

Richard a mafia is on a mission to avenge the death of his parents, Getting encounter with the princess, Richard abducted her for his revenge. Along the line he found her attractive, letting go of his resentment for her, he protected her from the king who is hellbent on killing her . *Excerpt* Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living, No Jessie I've never been living a quiet life since the death of my parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorist. But something also changed since the day I met you,I've been happy, somehow that feeling of anger and hatred was alleviated. Raising her chin up,I am not living you now and in the future Richard, Jessie called out,I want to ask you a question. Sure,go ahead. Why did you abducted me? *End of Excerpt* Seems Richard parents had some dealings with the king during the past. Getting to know the real identity of Richard, the king embarked on a mission to get rid of him along side the princess.

Joan_maco · Ciudad
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35 Chs



Roland exclaimed trying to break the silence and the cold aura emitting from Jessie.

Jessie, Roland called out turning to her.

Food is served, come join me .

Looking at Richard and Evelyn one last time, Jessie turned to Roland 

Sure, let's go Roland.

Please you can let go of my hand now, Richard said pulling his hand from Evelyn tight grip.

Looking at Roland and Jessie walking away 

He looked at Evelyn plainly before walking away.

Getting to his room , Richard collapsed on the bed .

What just happened, that shouldn't be an issue,we only shaked hands,

Why did Jessie gave me that disappointing look,

Like I care,he said to himself walking to the bathroom.


Roland and Jessie was the only ones sitting at the dinning room.

Roland looked at Jessie while she ate her meal.

Roland what's up with that look .

Jessie uttered while her eyes was still fixed on the table.

Immediately Roland shifted his gaze from her.

What, Jessie asked.

Jessie are you alright,I mean how are you feeling .

Jessie looked at Roland in surprise seeing he was asking after her all of a sudden.

Sure,I'm fine Roland.

Jessie I know you are not okay, and I know exactly how hard it is for you presently.

Living in another city far away from home,I know somehow you still want to go back to petro.

And lastly I'm aware you fought with Richard,right.

Since last night he has been acting weird.

But don't worry Jessie, Roland continued,

Everything will be fine,I'm sure he's just stressed up.

Staring at Roland, and listening to his calm words she felt a little relaxed.

Giving him a nod,she smiled at Roland.

Come on let's eat, before the food gets cold.

Sure Jessie replied.

Lastly, Jessie if you need anything don't forget you can always come to me .

Okay Roland, I'll make sure to do that.

Evelyn walked back downstairs hurriedly,

Roland, please hurry up,we need to go out.

Where are we going to,Roland asked in surprise.

Let's go shopping or somewhere fun, wait don't tell me you all stay indoors everyday, Evelyn asked curiously.

Oh, Evelyn the thing is I don't want to go out, you can go alone okay, 

Roland I really don't understand you, what's the big deal in going out, not like we're not going to return.

Roland kept silent without looking at Evelyn direction.

Okay, fine Rolly if you don't want to come with me that's fine Jessie can tag along.

No, never, not possible Evelyn, Jessie is not going with you.

Evelyn glared at Roland angrily,

What's your problem, she's not a kid,let her decide for herself.

What do you say Jessie, Evelyn asked turning to her.

For a moment, Jessie stared at Evelyn before she finally uttered coldly.

You've heard exactly what he said,i can't come with you, in addition you are a stranger, you don't expect me to tag along with a stranger.

Please if you will excuse us,I and Roland will like to concentrate on our meal,if you're joining us then join quietly rather than causing others to loose their appetite.

What? Evelyn exclaimed.

Roland eyes was fixed on Evelyn face scowling at Jessie

Evelyn turn her eyes back to Roland, Roland shifted his gaze immediately from her and looked up at the ceiling trying to avoid her eyes.

Evelyn sat on a chair close to Evelyn, Her gaze was still fixed on Jessie.

See you later Roland, Jessie got up from her chair giving Evelyn a fierce gaze .

Uh Evelyn,I think I'm done here.

Roland said getting up from his chair and running after Jessie.

Jessie, Jessie Roland called out.

Jessie stop walking to look back at Roland

Hey Roland,

Jessie will you be free tomorrow.

Tomorrow,uh I really don't know,would you like me to do something for you.

Yeah, tomorrow would you like to ride a horse with me tomorrow.

Roland why are you asking me that, you know I can't go out of this place.

Jessie you don't have to worry, I'll have a horse brought right away if you're going to ride with me.

Roland brought his cell phone from his pocket,

So what's your answer

Okay, I'd love to,as long as I don't have to go out.

Yes, Roland shouted excitedly.

I will make a call right now ordering for a horse right away.

I see you're that excited Roland, Jessie replied with a smile.

Suit yourself, Jessie said turning to leave. 


Roland walked straight into Richard room without knocking.

Richard I need to talk to you,

What do you want from me Roland,first you barged in without knocking and now you want to talk to me about what .

What are your plans, these days you tend to act creepy.

You told me you had plans of moving out to a more confined place.

But I haven't heard from you again.

What's the problem with you, always locking yourself indoors.

It's nothing Roland,I'm good and about that I'm still looking into a few possible places that will be safe.so you don't need to worry.

Okay if you say so, but I need an answer about your behavior towards Jessie well that was the reason I came here in the first place, Roland asked

Roland you don't have to bring her into this conversation,why …

Did you guys fought,Roland interrupted.

Roland What kind of an absurd question is that.

Why would I fight with her.

Are you sure, Roland looked suspiciously at Richard.

Stop talking nonsense Roland, the next time you want to come in here, make sure you knock, now do me a favor and get out.

Richard would you like to ride a horse tomorrow.

What horse, Richard asked

Just for fun, you'll agree with me that staying in this house is damn so boring.

Eat, sleep, wake up , the same activities repeat itself every single day.

So get ready for tomorrow.

Okay fine, just go Richard replied pushing him.

I'll take my leave now and Richard don't forget to settle things with Jessie Roland uttered moving backward.

He winked at Richard before turning to leave.

That little jerk, Richard scoffed out.

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