
Leaguers Vs Cynthia

Cynthia looked at the two Leaguers with apprehension. She was not glad the Justice League had decided to get involve with her and they sent an almost emotionless body of of energy and someone that can produce shockwaves enough to rival nuclear bombs.

"You are out of your jurisdiction," Cynthia said with narrowed eyes, not that they could see.

"We are not here to fight you," Black Canary decided to join in before the powder keg exploded. "The Justice League has seen your work and we want to tell you that we want to help you."

"Help me?" she asked in bewilderment before looking around at the dead bodies. "I don't need any help."

"You are a psychotic murderer who has blatantly disobeyed the laws of the country and this caused unrest on this city," Captain Atom said, neutrally.

"And I also brought crime in Los Angeles to a 80% decrease due to this. No nemesis to come haunt me, no recurring villians in my life," Cynthia told him.

"You have a hero's work, it might be misguided but it is there. The Justice League has decided to put that into consideration and help you become a better hero with me as your mentor," Black Canary said in a motherly way. Cynthia looked at her with a seriously grim face before she burst out laughing.

"Let me get back his straight. You want me to become your little protege so that the Justice League can keep an eye out for me, is that it? Don't answer it, I already have my answer," Cynthia said as she got into a boxing stance. "And you have yours."

"Why do you insist on fighting us? It is I'll advised and foolish..."

"Just shut it, tinman, my reasoning is beyond your tiny brain," Cynthia shut him up.

"Very well. We will take you down, bringing justice to all those people you have killed," Captain Atom said with finality before flying towards her.

'I cannot show them I have the strength to knock out someone like Captain Atom with a single punch! If the Justice League is interested in me, people like Lex Luther or Vandal Savage are bound to be. If I showed that strength here then I will be more involved with their schemes. So, let's go with the best next option.

'Captain Atom has super strength and he is expecting to capitalize on that. The best bet on taking him on would be judo or tai chi. Use his own momentum against him,' she thought. She suddenly got hold of Captain Atom's outstretched left hand as her body shifted. Her feet turned her body as they parted to lower her centre of gravity and with a huff, she threw him to the ground with a judo stance. Her sensorimotor synchrony was so badass that even when she was thinking of how to take him down, her body was already going for it.

"Wow, look at that," Cynthia said in a mocking voice. "You sure are fast, cracking the floor with just a judo throw."

Cynthia then sidestepped as Black Canary join d the fray with an axe kick. She quickly got up and started throwing a furry of punches that Cynthia just redirected using her palms. Black Canary grew frustrated and tried to kick her, making Cynthia get hold of her left leg, come closer and kicking her right leg by her shin, making her do the splits before backhanding her, sending her sprawling on the floor.

Captain Atom came up next with the militarized version of karate which he had not used for a long time but was just as deadly. Cynthia was dodging his fists and kicks, backing up to paint a picture of been overwhelmed before she threw a smoke pellet on the ground and disappeared into the rising smoke.

"You think smoke can stop me?" Captain Atom yelled before clapping so hard the smoke was blown away. She saw Cynthia was standing further away.

"Nope, but it bought me more time," Cynthia said as Black Canary joined her partner. "Kage bunshin no justsu!" She clapped her hands and nineteen identical clones appeared in front of the bewildered heroes.

"You're in trouble now!" all twenty Cynthia spoke at the same time before they separated into two groups, fifteen going after Captain Atom and five going after Black Canary.

"We need to finish this fast. We were already ill-pressed against one of them. Twenty of them is a bad matchup!" Black Canary advised Captain Atom who nodded. He spread a blue glowing forcefield to surround him and Black Canary as the Cynthias started throwing jutsus at them.

"What are they doing with their fingers?" Captain Atom asked.

"Ninja arts if I'm not wrong. Maybe the signs they use are helping them make in controlling the elements they are throwing at us," Black Canary observed. Suddenly, a pair of hands got hold of her legs by her ankles and before she could even yell in surprise, she was dragged into the ground.

