
Academy of Versailles

The world is still in ruin with ashes of war. However the greed of man seems never ending. With battle formations drawn and super powered soldiers ready to attack. A new more bloody war can break out at any moment. Follow Terra Parvus as he and his friends do everything in their power to prevent any spark from combusting into a never ending flame.

Aarthurs_Pen · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Saying Goodbye and Hello

Chapter 8: Saying Goodbye and Hello

Now, their family was ready to find their new home. Once all the items were sent by the teleporters, it was time for the most essential family members themselves to leave. Margarette and Chole looked at their lonely home and reminisced about the times they had spent there. This had been their home immediately after the war was over. They had decided on a home that was as far away as possible from anyone else. For them, who had been surrounded by chaos for most of their lives, they wished for the peace of the countryside more than anything else.

As if the couple were seeing the same scene playing out in their heads, they reached out their hands to each other and watched. The house itself was secluded by nothing but endless stretches of gently swaying grasses, under the expansive sky. This house started so small, with only two bedrooms and one floor, but it had become so much bigger, not only in square feet but in the significance it held in their hearts. Their moments of peace together were clearly displayed in this once humble home. They looked at the front door where they had first entered, remembering the scene where Margarette lifted Chole into her arms like he was her princess and entered. They saw the kitchen window, where they had eaten breakfast together for the first time in absolute peace and serenity. The living room window showed how they would laze about for days on end. They saw the bedroom where they had never slept. This made them both laugh. They looked at each window, reminiscing about the scenes that had brought them together, as if this was all they had ever wanted. They couldn't recall a single moment in this house when they were not bursting with laughter.

Then they saw the day they welcomed two new family members: one long-time friend turned brother, and the other who became the new reason for their life. They saw how Chole had opened the door for Margarette, who was holding newborn Terra, struggling to get out of his swaddle blanket and trying to see the new world. While Michael anxiously looked around assessing for dangers. Both laughed as they saw their memories play out. They looked at the second floor, which had become Terra's first bedroom. This made the parents' eyes teary; they realized that all of Terra's memories were here. Concerned, they looked to find their son, who was happily looking at them reminiscently. They then turned to look at the endless grass plains that would welcome the oncoming winds with gentle waves. They saw the scene where the valiant Margarette trained with Chole alone at first. Then they saw Michael and Terra training together. They looked at the spot where Michael and Terra would theorize. A large and proud smile appeared on their faces. They were truly proud of their brother and son. It was as if the past year's moments were replaying themselves, and the couple saw every moment once again.

Terra had walked over to Anne and Michael. The three of them were looking at the couple, not saying anything to them. The couple had gone through war together and made this building their home as well as their paradise. Everyone here knew that all this peace was only limited to this magnificent home, where every crease was carved with their love for one another. The moment they left this paradise, their mission would begin. The mission in their life had always been to stop wars. Today, the mission was the same as when they put on their combat boots for the first time. Only this time, death was not an option for them. No, they were not allowed to die. Their son would be great in the future, and he would need them until he had matured.

Despite encountering formidable ability users, Chole and Margarette did not experience the same level of pressure as they did when it came to the responsibilities of being parents. When they became a couple in an underground tunnel, they believed that the tunnel could collapse on them at any moment. They confessed their love for each other and made a vow to remain together until death. However, now they found themselves unable to die. They were determined to protect their child and refused to succumb to the impending struggle. The couple's emotions shone like bright beacons, illuminating the hearts of the other members of the clan. Terra, Michael, Anne, Sara, and Yuri all felt this and also pledged to reject war.

The Pervus Clan, even before its members became a family, were warriors. They always knew that war had created them and would ultimately destroy them. That is why they were committed to stopping it at all costs. Their motivation did not stem from a desire for grandeur or to become the sole rulers of the world; rather, it came from their refusal to see harm befall those around them. They were prepared to leave their paradise behind, but they were determined to make their new home a paradise as well.

As if guided by a single consciousness, from the youngest Terra to the oldest Michael, all the members of the Pervus Clan stood in a line, hands joined together. They offered a low bow to their magnificent home, expressing gratitude for the happiness it had bestowed upon them. Then, without letting go of each other, they turned towards the teleporters. With unwavering support and an unbreakable bond, they vowed to face any challenge as a united family. Together, they stepped into the portal, ready to embrace their new home despite the surrounding enemies.

Upon their arrival at the Academy of Versailles, the family was greeted by the breathtaking sight of the academy's town square, where the teleporters were located. The town square was a spacious, open area adorned with exquisite architecture and meticulously crafted sculptures that celebrated the academy's prestigious role as a center of learning for future leaders. At the heart of the square stood a majestic and grand fountain, its cascading waters creating a soothing melody that filled the air with freshness. The fountain was adorned with intricate carvings representing the elements of power, symbolizing the strength, intelligence, and integrity fostered within the academy's students. Surrounding the fountain were benches and seating areas, providing ample space for people to relax, converse, and revel in the richness of the atmosphere. Towering trees and vibrant flower beds adorned the perimeter, offering both shade and bursts of color that contributed to the serene and inviting ambiance.

