
Absorbing Her Darkness

Love is "Growing Together". Love is "Realizing that a flaw makes each other perfect." Love has countless definitions. Reveal the defi…. PROLOGUE The story takes place in the beautiful Indian cEKANSHity of Dehradun. It is the twisted romance of BHAIRAVI (aka AARNA). The novel explores college life! Here, Bhairavi changed her name to hide her identity. Her code name is Aarna. Why? Let's take a look together. The story will be told from the point of view of both main actors. Sometimes also the author's point of view. You will be informed about the POV at the beginning of each chapter. As I am busy with my college and studies, parts will be published every alternate day including Sunday. [The characters and plot are only the author's imagination. No one is harmed in the real world.] PROLOGUE: (flash of what happens later in the story, it changes fate all) Author's POV: She walked quietly through the dark corridor of the college. She didn't want to leave. She loved the city. She loved the people who live here. She loved the air and everything! Since the electricity had been cut off, it was completely dark. It also thundered. She could hear her ankles jingling as she moved. She wore a floral print skirt and a flat crop top, leaving her dark brown hair down to her upper waist. She was forcefully heading to the administrative office to collect her TC. A tear welled up in her eye because no she wanted to go back to her past life. She hated it. And after coming to this city, she hated it even more. She walked slowly and wiped her tears with her left hand. “BHAIRAVI!!”, someone called from behind. She stood motionless as thoughts clouded her mind. No. No one can know who I am. I don't want them to know my real name. That will make it harder for me.. She turned with an absent mind. Like her she answered the name, the person in front of her having just been confirmed in her true identity. Her eyes were full of tears, so she couldn't see the person clearly. She focused the torchlight on him. Ekansh. who else would it be? He stared at her. He had no idea of ​​her pain. She had always been a mystery to him. And he loved mysteries. So he wanted to solve it. He never gives up until he finds his roots. And he managed to find the roots of this mystery. “Bhairavi,” he said calmly, this time slowly pacing back and forth towards her. "How do you know my real name?" she asked as her heart rate rose. He was standing very close to her. His face tilted parallel to hers. The gap was less than a few centimeters. She shivered as her eyes caught his. He grabbed her waist with his left hand to erase the remaining gap. She was breathing hard because she was tired from crying. And now his actions made her knees buckle. “I love you Bhairavi,” he said, stroking her cheek with his right thumb. She didn't know how to answer. She didn't want one more thing to be added to the list she had to leave behind. When she didn't answer, he realized she was in pain. Now he could only see her tears flowing faster. He lowered his face slightly to capture her lips. Sometimes falling in love is the easiest thing. How far would you go to save it?

Sudha_Rana_6772 · Fantasía
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68 Chs

Chapter 8

Ekansh POV:

While running, the inquiry that wandered to me was who was holding back nothing and why?

It wasn't the fear based oppressor. My guts say that it is somebody from inside.

Fortunately we found the framework and the other group cared for its removal.

My companions and I celebrated the previous evening. However, the inquiry

was gobbling me up throughout the evening. Who and why?!

I went running across the grounds and met Aarna. I felt gorgeous at her in the early daylight.

Presently, I'm running back to my inn.

Something died behind me. I turned right away and saw nobody.

Why in the world is our grounds feeling tormented nowadays?!

Over the most recent two years, in no way like this. All of abrupt, why now?

My telephone rang. It was mother.

l addressed it right away.

"Ansh! What's up with you? You don't reply

any of my calls nowadays. On that, I saw on the

news-If it's not too much trouble, return beta (child). ",she in a real sense

begun crying.

Indeed mother calls me Ansh.

"Mother, your child is fine. Be glad for him. He followed the bomb. This was his most memorable task and it was fruitful." I said smoothly.

"Ansh. Enough of everything. Return to Mumbai. Dehradun is as of now not ok for you. If it's not too much trouble. Your father will come to get you tomorrow."

"Don't bother, mother. I need to proceed with my course. I need to be an expert atomic examiner.


"It's just plain obvious, mama. It was you who constrained me to board here.

Presently, I need to seek after it. I realize that I'Il be gambling

my life regular and consistently I work. I love this

work. At any expense, I will fabricate my future with this."

"It's alright. Allow him to do anything he desires, Prerana.

Ekansh, you have my help.", my father shouted out.

Gracious, mother is on speaker mode.

"Much obliged father. If it's not too much trouble, make her understand."I grinned.

My father is exceptionally commonsense. He upholds me in these

life simply deciding.

"Sure. How is your school life?", he inquired.

"Fine. Father and child generally crew up and disregard me.", mother said and hung up the telephone.

I feigned exacerbation. For what reason would she say she is so apprehensive?

I had my shower. I wore a yellow pullover with dull pants.

We as a whole were mentioned to gather in the hall before the classes started.

