
Abused and Mute

My name is Kat. I live with my step-mom and dad. I haven't spoken to anyone since the day my mom left.

saphire_evergreen · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 1


I woke up to my father saying "time for school princess." I smiled "good morning." And went to get dressed. I walked downstairs and got a bowl of cereal because mama didn't cook pancakes like she usually did. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what. I wanted to try and fix things but I didn't know what the problem was so I couldn't help and that made me feel bad because I love my mum and dad.

My mum took me to school today. She kissed my forehead with tears in her eyes "I love you my beautiful angel and I always will." I smiled "mama you don't need to cry. I love you too." I got out of the truck and walked into school.

I spent the day coloring and playing with Tyra because our teacher let us have a fun day. At recess me and trying were just walking around and talking when a boy walked over and said "Uh, hi, I'm Zakary." I said "Hi, Zakary. I'm Kat and this is Tyra." I pointed to Tyra and she gave a small wave. I turned my attention back to Zakary "Do you want to be our friend?" He nodded "yea, you can call me Zak though." I smiled "So do you wanna play tag with us?" He nodded and poked my arm "yea, tag your it." And ran away. We played tag until the teacher called us in and told us we could color and play with the toys since today is a free day. I was so busy playing with Tyra and Zak I didn't realize it was the end of the school day until the teacher said "Time to go home."

I got my backpack and went outside to my dad. I got in the car and told him about my day and how I made a new friend. He smiled "It seems like you are doing really good in school." I smiled "Yes, I am." Once we got home I ran to my room to get Smokey and bring her downstairs to watch TV with me. I was sitting on the couch getting ready to click play. When my mama walked into the living room with tears running down her face "sweety I'm sorry but I'm moving out. I shook my head "No mama, you can't leave." She looked down and said, "I'm sorry I can't stay, I have to leave." I started to cry "mama I want you to live with me and dad. Please stay mama. Please." She shook her head "I'm sorry angel but I can't stay. I love you." I cried and hugged mama "I love you too mama." My father walked in the living room "it's time for you to go Sabiena." My mum nodded and let go of me. That was the last time I saw mama.

*end of flashback