The town square served as a venue for various events and gatherings. It hosted lively festivals where students showcased their talents in music, dance, and theatrical performances. Adjacent to the square, one could find charming shops, bookstores, and cafes, where individuals could indulge in culinary delights, acquire academic resources, or simply find a cozy spot to study or engage in intellectual conversations.

Just by looking at her family's clearly impressed faces, Anne felt proud. She had spent nearly every day of the last two years creating her masterpiece. Through her relentless effort, she had contributed to almost every aspect of the academy. The budget was never an issue since all countries of the world were allowed to send their best students, who were charged for being taught by the current experts. However, this didn't mean that everything magically appeared. Anne had scoured the world to find the finest faculty, architects, builders, chefs, and even a world-renowned florist to create the exquisite flower beds around the town square's fountain. This entire city was her canvas, and she had painted the greatest masterpiece ever to be seen. The Academy of Versailles had become not only a destination for learning but also one of the world's greatest tourist attractions.

As Anne observed her family's expressions, indicating their appreciation, she was about to bring them out of their reverie when she noticed her husband walking towards her with a bouquet of roses. Seeing the store he had just returned from, she was reminded of how much her life had changed in just a few days. She became dazed at his approaching figure recollecting that she had been an orphan not long ago. Her biological family had been as cold as arctic glaciers, and she had never considered them her own. She remembered the love her sister had once shown her, but after leaving for the betterment of the world, she too had grown distant. The person she had loved for so many years had only seen her as a friend. She had felt incredibly alone and without a family. A tear rolled down her eyes, resembling a drop in a vast lake. However, a smile suddenly bloomed on her face, eradicating all feelings of loneliness and abandonment. She recalled what her husband had said to her, "We are the same then. We both were given families by that boy."

Micheal, witnessing his beloved cry, was about to call out to her; but he froze in awe when he saw her radiant smile. She transformed from a lonely moon in the night sky to a blazing sun at noon. Her smile rendered him speechless.

Anne refocused her gaze and greeted, "Hello, husband."

Micheal found her greeting a bit peculiar but decided to overlook it and replied, "Hello, wife. Are you okay?"

Anne nodded, readjusted her emotions, and invited her family to follow her into their new home.

As the Pervus family strolled through the streets leading to the principal's mansion, they were once again astounded by the city's beauty. Coming from the vast emptiness of the grassy plains, they were shocked to witness such a vibrant and bustling environment. People could be seen going about their daily activities, students hurried to their classes, and faculty members engaged in scholarly discussions. The streets leading to the principal's mansion were wide and well-paved, adorned with tall, elegant buildings that exuded grandeur and sophistication. The architectural style showcased a harmonious blend of classical and modern elements, featuring intricately designed facades, arched windows, and ornate balconies that added a touch of elegance to the surroundings.

As they walked, the number of people gradually decreased. After thirty minutes of walking, they finally caught sight of their new home. The mansion was nestled at the end of a wide, tree-lined avenue, creating a grand entrance. The avenue itself was adorned with lush greenery, meticulously manicured gardens, and vibrant flower beds that added a splash of color to the surroundings. As the mansion came into view, it was surrounded by high walls, giving it a castle-like appearance and exuding a sense of exclusivity and privacy. The walls were made of sturdy, intricately carved stone, standing as a testament to the mansion's importance and significance. Tall, wrought-iron gates marked the entrance, showcasing imposing designs and intricate patterns that demonstrated careful attention to detail. Positioned outside the gate were two powerful ability users adorned in the academy's guard uniforms. All guards on duty wore bright white uniforms with blue stripes, representing the academy's values of learning and global peace.

As the soldiers caught sight of Anne's face, they were initially shocked to see their principal, who was known to be a solitary person, leading a group toward them. They instinctively brought their hands to their chests and bowed while cheering in a voice that clearly displayed their respect, "Welcome home, Principal!"

Anne chuckled and replied, "This mansion was indeed designed and built by me, but this is the first time I have come here since its construction. However, from now on, it will be the home for myself and my family."

Sighing, as if reminding herself that the last few days were not a dream, Anne looked back at her family and then at the soldiers. She declared, "This is the home of the Pervus from now on. Regardless of who the principal is or how many centuries pass, this will be the primary residence of my family."

A smile spread across Anne's face, indicating her satisfaction, and she continued, "Open the gate and have someone remove the name 'Principal's Mansion' and replace it with 'The House of Pervus'."

The soldiers stood speechless in front of the principal, knowing that it was indeed her prerogative to make decisions as she pleased. Moreover, no one in the academy had ever questioned her authority before, and the soldiers assigned to this area were all handpicked by her. Similarly, the individuals inside the mansion were also carefully chosen by her for specific reasons.