We went to the amphitheater. I normally began

searching for her.

She was right there. Corner to corner inverse to me, in the

third line.

She was in a high midriff pants and child pink tank

top. She had left her wet hair free.

God, she looks best both in western and customary

clothing types.

She was gnawing her lips and had crossed her eyebrows with collapsed arms. She was contemplating something profoundly.

"Did you call your mother, Eky?"Ash inquired.

"No doubt." I answered without changing my look.

"You're not still over her." Debris answered caughting my look on her.

"There is a strange thing. She doesn't appear to be

like the ordinary ones."

"Goodness. Lets trust she doesn't transform into a vampire." Debris said, raising an eyebrow.

[Creator HERE: Just relax, she's not a vampire.]

I took a gander at him, and we burst into chuckling.

The Chief remained on the stage with Mike.

"Great morning understudies. We generously apologize for

the previous horrible episode. We never expected that we would be pointed by the psychological militant."

"No, this isn't a psychological oppressor assault. They are covering

it." I murmured.

Debris gazed at me, "What?"

"It's a tremendous obligation of your lives. So we demand every one of the understudies to get a letter endorsed from their folks that they are prepared to send you here with any conceivable gamble. Really at that time, you will be permitted to go to the classes and load up here.

Much obliged to you.", the Chief moved down the stage.

"What in the world?!" I in a real sense said resoundingly. Fortunately, I was

a long way from the stage.

"My mother won't sign at any expense, Debris! Is one sign

endorsed? I'm damn certain, father will sign it." I was


"Ask her once. My folks are prepared to sign."Ash said cheerfully.

No doubt, his folks believed that him should enlist in the military as

his father, his uncle, everybody are from a similar foundation. I'm truly glad to be his companion.

As my head began to bang, I checked my right out.

Aarna had shut her mouth and she was attempting not

to cry.

Perhaps her folks would rather not put her life in extreme danger. That is the reason she is crying.

"Come, we should go."Ash said.

I gestured and we left the assembly room.

During mid-day break, I came to the cafeteria.

Aarna was not with Rihana. She was with other two

young ladies.

Her face was pale.

"Hello Aarna." I called her.

No answer. Is she generally inattentive or is Aarna

not her name? Am I calling her by another name?

One of the young ladies poked Aarna's elbow.

She turned upward.


"Are you certain, you go by Aarna?", I asked straightforwardly. Since the beyond two days, I have been noticing.

She never answers at a single shot when called with the


She was stunned to hear the inquiry. She covered it with a laugh, "made your thought process SO?"

"You won't ever answer."

"A great deal is going on in my life, Ekansh. I'm new here.

I have never been with such countless individuals around me.

I really want additional opportunity to change. What will you take to

don't bother me?!" she said icily and got up from

the seat.

I feigned exacerbation.

I ran towards my young men.

"Pramod, I believe you should hack the security room and

get the put away utilization of a fresher named AARNA."

"What's her complete name?"

"I don't have the foggiest idea. Simply bring all the archive documents of the Aarna named." I in a real sense shouted at him.

He gestured.

Subsequent to eating, we went to the security room.

Darn it. The staff was there.

'I'Il attempt it this evening when it's locked." Pramod said and


"Ekansh, are you certain you believe should do this?" Ashish

asked out of concern.

"Indeed I need to know her experience at any expense!

How might she venture to quiet me down!", I was seething out of frustration.

The classes went on. I was exceptionally anxious to find out about her.

At long last, it was night, Pramod broke into the room

hacking the surveillance camera, since everything

gets caught in it.

We as a whole remained at the more secure distance, checking that no

one cruises here by.

After 30 minutes, he emerged with a record.

We as a whole ran back to our quarters.

He gave me the document, "There is just a single Aarna in

the current year's affirmation."

"Great. Much appreciated Pramod."

He grinned.

I saw the record name as Aarna Shivastav.

l opened the record. There was her photograph and her name on the main page with confirmation number and subtleties.

She has joined the grounds by winning a grant.

Goodness. That is perfect.

I just turned the pages, on the grounds that these affirmation reports pose you the rehashed inquiries a few times.

In a real sense in each page, you need to compose your name,

personal residence and telephone number, and so forth, and so on.

She's from Delhi. Alright.

She's a vagrant? Goodness. Stand by. Why does she

generally disapprove of being with individuals? She goes about as

however she is purchased up isolated. That is impractical in a shelter!

Ehh. Disregard it.

As I was flipping, I saw something scratched.

It was finished in the name segment. It was a letter scratched off generally.

I attempted to peruse the letter. It was by all accounts a B. She

scratched it off right away and has composed Aarna

Shivastav close to it.

What's B? For what reason did she compose a B there? B is isn't

indeed, even in her name to get befuddled and compose AARNA SHIVASTAV. B..**