler reasuring him then he would had surely never believed this was all real.

Having walked for a while they finally reached the office to find a man with ocean blue hair like those fictional characters from animes and mangas or even novels. If it werent for the pain of going through walls after being hit by a magically appearing truck then the mc would had believed this was all a super realistic dream.

After signaling for the buttler to leave and when he did without saying anything while closing the door the man finally lifted his emerald eyes which were slightly glowing in the face of our mc and with a happy face said with joy as if a child who just obtained his anticipated gift for xmas and was barely holding on his patience :"Finally you are here, hmmm i guess truck-kun has become rusty for this kind of transfer well the laws of your universe restrict powers so much that it becomes hard even for us godly beings to interact through it to you mortals."

mc :"Wait, so truck-sama is also a godly being...well of course he is, he appeared out of nowhere and hit me before disappearing like a lie...sooo, was what you told me true? can i truly reincarnate? if so do i get some advantages and can it be anyworld whether unknown or especially fictional ones like the novels, mangas or animes?"

G.E.E.D( Glowing Emerald Eyed Dude) :"Wow wow wow just wait there with your questions and let me introduce myself first so my name is something you wont understand as it is said in the language of gods and we are currently in what you could call the world of immortals and i think the name itself does all the explanations so do you understand?"

after the mc nodded to indicate he did then the immortal continued to explain while gestering for him to sit down while he continued :"yes what i said was true and yes you can reincarnate and again yes you can get advantages AND yes you can reincarnate in any world and those unknown worlds you are talking about are just worlds that your world has introduced yet due to either not having formed a connection through the 'imagination' of those so called 'authors' of the stories or because they were simply forgotten...i even have a catalog here for you if you want so you can check their names."

"Now as to why i decided to reincarnate you i already told you and well you could say it is part of my job too as i can be considered a producer here in this world as you see, us immortals did not have any entertainment until we noticed anomalies in your world...it first started with writers like shakespear who could somehow form a connection with other realities and see how people who had a huge destiny in these worlds lived and write it perfectly, man spider-man had a peetty shitty life in some universes i guess...Anyway, after some times like you many immortals started to become annoyed with those said protagonists in those stories like how you hate yun che and not only me but also a majority of immortals have been sending requests about changing yun che as he is a disgrace and huniliation to the term 'mc' and some even hate how he is too arrogant sometimes when he aint that tought and cant even protect his loved ones and directly goes hating the murderers and losing important ones everytime without thinking how they got his loved ones"

{a/n : dont worry it is just me bullshitting my way here i mean i dont really remember the story and i am sure like me most if not all do kot care if you have read till the time for northern divine region exploration.

Also i aint about to give more spoilers as i do t like it so go read it i mean it must be around chapter 1700 or so}

"wait so i can choose my cheats alright as long as it is not overbearing?"

"yeah and dont worry the moment you arrived here the movie about your life had already started and if you think it is not fair about how we will make a movie about you who does not even get any advantage out of this bargain then think again...you get to reincarnate and change the story, you will be able to get those beutiful women if you want while living with powers and having a good chance at being op while at the same time regaining new parents. There is also the fame you might get here in our world well that depends on your actions and if the immortals accept it and do not worry because even if you become a villain or anti -hero then people will not hate you i mean we also need a change from time to times"

mc thought for a while and nodded and said :"Alright i guess i dont have a choice anyway since i am already fated to go to yun che, am i forced to go with madara body or can i change it"

"you can change it if you want, well your 'wishes if you can call it as such would be reduced from that since the body was already in the contract and you also"

"hmm alright then i wish to change it for saitama's body and if you cannot can i at least get the power or whatever allowed him to get so str...HMPH!!!"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!?!?! i mean how can i give you the power or body of someone who is the second strongest under the original god!!! and if you want to ask why second isbhim the let me tell you that there is not only one second as there are a lot of others like zeno in the db universe...anyway it is impossivle as if i try then saitama will try to kill us and i am sure you dont want him to come as since the original invited him to live with him, the dude not only became immortal but he also has arrived at the limit below the original i mean dont look at me as if i am lying cuz his power was only granted by the original in special ways i cannot tell and no he does not choose or give a trial as it is random."

"Well that is a shame but i guess i wont have to be bald...anyway lets see i will still go through with madara's body with my sharingan able to use any energy to activate and use its capabities...anyway for my first 'wish' i would like to get the memories and profound treasures of yun che's two lives until he was awake and found little aunt near him after she collapsed that is when he awoke on the day of his marriage after his death and reincarnations if u consider he reincarnated into two bodies after he died one being on azure continent and the other being the first one in the profound continent. Of course i dont want it to influence me one bit."

"Hmmm first why did you not ask for you know all his life experience that is after he met jasmine till even the end if his story and also with this wish you will not get other profound treasures? dont mind me i am just curious by your wish as others would have been greedier than that and ask for all?"

"well first of all i do not want to walk an almost similar path to that of yun che as i want to be a better yun che and second you did say that i did not get to be overboard with them so i asked for the minimum neccessary"

"alright anyway what is your next wish"

"i want to get the abilty to travel to other multiverse and to be able to select it on a tab that will not only show me my status and allow me to completely or partially block or unlock powers which i got from verses i visited but also let me freeze time in verses or change the time flow. Also make sure i can get the different energies from those worlds."