As the guards opened the main gate for the first time since its construction, the scene unfolded before them. Observing the large gates swing open, all the surrounding soldiers made their way towards the mansion. By the time the gates fully opened, all the soldiers had lined up with their heads bowed in reverence. However, they were not alone. At the far end stood all the maids and butlers who had come out as well. They, too, stood with their heads bowed. Unlike the soldiers who kept their eyes lowered to display respect, the servants kept their eyes shut.

As Anne and her family walked between the bowing soldiers, their new home was finally revealed in all its glory. The principal's mansion itself was a magnificent structure, boasting a fusion of architectural styles that accentuated its grandeur. The facade was adorned with intricate stonework and expansive windows, allowing ample natural light to grace the interior spaces. The mansion stood as a symbol of authority and leadership, commanding respect and admiration from all who beheld it. Surrounding the mansion, meticulously manicured gardens and sprawling lawns offered a tranquil and serene retreat. The gardens were meticulously tended, featuring vibrant flowers, neatly trimmed hedges, and winding pathways that invited visitors to leisurely stroll and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Anne halted in front of the servants, greeting them with a smile that did not reach her eyes. She then said, "Thank you so much for your hard work. I will no longer require your assistance here. Please proceed to the teacher's dormitory and continue your work there."

The butlers and maids remained in their bow, even as they learned that they had lost their place of work and residence. However, none of them voiced any complaints, and their eyes did not even open. They gracefully concluded their respectful bow and made their way outside the gate. The perfect acceptance displayed by the servants was peculiar in itself. Regardless of their fear of Anne, one would expect some indication of disapproval or unease upon being relocated.

After all the servants had left, the captain of the guards approached Anne, about to ask something, but she shook her head. Understanding her gesture, the captain nodded and left the gate along with the rest of the soldiers.

Even after everyone had departed, none of the members of the Pervus clan spoke. All eyes were fixed on Anne, whose gaze immediately turned hostile once the outsider were gone. Confirming that everyone's attention was on her, Terra used sign language to ask, "So, were all the servants spies?"

Anne was shocked to see that Terra had also learned sign language, but she realized that since her comrades were fluent in it, it made sense for the brilliant infant Terra to know it as well.

She signed back, "Yes, that's why I kept them here while I was living next to Michael. But we still need to thoroughly search the house to see if there are any hidden recordings or devices."

Terra looked confident and signed while glancing at his usual partner in crime, "Leave it to us, Auntie. We've been working with substance M for so long that we can sniff it out anywhere. To be honest, I was going to tell you that this place is full of it."

Anne was delighted to hear that her nephew and husband were so dependable.

Michael first took out a small knife and cut his arm to release blood, while Terra transformed his fingers into a silver light. Then they began to move swiftly. They split up, with Terra staying in the current area while Michael went to the back of the house.

Pang, pang, pang!

The sound of glass breaking echoed all around. During this time, Margarette ordered everyone to hold their positions. Not only was she concerned that any movement would interfere with Michael and Terra's perception, but she also wanted to ensure that the enemy remained oblivious, no matter how insignificant the information might be.

Once the sounds of glass breaking subsided, Margarette instructed the remaining members to enter the house, while Michael and Terra went to the courtyard to ensure no more listening devices had been planted.

Listening devices could be easily created by someone with recording abilities. This could be done by activating their power on an inanimate object and linking it to another object, enabling one-sided listening. However, this method of communication was ineffective due to its limited range of activation and transmission. Nevertheless, it provided enough evidence to explain why Anne did not reside in this mansion. In her dorm room, she kept only a bed and a desk, maintaining an obsessively simplistic environment to easily identify and remove any foreign items. Anne was hopeful that Terra and Micheal would have a solution to this problem. If not, she was prepared to remove every item and burn them on the lawn, both as a display of her anger and a resolution to the issue. However, her anger remained unquenched.

After Micheal and Terra returned, satisfied with their work, Margarette began to speak. "The first official meeting of the Pervus in our headquarters is commencing now. Everyone, you now understand the number of enemies we have. Despite Anne's efforts to bring together nearly every person in this city, there are countless spies among them. It is safer to assume that everyone is our enemy. But we have grown accustomed to being surrounded by enemies, haven't we, comrades? HAHAH."

Upon hearing the last part of Margarette's speech, everyone except Terra wore bitter smiles on their faces. Terra found their reactions strange but decided that now was not the time to discuss it.

Anne nodded and further elaborated, "That is a very reasonable assessment. When establishing the academy, we welcomed only the best individuals, regardless of their origins. I have no qualms about considering everyone as an enemy, even the guard captain who acts friendly. Prior to all of you, the only person I truly trusted was Micheal."

Everyone was shocked. Anne had been so proud of her academy, yet the people within it turned out to be her enemies. They couldn't fathom what it must have felt like for her to live among enemies for two years. They reaffirmed their promise to themselves: they would not let any family member feel alone and helpless again.

Sara asked, "Serge, are you planning to kill that captain?"

Thank you so much for reading. If you like the book please give it some powerstones and if you have an idea let me know in the comments. Thanks !!!

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