
Chapter 3

James pov

After I calmed down Belle I went back downstairs to finish what I started. When I went down there I saw Harmony unconscious. I ran towards Harmony to make sure she wasn't dead because I need her. I felt her pulse and it was faint. I called an ambulance to my house. A few minutes later they came and took Harmony away. I hurried and grabbed Belle and went to go to the hospital.

I got there and asked the receptionist where Harmony was. She told me that she was still being treated. I sit in the seats trying to tell myself that Harmony is fine. Harmony is strong and she wouldn't just leave me like that. After an hour or so the receptionist told me Harmony's room.

I quickly walk to her room and see her hooked up to lots of cords and machines. My breath hitched seeing her like this. I never would have imagined her being here other than giving birth. I grab her hand kissing it.

"I'm so sorry baby. I never meant to go this far I swear. I promise I won't hurt you this bad again." After that her eyes start to flutter open. I kept telling her I was sorry and that I want to take back my mistake.

She told me to be quiet for a second. She told me she needs time to think if she would come back to me and she wants to take Isabelle with her. I let her think that she has an option but in reality she doesn't. She is going to back with me and stay there. She belongs to me and nothing is going to change that.

A few weeks later

Harmony's pov

I decided that I would go back with James. I have no where else to go, so I will stay there until I have some money for a place. When I got to our house and went through the door it looked horrible. James was on the couch with alcohol bottles surrounding him. I went to go wake up. When I wake him up his eyes land on me and he looks angry.

I was afraid and started to back away from him. He started to come my way so I ran out the door. I ran towards my car but before I could get to the door I was pulled by my hair. I started to scream in hope that someone would help me. Of course no one came and I was dragged into the house. He started to beat me and I was screaming and crying. Once I mentioned Belle he stopped and walked toward my car and grabbed Belle out. I was scared that he was going to hurt her so ran toward him to protect my baby.

He just punched me and kicked me aside. I stumbled back and saw him lifting his hand toward my baby. He hit her and I started to scream and cry, Belle was crying so loud. I need to get her away from him now.

After James hit Belle I ran toward him. I tried to grab Belle, but he pushed me away. I started to scream even more after he struck Belle again. That's when something in me just went off. I started to punch, kick, bite, and scratch him. Anything that would get his attention back toward me and away from her.

I soon got Belle out of his hands and ran into a different room and locked the door. I put Belle somewhere else to hide her and went back downstairs. Once downstairs I saw James with a gun in his hands. He pointed the gun at me and started to stalk towards me like I'm his prey.

I started to back away from him, but soon was stopped by the wall. Tears were streaming down my face as I thought this was the end. "Say your last words, baby." I start crying more after hearing that.

"Please don't kill me. I don't want to die." I started to beg for him to let me go.

"Oh sweetie, no one ever does." That's when he pulls the trigger. Everything goes black. Before fully going unconscious I could still hear the faint cries of Belle in the background.

A few weeks later

I woke up in the hospital with a lot of pain. I tried to get up only to be pushed down again. "Don't get up, you're hurt." I start to scream after hearing that. A hand comes over my mouth muffling ,y screams. "Please be quiet. Also you're like you don't know me."

"I don't know you. I have never seen your face before." I say back like it is obvious.

"You do know me. Don't you remember me from high school?" I stared at his face for a moment to see if I recognized him, but nothing came up. I soon start to remember who he is.

"Omg now I remember who you are, you're Aaron Matthews."

"You finally remember your close friend. Did you actually forget me?" I was about to reply when I remembered my baby.

"Where's my baby? Please tell me you got my baby."

"Of course I grabbed the baby. I'm not an idiot. She was hard to find though I had to follow her cries to get to her." I sighed in relief after I found out my baby was safe. "There is one down side though....when I got there James wasn't anywhere to be found." I was worried about James coming back for me and my baby.

That's when someone walked in the room. That's the last person I wanted to see.....