
Abused, Bruised and Loved

Love is something I used to believe in. From the way he would touch me, kiss me, hold me and whisper my name. I knew from the depth of my heart that I love him. I would find myself for long periods of time just appreciating him. I would find myself with a silly smile on my face, all over a simple text he had sent me. I was so deeply in love, I didn't think anything on this earth could ruin it. He was absolutely perfect. A total gentle man. Patient and kind. A student, with a bright future ahead of him. To top everything off, he was absolutely handsome. He was mine. We would speak of a future together. He'd promise to love me, till death do is part and I'd do the same. The future seemed bright, a abundance amount of happiness seemed to await us. I was happy with him in my life and he was happy with me in his. We were happy together. That is until his mask fell and I saw him for who he truly is. A heartless monster, with a soul as black as his hair. No heart, no humanity. A being who is not afraid to strike me. Then cheat on me with no regret. I stopped believing in love for I felt it did not exist. Built up walls so high you could not see the to. But... He managed to break past them or maybe a window always existed, only for him.

Daoist2YdCGk · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Chapter ONE : What's up with my best friend.

Asher Seinfeld had been best friends with Emily Pierce for as long as he could remember. They had practically grown up together. Well that's probably because their parents were great friends as well.

They'd practically gone through life together. From their first word, first steps, everything. They even went to the same school in order to share the experience of the first day at school.


"Ashy I'm scared," a five-year old Emily said tightening her grip on her best friend.

Their parents had jut dropped them off, it was their very first day at school. The poor girl was rightfully frightened. Asher was scared as well but he knew that in this situation he had to be the strong one.

"Don't worry Em you've got me and I've got you. It's us against the school," he'd said dramatically causing her to giggle.


Since birth they have never been apart, not that it was something they really minded. They were best friends, it's always been like that and hopefully nothing would change.

It was harder to maintain their relationship in high school then it was in middle. Their lives became bussier, schedules fully packed, they picked up on different hobbies and even had separate friend groups. But even through all of this their relationship had survived.

Things of course became better in the 10th grade. Both had found themselves in the same homeroom with almost similar schedules. They even found a hobby they both enjoyed. Their relationship was striving which was great even if they had half the school thinking they were dating.

They were not but their actions were often deceiving. Everything they did made them seem as if they were a couple, from their playful banter to their actions.


Both set in the cafeteria with their one shared friend group. All of them were part of the drama club of course. Asher and Emily set right across from each other and were blissfully chatting with their friends about their latest project.

Somewhere in the discussion Emily accidentally bumped her legs against Asher's legs. She sent a silent apology towards Asher's direction and was about to move away when she felt something wrap around her legs.

She looks towards Asher's direction eyes wide. They briefly make eye contact and he sends her a smirk before turning his attention back to the discussion they were having. She decides to do the same while discretely attempting to free her legs from Asher's .

She spends a good five minutes tugging with no avail. She sighs in defeat turning towards Asher who was staring right at her with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Stop," she simply says causing all conversation within the group to come to a hault.

"What ever are you referring to Em," he asks with a stupid smirk painted along his lips. A smirk she was very much used to.

"You know very well what I'm referring to Ash," she said narrowing her eye at him before they shifted to the table, right at the spot above their intiwined legs.

"Come on Em I just want to hold onto you for as long as I can," Asher says smirk widening. "can you really blame me"

Their friends were quick to catch on to what was going on as they peaked under the table before promptly bursting out into fits of laughter.

"You guys should just do everyone a favor and date already," Camila had said somewhere between their fits of laughter.


The rumors of their relationship had died down when Emma started dating the quarter back of the football team Benjamin Cromwell.

The two were quick to become the school's power couple. They were absolutely adorable. From most people perspective they looked throughly in love. Even Asher seemed to tone down his usual attitude towards Emily not wanting to cause any problems between the couple.

Free time between the couple seemed to decrease once more. Though it didn't decrease as drastically as it did during the beginning of high school.

When they reached they reached the 11th grade something seemed change in the two best friends relationship. It had all started when Emily had announced that she was moving in Even.


"Em don't you think you think yall moving too fast," he'd said earning a frown from the girl.

"No I do not," she'd replied a Ted bit too harshly.

"Em you haven't even been dating the guy for a year and you already want to move in, what's do your parents think about this -"

"It's my decision okay so stop trying to control everything," she had shouted cutting him off.

"Em I'm not trying to control anything," he said shocked and slightly hurt by her words.

"Look Ash I'm sorry," she said solemnly picking up her things getting ready to leave. "But you can't really expect to be part of every aspect of my life."


She had left soon after that, leaving her best friend completely confused and slightly heart by the interaction. He had no idea where all of this had come from.

Most would think an argument like that would destroy a friendship but that wasn't the case for the duo. Things had been tense for a while before they went back to being somewhat normal. Even with all that had been going on, both still completely cared for each other and were willing to look past the argument.

Though Asher noticed how much his best friend had started changing. You see Emily was what most would call tomboyish. Which is something one should expect when your best friend since birth is a guy.

She had short blonde hair, rarely wore any makeup unless it had something to do with the drama club and always choose comfort over style when it came to the way she dressed. Though non of this made her any less beautiful than the rest of girls in their school and Asher made sure he reminded her every time she began to doubt herself.

So he was quite shocked when she started letting her hair grow out, started applying bits of makeup and started changing the way she dressed. Though it wasn't anything major, it wasn't truly her.

When he asked about it she had just shrugged him off stating how change was a part of growing up. He of course had no choice but to support her fully, as long as she was happy he was as well.

Then came the bruises, the cuts and limps which she all covered with terrible excuses that were clearly fake.

"I'm fine I just slipped okay"

"I got hurt when I was in the shower"

"It's nothing much"

"I've just been clumsy lately"

"I'm fine okay"

The injuries kept on becoming worse and the excuses seem to becoming more ridiculous. All of this worried Asher. What was it that was truly happening in her best friends life that she couldn't share with him.