
Above The Sky

The first star that passed away extinguished two thousand years ago. Four hundred years later, the mysterious Calamity of Heavenly Fall destroyed the civilization of the previous era, returning thriving cultures to ignorance. Since then, stars gradually vanished, the Firmament grew dark and dim, and a new civilization rose from the starless wilderness, flourishing once more. Yet, what accompanied this were war, death, destruction, and hatred. The flames once aimed at the Firmament were used to slaughter the people of enemy nations, and the raining clouds once engineered to alter deserts were turned into floods that engulfed the land. Humans once again began to kill each other for wealth and power... but no one looked up at the sky. They lost the Guidance of the stars Above the Sky, forgetting the awe of gazing upon the Milky Way. They were all prisoners. One thousand six hundred years after the Calamity of Heavenly Fall, a young child awakened memories of his past life. He wanted to break the Cage, to throw off the shackles. He wanted to become a star. To return to Above the Sky. "I don't care about how the people of this world live, whether they're well-fed or not, whether they can dress warmly or live comfortably, whether they have dreams or hopes. I don't care about their loves and hates." "I just want to go Above the Sky." ——Ian.

Gloomy Sky Hidden God · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Chapter 20 Crisis (Thanks to the alliance leader, Loneliness does not equal solitude!)

Traductor: 549690339

Hiliard was well aware that every Spirit Energy User was inherently someone with an extremely tenacious mind, even to the point of having a soul as unyielding as a rock.

Therefore, they were also natural Sublimators.

Without a strong personal will and a resilient spirit, it was simply impossible to endure the pain of flesh and blood sublimation or mutation after ingesting various Magical Potion Supplements.

Nor was it possible to continue controlling one's body amid that pain, to absorb the essence of the numerous sublimation herbs and Magical Beasts in the Magic Potion, to awaken the divine power of the Primordial Seed within, and to integrate it into the 'Sublimation Bloodline' or the 'True Form Pathway,' becoming a Sublimator who has thoroughly transcended ordinary life.

Hiliard looked at Ian with a gaze filled with expectation, the boy's face showing a truly genuine expression of surprise and longing, reminding him of his own yearning for the Path of Sublimation in his younger years.

The other had talent, but nobody to guide him; originally, there was no way for him to embark on the Sublimator's path, and even if he got noticed by a local Sublimator from Harrison Port, he would most likely never reach the Second Energy Level in his lifetime, let alone higher.

But with his guidance, everything would be completely different.

"Can Earth's technology achieve this?"

At this moment, Ian truly found it unbelievable.

— Perfect control over every single muscle in the body, even to the level of a master of disguise?

It sounded simple, but in reality, it was extremely difficult.

If someone had such a level of body control, even if they got a hole blown through them, they could probably contract their muscles to stop the bleeding, right?

In his former life, Genetically Modified Soldiers couldn't achieve such a feat... well, they could, but it would require an additional muscle control system to be installed.

However, in the Terra World, it seemed that all it took was practice to strengthen the willpower, and one could achieve it!

"A strong personal will, even capable of directly controlling the body... In a world with Spirit Energy, things truly are extraordinary." Ian murmured to himself, "This is indeed a world that seems real yet surreal; such technology is impossible back home."

Ian looked up again, scrutinizing Hiliard's face that was both familiar and unfamiliar, and after confirming that he himself would hardly be able to distinguish, he muttered, "It seems this identity isn't very important to you, Teacher."

Indeed, with such ability, where in the vast world couldn't one go?

"It's not that simple. To disguise oneself as a stranger and infiltrate the locals, compared to masquerading as someone who already exists and infiltrating the locals, it's obviously the latter that is safer because the former doesn't withstand investigation."

But Hiliard raised his hand, shaking his finger, pointing out that Ian was thinking too lightly,"In the border regions, one might still be able to fish in troubled waters. But in the major cities of The Empire, identification is required, looking the same isn't enough, blood type and fingerprints must match too."

"And Spirit Energy Users don't need to look at blood or muscle to distinguish a person; they look at the 'Willpower Field,' and these are all concealed threats."

Upon hearing this, the boy thought about it carefully and felt that it made sense.

If such facial transformation techniques existed in Terra World, then there should also be corresponding identification techniques, and things were not as simple as he had thought.

The unfamiliar world couldn't be judged solely by the thinking from his old home.

At this moment, Ian and Hiliard had already come to the vicinity of Ian's family home.

Yet, the boy who had been walking with ease suddenly looked up at his house.

His eyes shone faintly, his gaze becoming serious, "Over there..."

In Ian's Foresight View, a dense white mist was sitting in a concealed corner inside the house, seemingly dealing with something on its foot.

Next to this wisp of dense white fog, there were three grayish-white foggy figures lurking in every corner of the house, seemingly on alert.

The entire house was enveloped in a light red mist, but the deepest red was the small shadow beside the white fog figure.

That was Elan's aura... an aura extremely close to the brink of death!

At the same time, Hiliard also narrowed his eyes—he had actually noticed something wrong inside the house earlier than Ian had: "This aura, the natives of Redwood Forest?"

When they were burying the bodies together, he had already heard about Ossenna's collusion with the natives and wasn't surprised by this.

"It's not particularly troublesome."

Hiliard slightly sensed the surroundings, and after detecting the presence of four adult auras inside, he planned to step forward and walk in.

Although he had lost his original Sublimator divine power due to the great chaos thirty years ago, even just relying on the remnants of strength and skills in his body, it was easy peasy to kill these few natives.

By the heartbeat and breath, the old knight could confirm that all four natives inside did not possess First Level Power. During the Empire's peak, they wouldn't even count as apprentice warriors, just trained ordinary people.

"Please wait a moment, teacher."

Yet, he saw Ian standing before him. The boy looked solemnly at his own house and said gravely, "My little brother is now in their hands..."

At this moment, Ian had some slight enlightenment.

"It seems that observing my own future through the destiny changes of others is indeed flawed."

With Hiliard there, it was absolutely impossible for him to be in danger of losing his life in the lake forest. In other words, the change in his destiny actually represented the pure 'gold' layer.

Conversely, the real 'red' occurred when, after his departure, Elan, who was left behind, encountered a crisis with the natives!

"Next time, I need to consider the possibility of foresight. Different combinations of colors, different methods of interpretation, lead to completely different answers."

Ian frowned deeply: "What I need to think about now is how to deal with these natives without endangering Elan."


While the boy was pondering, Hiliard slightly raised his eyebrows. He hadn't expected Ian's Spirit Energy to have the ability of Clairvoyance, noticing information even he couldn't hear.

But this was not surprising, as the abilities related to Spirit Energy were mostly complex, and their holders tended to have keen senses.

Now what he most wanted to know was actually his 'apprentice's' reaction.

"What do you plan to do?" the old knight asked, "If your little brother truly is in the hands of the natives, then rescuing him would be extremely difficult. I can't protect him if they decide to act rashly... You need to think carefully about the consequences of your actions."

There was a hint of cruelty in his tone.

"Hmm, I have thought it through."

Ian stared at the house, his light blue eyes flickering slightly: "Teacher, there are a total of four people inside, a leader in the living room and three guards respectively behind the back door window, beside the inner room window, and in the middle of the corridor and the kitchen."

He pointed out succinctly with his hand the locations of the three native guards for Hiliard: "For ventilation, to disperse the scent of blood, I opened the kitchen window before I left. You can enter from there... If possible, I hope teacher can help me deal with those three guards."

"The remaining native, the one with my little brother, I'll handle."