
Absolute Zenith : The cautious heaven's rise to veneration

In a world where martial arts determine one's destiny, Tian Shen, an orphan prodigy, embarks on a journey that uncovers the hidden. This will be a tale of how Tian Shen overcomes the many obstacles in his path to the zenith. Showing off your prowess and getting killed by your mortal enemy’s ancestor, nah. Being unparalleled in various fields while lacking in strength and getting caught slaving around for a villain, Tian Shen refuses. The heavenly path of caution while being the strongest under the dao is the true path to the zenith.

CautiousCrab · Acción
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 : Speed test! Bet!

However, they were soon forgotten as it was time for the next test. 

The next test is about speed, one of the basic quantities which decide martial capability. 

The Long hall buzzed with anticipation as the next test was about to begin. "The speed test will be conducted in forty eight different batches, each batch will have a hundred candidates." 

As the candidates of the first batch lined up, whispers started to spread like wildfire.

"Hey, what do you think the requirements will be this time?" A short chubby kid asked Tian Shen. 

Tian Shen ignored it at first thinking that it would be annoying if this fatty kept on chattering incessantly. His doubts came true, the fatty would not stop pestering Tian Shen. 

"Hey, my name is Zhuge Huang. What's yours?" Tian Shen knew this fatty would not be able to shut up so he thought on his feet and made up his mind. 

Tian Shen pointed at Long Aotian with a mischievous smile and said to the fatty, "Look it's a dragon!" The fatty was intrigued as he turned to Long Aotian he suddenly felt his head spinning. 

Yes. Tian Shen swiftly smacked the back of his head and then took the chance to quickly run to the other side of the crowd far away from the fatty. 

After the first batch had finished, somewhere in the crowd. Long Aotian had already set himself apart with his astounding strength.

He exuded an air of confidence, much to the liking of the crowd.Particularly to Liu Yao, one of the most talented martial artists and a promising figure among the young masters, couldn't help but be infatuated with Long Aotian.

However, this stare which seemingly displayed all her fantasies did not go unnoticed. Chen Zian, one of the four young masters, was a proud and unreasonable man which has been deeply engraved into his bones due to constant pampering of his family. 

His eyes burned with jealousy as it felt like salt rubbing in his wounds watching Liu Yao stare at Long Aotian.He couldn't stand being overshadowed by Long Aotian. 

He was unable to bear it anymore and went up to Long Aotian with a sly smile. He called out, "Long Aotian, you might be strong, but that doesn't mean you're fast. I bet you can't even break the 10-second mark in this race."

His ill-intentions could be seen by anybody with even half a brain. Long Aotian however seemed to be immensely affected. As he seemed to care about reputation.

Tian Shen had a sixth sense of sorts that something fun was going on and immediately joined the crowd. 

Long Aotian suggested, "Let's have a bet then, young master Chen. The one with the slowest time will have to get on their knees and call the winner 'grandpa'. What do you say?"

Chen Zian accepted without hesitation. He was confident that he could best Long Aotian in his own specialty. 

As they settled the bet, the mechanical voice announced, "batch thirteen, please get ready." 

The crowd's focus was drawn to the track as it was Long Aotian's turn, His every move was greeted with cheers, but also envious looks from his peers. 

The tension was palpable as the race began.

BEEP. "Ready, Set, Go!" Bang.

Whoosh. Long Aotian burst into action. His strides were so fluid and effortless that he seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll, not sprinting for his life

BEEP. Without waiting for the students to react the robotic voice exclaimed," Congratulations candidate 2222 for breaking another record with a time of 4.32 seconds!"

The crowd fell into an eerie silence. Disbelief hung heavy in the air as no one could fathom how Long Aotian managed to excel in both strength and speed.

After a while someone exclaimed in disbelief, " How is it possible that he broke the record for strength and speed." "Impossible!"

However, their awe was short-lived, replaced by a sense of foreboding as the cold, authoritative figure reasserted their presence. The crowd didn't dare to let out a peep anymore. 

Not everyone was in awe of Long Aotian, Chen Zian was starting to get stressed. "How is he so good at everything? Damn it." 

Chen Zian was starting to get restless, do i, one of the four great young masters really have to get on my knees and call his grandpa. "I refuse!" 

"I still have that thing I can use, ancestor told me to only use it in a life threatening situation, however I must use it now. Otherwise who will respect me in the future?"

Just as Chen Zian was deviating a plan, our hero Tian Shen looked around the crowd with an unnoticeable emotion present in his eyes. 

Although Tian Shen looked carefree usually, he was quite nervous as he was looking for someone.

He was a little disappointed seeing that he couldn't find said person, but he recovered quickly and went back to his playful attitude again. 

Chen Zian finally finished working up his plan, as he took something out of his storage ring discreetly and stuck it onto the soles of his feet. 

Chen Zian thought that his act was perfect and that everyone was fooled but our hero is not someone who can be tricked that easily. 

In the void, cold eyes were glaring straight at Chen Zian as if there was nothing that could be hidden from those eyes. 

The remaining tests were sailing smoothly, or you could also say that no one was as monstrous as Long Aotian and the record was not broken again. 

BEEP. "Batch thirty eight, please get ready." Announced the mechanical voice. Signalling that it is Chen Zian's turn. 

Confidence was oozing from Chen Zian as he looked at Long Aotian with a mocking glance, "Ha. You got a mere 4.32 seconds and you're acting all smug. Watch me as I completely destroy your time." 

The mechanical voice announced, "Ready, Set, Go!" 

Whoosh. Chen Zian shot out like an arrow released from a bow. He sprinted with exceptional speed, the finish line approaching swiftly. BEEP.

Everyone rubbed their eyes, pinched their cheeks and looked at the timer. 

Chen Zian : 4.18 seconds

The crowd was struck dumb, unable to believe their eyes. It was incredible enough to have Long Aotian in their generation, but now Chen Zian had also displayed astonishing abilities. 

A wave of disbelief swept through the onlookers, and they were left in awe.

However, not everyone was fooled. Some keen-eyed candidates noticed that the robotic voice had remained silent, failing to declare that Chen Zian had broken the record. 

Something was amiss, and they couldn't ignore it.