"alright next now"

"Hmmm since i know that with sharingan i am basically invincible to illusions but still gotta ve careful so i want to a skill called perfect mind protection which will allow me to block any invasion or attacks on my mind unless i allow them and if i allow them it can only show them what i want and if they need to ask me again for verifying again"


"lets see i want to have another interface which will allow me to see the names of my lovers and will show me the percentage of loyalty like a certain fanfic about a guy in DxD where the moment they reach 100% then they become loyal to me and get eternal youth like me while their profound veins and bloodline would be shared with me while i too will share as mine as for example if i have uchiha bloodline and evil god profound veins while my veins will also have special effects such as being multi-elemental and having the evil god arts and qingye has her physiques and the has obtained a loyalty of 100%, then i will get her physique while she gets my profound vein with all of its perks and having the uchiha bloodline for example, also make it so that when i get a new bloodline or something then my wives will also get it directly. However i want you to add a function where when they get 100% loyalty then others will only see them as unattractive and at best best friends where they will not have any attraction sexually or romantically and my women are gonna have romantic feelings only for me and at most consider others like relatives or siblings at most but not as a lover or look at them with lust or passion for romance. I am a realist here and i know that there is rape and others and even with the 100% loyalty i am going in a world...no in all worlds there must be that dude with the horny young master syndrome where he sees a love interest of mc and goes for her and annoys mc so i wanna minimize it. Also if the girls had lost their virginities or that vital yin thing just repair everything and even the trauma of rape for some as in some universes some women who are potentiel wife might be raped though i hope i wont have to target those as i wont want them to experience or remember this. Also when i have sex with qingyue i will obtain a world so i want you to prepare a mansion with space magic inside to make it seem small outside but huge inside and ever growing while adding bedrooms for my wives while also increasing the size of my room and bed. Also create a mark that i can use to mark my wives and also my people who i deem worthy would have a mark but which is different. this mark will allow them to come and exit my dimension which i will get. Also create a basement where the people who have been marked would get a clone there which will not only be swapped when they are battling and about to die effectively teleporting them out of danger but will also stop time at the swapping. I dont want them to grow arrogant just because they can survive any fight and so this will help them think that they could die even with this and will not become stupid. Also the mark can help us locate and communicqte with the others marked even if we are in different realms like if i am in god realm and they are in blue pole star. Also, when i travel to anitger universe, then time must pose for every one except poeple already in my inner world and my wives who will be replaced by their clone frozen in time and will be moved to my personally world and then will replace their clones. The clones are just in case someone or something removes the time eeze. Also, the clones will be there for this kind of situation as the sudden disappearance of my wives and myselve and those who have the mark will cause quite the disturbance."

"Well that is a lot but still within my capabilities so is this all?"

"pretty much, ow yeah can i request some things for my profound veins? first make sure that they can absorb anything and even the blood of inheritance for the evil god without destroying my cultivation and also make it so that it has the special power to change the way people perceive it even if they are in direct contact like for example make it seem as if it is crippled or make it seem as if i was at elementary realm when i am in fact at a higher realm as i want it to go to the same way as story...more or less so that i have more control over the events and can also carefully take measures so that those close to me do not suffer"

"well that is doable and are you finished yet because i dont have much energy to give you your 'priviledges' or at least powerful ones?"

"yes it is pretty simple actually i want you to make it so that mu bingyun comes at least a year before my marriage and that i follow her under the pretext that although i 'cannot' cultivate i will still be able to have a peerless comprehension about medicinal knowledge and that i will be her apprentice till before my marriage where i will only come back for the marriage and also make sure that jasmine gives me the inheritance of the heretic god even if i am somehow shown to have a relation to a realm in the god realm. Also can you make me and xiao lingxi meet xia qingyue a lot of times even in our years as babies so that i can become as close to her as possible and even lignxi too can"

"Of course, well you are lucky that there is enough for not only this but for also letting you regain your memories and note that you will not have memories from the time you are a fetus as even if we are immortals we are not as bored as to watch a fetus cultivate and endager his mother who in your case would also be poisonned. You also do not want to be branded as a possessed guy cuz believe me there was one who weirdly enough choose to reincarnate as kazuma and well lets just say that he wanted attention and got more than he could chew.Poor kazuma, even when someone chooses to reincarnate in him and give gim a better life he still suffers as if his body or face maybe itself is cursed."

"Anyway you will regain your memories a year before you can cultivate which is a year before yun che himself could cultivate which was at seven years and a half. The sharingan will not have this hatred bullshit and its evolution will be according to cultivation base meaning that when you enter the divine way for example you will get it but it will be explain in your 'status' when you can unlock them with the sharingan being at the beginning itself but you will only get the one tomoe after elementary realm. Also since madara had wood release you wont go blind but well lets just say that it wont directly go to EMS as there is a surprise for you which has been requested by most of the viewers for it. And last about women, or your wives they can cultivate those emotion cutters if you can call these techniques like so for example the asgard but well when loyalty will start increasing then they will start being emotional only when dealing with you but if you have already started to court them then whatever they wont be cold to you and those you order them to even though i am sure you will stop them completely after."

"thank you with this i will have an easier life and dont worry i already had a plan for that but well this is more secure"

After that the god then smiled at him and said :"no problem and since we are done here i hope you have a better life with a big family like you wanted to before and live your childhood to the fullest i mean whats the use of rebocomming a child if you cant enjoy it a bit HAHAAHAHHAHA. Also you will not have to worry about other reincarnators as you could say you will be in a seperate timeline which can be considered as private meaning no wife stealing or all this bullshit now off you go."

And with this our mc went to live his new life where he will become the most op character ever.