
Absolute Spell Decryption

Dreue a young magus trainee of a fallen noble family lost his sight due to unforeseen accident in his first year at the academy. With his vast knowledge, persistent effort and unique view of magic coupled with fated encounter, he gained the ability to see magic beyond the mere act of spell casting. Follow his journey his journey as he use magic in a way which has never seen before.

SovereignOfDark · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Perception, Decryption and Creation

At a small inn in Rosevale town.

"I can know see more than half of the world in the two books, staying in this inn till I get done with my right eye seems like a good idea. It's not like I have choice ether, a blind young man with money travelling alone is just asking others to rob him".

Dreue said as he continued pouring potions into his eye, it was still painful but bearable unlike before when his cries could be heard across the street.

He has a feeling that these books contain divine enchantments that may help him treat his disease.


"To change something, alter it or modify it. One has to understand how it works. You have to look at its inner hidden components, how they integrate with each other, what part each one of them in the final picture"

"You must feel their existence, how can you understand something that you don't even know if it exists in the first place?"

"To do so you must not look with your eyes but with your mind, understand what you see is just a small part of truly is there".

"Blind your sight as it not only does not help with true Perception of the world, but also provide you with false information"

"When the rays of mana but not light pass through your eye then you will truly start seeing".


"I have almost finished reading the first books, it turns out to be called the Book of Perception. The other book is called the Book of Decryption. And the last book is the Book of Creation."

"To ask someone to get rid of his eyes in exchange of a never heard of power by a book which talks about what seems like a bunch of bullshit, huh"

"That's why this book was thrown in the library, if someone managed to read it, they would take it as an absolute nonsense"

"I lost my sight to I have been practicing this so-called Perception unconsciously, I still can see a bit of light in my right eye especially when I look directly to the sun, I will continue using acid till I can only see complete darkness. As for my left eye I will leave it be for now."

For the next few days except for when he's eating or sleeping, Dreue spent his time reading the book and practicing Perception with his right eye. As the light faded of his eye, threads of mana started to appear in the compete darkness.


While walking in the town, Dreue is now able to recognize living being with his right eye. Normal humans and animals appear as faint silhouette to them. The difference between normal animals and monsters is that monsters have a small condensed ball the size of gold coin inside the silhouette.

Dreue knew this was the monster nucleus, since it has the same appearance as those nuclei which are sold at the shops. They come in various sizes and colors which reparents their level and attribute. He can see them as small shining balls so he can easily tell their level based on how intense the shining rays that came out of them.

Even though you can fairly tell their level by their size, you would miss some of them whose size does not correspond to their level. As for their attributes, unfortunately Dreue can't tell them apart now.

Aside from their ability to use simple skills or spells and some special characteristics of their bodies, small low monsters were no different than animals in terms of intelligence, as for high level monsters it was another story.

Mages also differ from normal humans, they have a ball the size of child head inside their silhouettes, it was larger than the monster nuclei, has a less well-defined appearance, it was like a mass of gas, that's the Mana core.


"My Mana core appears as if it's leaking, the gas is not well contained in a spherical shape, there are streams of mana like the smoke arising of it."

"That explains my worsening conditions, it's not fatal so I will not die, I would just turn back a regular human at the end of it, a blind one to be specific, and I will lose my mana Perception ability since I need mana to use it"

"Let's continue working on the right eye of now"

"The last pages of the book contain a magical circular symbol and spell of a very high level; I can't learn it with my current mana core level"

"Regarding the magical symbol, it's looks like I should engrave it on my right eye to complete the primary transformation of the Eye of Perception"

"But how?"

"Not also that, soon I will be running out of money, so I should find a way to earn some"

"I can only cast fireball two or three times at most with my defective core".

"let's head tomorrow to the nearby forest, maybe I can gain something"


Next day Dreue carried his small dagger, and went to the forest.

The trees were several meters high; they were covered with leaves of brown and dark green color. Their trunks were covered with moss and their branches intertwined with each other. There was a small river at the side of the forest, running form it, were small streams which were flowing into the depth of the forest.

At the side of the forest which was closest to the town, there was no monsters at all because they would not dare to get close to humans, and only some small animals could be heard here and there.

The digger will only be used as a means of self-defense. Dreue's body was not strong in fact he could be said to be below average when compared to his peers, so his only attack move was the fireball spell.

Dreue decided to advance into the forest slowly, hoping to find a small monster which lost its way by chance.

The advanture just started at the town of Rosevale.

Firts step: secure a source of income. :P

SovereignOfDarkcreators' thoughts