

Richard a mafia is on a mission to avenge the death of his parents, Getting encounter with the princess, Richard abducted her for his revenge. Along the line he found her attractive, letting go of his resentment for her, he protected her from the king who is hellbent on killing her . *Excerpt* Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living, No Jessie I've never been living a quiet life since the death of my parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorist. But something also changed since the day I met you,I've been happy, somehow that feeling of anger and hatred was alleviated. Raising her chin up,I am not living you now and in the future Richard, Jessie called out,I want to ask you a question. Sure,go ahead. Why did you abducted me? *End of Excerpt* Seems Richard parents had some dealings with the king during the past. Getting to know the real identity of Richard, the king embarked on a mission to get rid of him along side the princess.

Joan_maco · Ciudad
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35 Chs


Why do you look so stunned Richard.

Oh less I forgot, your were once the prince of kingdom Petro.

Your father not only ruled Petro,he ruled other kingdoms,and I know you to be versatile Richard, come help me in conquering this kingdoms, and of cause there is a reward.

Kingdom Nantes has declared war against my kingdom, Williams that fool have some nerves to use my weakness against me,

My strongest alliance has turned his back against me .

You'll have to fight this battle with me,I can't compete against him alone.

You son of a bitch, you killed my family and forcefully took the throne away from me,I am supposed to be the king of Petro .

Letting out a evil laughter, king jasper shook his head while clicking his tongue.

Come on Richard your father and I were good friends.

My father was so good to you, back then when I was young I've always wanted to know why you chose to betray him.

You bastard I still can't forget the fact of you raping my older sister to death.

Shut up Richard, before I do something terrible, king jasper shouted throwing a vase to the ground, I've always wanted the throne so much and I did whatever I could to get it and I will keep doing whatever I can to preserve it ,so just shut the hell up and do as you're told if you want to keep breathing.

Jasper i still don't understand why you need me for this so called mission, but I guess you know my answer to your request.

Not bad,Not bad ,then I'll just have to get you through the hard way.

My guards will go in search of Jessie, maybe then you'll submit your self to me.

Looking at Richard, there was still no response from him.

Fine I'll just have to fall back to plan B, king Jasper said turning to walk out.

Fine, Richard said hastily .

Walking back to Richard king jasper let out a little smirk from the corner of his lips.

Fine, I'll do it, just don't hurt Jessie.

Now listen Richard you'll keep watch over the activities of the king of Nantes.

And how do you expect me to do that jasper,I have no connection to be in the same caliber of a king.

Shut up and listen carefully you'll have to get in using the right front man.

And who's that, Richard asked curiously.

Grand Duke Theodore, king jasper said gritting his teeth.

I promise to give him some parts of my kingdom if he joins me in conquering Nantes, but he refuses,his demands in return for helping me was more than my ability to fulfill.

I can't simply take him down, Grand Duke Theodore has the strongest largest armies of soldiers you could ever think of, All other kingdoms has entrusted him to keep watch over them.

I need to take him down,only then I'll be able to acquire these kingdoms for myself 

I need to take these two down before they start hunting my life down.

You have the body and statue of a soldier.

So here's the plan you have to go over to Grand Duke Theodore state,be a part of his armies and somehow figure out how to get close to him.

So close to him that you'll be able to have access to king Williams.

How I'm I suppose to do that jasper, have you gone nuts ..

Now listen Richard,do as you're told or else you don't want to see Jessie live.

Within these months you won't have to worry about anything and focus on this mission, bring me anything I can use against them.

Now don't even think about betraying me Richard cause my guards will always keep an eye on you.

Get ready Richard, you're leaving tomorrow .

What, tomorrow, Richard asked angrily.

And that reminds me,steer clear from Jessie,I never to hear about her again even if she comes to you, avoid her at all cost,right now I don't need lowly things like her to keep getting on my way, and let's forget about it, it's all in the past now, besides I am the king of Petro.

Shut up jasper, you've gone too far, saying bullshit about her is what I won't tolerate.

Then stay focused on your job,it will help to save time.

I give you three months Richard, just three months and if after these months nothing comes out I'll kill Jessie myself.

You know I'm not the type to kid around.

The guards Will get you ready, king jasper said giving him a scornful look before walking out.

Some guards barged in the room and unchained him.

 I swear king jasper will have to regret sending me on this mission, I'll make sure to watch him crumble down, that bastard killed my family before my very eyes, I'll make sure to do the same to him

I guess this is finally a great opportunity to take him down 

Letting out a sigh, Richard gazed upward frustratingly.

I'm sorry Jessie, but I'll have to let you go, these is the only way to give you the peace you truly deserve.

Wallowing in his thoughts,he let out a sharp grunt, turning to the wall angrily he landed his fist on the wall and drops of blood came sliding down.

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