"Canary!" Captain Atom exclaimed in apprehension as she appeared outside the forcefield in the arms of a Cynthia who threw her to the ground and four more joined her in kicking her while she was down. "Leave her alone!"

Captain Atom raged and the force field was done. Before he could even charge at them, he was swarmed. Punches, kicks, one even tried a thousand years of pain on him but his external metallic skin made him impervious to this kind of damage.

'If we can't harm you with this kind of strength then we'll do the next best thing, use fuinjutsu on you,' all Cynthias thought in a terrifying act of mental synchrony. Eight of them started distracting Captain Atom while the rest started drawing a seal on his back. The man did not even register what they were doing would endanger his life for the eight were making sure his attention was on them the whole time.

"Now!" all eight shouted and the five suddenly clapped their hands.

"Six trigrams, energy sealing arts!" they yelled and the seal came alive. Captain Atom felt fear for the first time as the energy inside him suddenly disappeared.

"Glad to see you can still experience fear," a Cynthia said.

"Not to worry, I did not take away your energy otherwise you would be dead,"

"What I dead was use the ninja arts of fuinjutsu to seal your energy..."

"Making you as strong as an ordinary person now!" A Cynthia suddenly soccer kicked his head, bringing him to unconsciousness. Suddenly, Black Canary's scream was heard followed by the five clones been dismissed with poof of smoke. She turned towards them, fury in her eyes while bleeding through her mouth.

"You'll pay for this," she shouted.

"Maybe, but not today. We just bought the original enough time to escape!" all Cynthias said before they all dispelled. Black Canary was stunned by this reveal, so stunned she had momentarily forgotten about the unconscious Captain Atom.

'When did ninjutsu become so deadly?' she thought to herself.

"Interesting, very interesting," Zatarra said in intrigue as he examined the seal on Captain Atom's back.

"Is it of magic origin?" Batman asked, bringing the man out of his stupor.

"Magic? No, it is not. But it is certainly mystic. I tried probing it with magic and it sucked it all out of my control," Zatarra answered.

"Is it harming him?" Superman asked.

"Besides just sucking his energy and leaving enough for him to live, no, it's not harming him," Zatarra answered.

"She must have been backed into a corner and decided to use this, fuinjutsu?" Superman asked in uncertainty.

"Japanese for sealing arts," Batman answered. "This also brings more things about her into light."

"Do we still have to bring her into the Justice League?" Wonder Woman asked.

"No. She made her point in not believing in the Justice League way by beating up the two people we sent to talk. But, she also did not kill them which shows she views as on another light than criminals," Batman said before turning to Wonderwoman. "Diana, you showed great interest in her warrior way. I would like you to approach her."

"I thought we were not going to indict into the Justice League?" Superman questioned him.

"We are not. But, we can make her an ally just like John Constantine," Batman said while Zatarra grinched at the name. "Perhaps we thought of her all wrong and now Diana will be rectifying that mistake."

"Why do we even want to bring her close to us?" Superman asked and Batman had to control the urge to call him naive.

"This girl has shown great amount of abilities nobody her age would have even mastered. To even bring Captain Atom unconscious with his metal skin protecting her means her strength is too tier. Her martial arts is on another level and now she has shown great aptitude in ninjutsu arts! Of all the ninjas I have met none of them could produce clones, control the elements and none of them could use fuinjutsu! Having an ally like her by outside, no matter how bloody her hands is, will let us keep an eye on her, probably even control her animosity towards criminals."

"We can arrest and take her to Black Gate!" Superman stubbornly said.

"We could! But then we could have arrested a clone and she starts resenting us. Any kind of peace deal we bring her might even result to the death of a Leaguer like Black Canary. You forget, not everyone is invulnerable!" Batman said before looking at Captain Atom. "That might not even work on her now as she might seal your ability to collect sunlight, making you just like everyone else!" Superman became quiet at this revelation while Wonderwoman was impressed by Batman's thinking process.

'Looking at the long-term effects before the short-term. I might have judged him lowly,' she came to a conclusion.