
Absolute Zenith : The cautious heaven's rise to veneration

In a world where martial arts determine one's destiny, Tian Shen, an orphan prodigy, embarks on a journey that uncovers the hidden. This will be a tale of how Tian Shen overcomes the many obstacles in his path to the zenith. Showing off your prowess and getting killed by your mortal enemy’s ancestor, nah. Being unparalleled in various fields while lacking in strength and getting caught slaving around for a villain, Tian Shen refuses. The heavenly path of caution while being the strongest under the dao is the true path to the zenith.

CautiousCrab · Acción
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 : Teleportation! Venture into the Sect!

As the selections concluded, the candidates would now embark on their respective journeys, guided by the sects that best suited their talents.

Tian Shen and Long Aotian, with their high-grade martial talent, stood as the sole newcomers to the Divine Mystic Sect within this test area.

The other disciples had exchanged pleasantries and departed with their respective elders.

Now, only Long Aotian and Tian Shen remained, side by side in an awkward silence.

The absence of Zhou Ling, their sect elder, only deepened the awkwardness.

Tian Shen cursed in his mind, "That damn woman she was so impatient before but now she just disappears. Tch" 

Boredom soon overcame Tian Shen, and he decided to break the ice with the 'Number 1 prodigy', "Hello Senior brother Long." Tian Shen spoke in a polite manner. 

"Ah, hello Tian Shen. No it should be Junior brother as we'll be in the same sect," Long Aotian replied curtly. 

Tian Shen proceeded with a smile, playing the role of an enthusiastic admirer. "So, Senior Brother, how did you attain such strength without formal cultivation?"

Long Aotian chuckled, his humility evident in his response."Ahahaahah, surely you jest junior brother. I was just blessed with a better start than most people, only after cultivating can we gauge our true capability." 

Zhou Ling suddenly appeared in front of them, her satisfaction evident. "I see you've got to know each other. It's time for us to depart."

Without giving them a chance to respond, she took the lead and moved forward.

Rather than leaving the test area, they moved further inward. Puzzlement was evident on the faces of the young disciples, so Zhou Ling offered an explanation. "We're about to teleport directly to the Sect."

Long Aotian was utterly surprised. Teleportation, a privilege usually reserved for those of the highest status.

"It seems like this sect takes care of their disciples very well." Tian Shen mused, growing further interested about his new sect. 

Seizing the opportunity, he questioned, "Elder Zhou, what kind of place is the Divine Mystic Sect?" 

Long Aotian nodded, sharing Tian Shen's curiosity. Seeing the eager gazes of the new disciples, Zhou Ling felt compelled to reveal more. "The sect is situated within the Kunlun Mountains, as known to the secular world. It comprises three sections: the Outer Sect, the Inner Sect, and the Core Sect. The Outer Sect is where you'll stay, as of now, and is the largest in terms of size. You can find all kinds of shops and restaurants there which are handled by the servants."

"The Inner Sect, although smaller in physical size, boasts significantly denser Qi. It's where your true cultivation journey begins. As for the Core Sect, well, you'll discover more when you've progressed to the Inner Sect," she explained with a hint of pride.

"Wow, I never knew it was in the Kunlun Mountains," Tian Shen remarked.

Upon completion of her talk they arrived at a teleportation formation, which Tian Shen observed closely.

A group of guards approached, and upon spotting Zhou Ling, they saluted with palpable reverence. "Elder Zhou Ling, please step onto the formation; the coordinates have already been set."

The three of them stepped onto the formation and the world around them abruptly darkened. They soared through the void, covering thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye. 

When colors and objects gradually returned, they found themselves at their destination. It felt as if they had travelled across time and space. 

The landscape was untouched by human corruption, as lush trees vibrated with vitality and animals enjoyed pristine water sources.

The sound of the birds singing harmoniously and the faint scent of herbs put Tian Shen into a deep trance. 

Tian Shen experienced an overwhelming sense of nostalgia, as if he had been transported back to his carefree days in the untamed wilderness.

  However, reality quickly disrupted his imagination. 

Zhou Ling retrieved a token, and as she activated it, the sky above the distant mountains began to ripple. A grand city, veiled in an ethereal aura, materialized before their eyes.

"Welcome, disciples, to the Divine Mystic Sect," Zhou Ling announced with an air of reverence. 

Long Aotian had lost his air of pride and started to breathe heavily, unable to contain his excitement for the start of his cultivation journey. 

Tian Shen on the other hand was as carefree as usual but carried a tinge of anticipation hidden deep in his eyes.

The veil rippled as a gate appeared with stairs that looked never ending followed behind the gate. 

Leaving the formation on the ground behind, they started to venture into the sect.

The trio started their ascent up the stairs while the disciples marveled at the scenery. 

After almost 20 minutes of walking, they finally reached the summit, greeted by a breathtaking scene unbefitting of a sect renown for its seclusion. 

A mesmerizing array of aromas filled the air, tempting their senses with the tantalizing scent of food, sweets, and all sorts of snacks.

People moved about in the streets, children laughed and played with friends, while some individuals sat with sheets laid out, selling various mysterious items, creating a bustling marketplace atmosphere.

Long Aotian and Tian Shen were in disbelief. They had thought they'd mistakenly climbed the wrong mountain.

How could a sect known for its seclusion be filled with the lively activity of everyday life?

Zhou Ling took pleasure in their bewildered expressions before explaining, "These people are either servants who perform various tasks for the sect and their families or the families of the disciples." 

"How else do you expect us to go about our regular life, cultivators do not adhere to the rules of asceticism. Cultivating is all about going against the heavens. Do you think the heavens want you to enjoy the pleasures of ordinary life while wielding the power to destroy society?" 

The duo quickly recovered from their astonishment and continued to explore deeper into the sect.

The bustling noises began to fade as they proceeded, creating an ambiance reminiscent of a secular sect.

After walking for a while, they reached a grand hall with a constant flow of people. A signboard with bold letters read, "Task Hall."

As the trio entered, some disciples recognized Zhou Ling, and whispers began to spread like wildfire. 

She ignored them, but another elder, who had just returned with a few disciples, noticed her and approached with a mischievous smirk.

"Oh, isn't this the genius, Elder Zhou? You've gone recruiting as well, I see. Although it appears you've only brought back two new disciples," the elder taunted.

Zhou Ling glanced at him, her patience wearing thin, and felt as if she were going to have a headache just by looking at him. With a dismissive gesture, she walked past him and headed straight for the counter.