
chapter 6:Tiara

Right in front of the door, I ring and Ivy opens it. Furious, I enter without speaking and collapse on the sofa While sighing of frustration at this night.

" What happened? Why are you like this?" Asked Ivy

I don't even know where to start right now. From where should I start telling her what happened? And what really disturbs me, the fact that a drunk man tried to abuse me or the presence of that guy twice today.

"Tiara..." Said Ivy impatient.

"We tried to abuse me," I said directly.

"What?, How? Who?" Asked Ivy while sitting on the next sofa

" A drunk man... He put a sleeping pill in my drink when I had a moment of inattention while we were in a nightclub," I said.

"So how did you manage?" Asked Ivy

" A boy came to my rescue...but that is not important, what is important is that a drunk man tried to abuse me," I said insisting on that fact.

"No, what is important to know is why were you in a nightclub?"

" Rose wanted us to go there."

" But you said she is a good girl,"

"She is...is just that she is naive," I said before silence goes on. I knew she was probably sulking. " She is a kind of person Ivy. "

"So why did she brings you to a night club?" 

" You know what? Goodnight you have to rest and me too." I stand up already tied of this night and this debate.

I trust my intuition!

I move up to my bed and take a rapid and cool bath. When I get out while drying my dark wet hair I think about the night once more << the next time you put a sleeping pill in someone's glass...make sure no one sees you>>. Was he obliged to do such a thing? He doesn't know me, but he helped me

<<Sturborness is a crime>> but he acted well, I mean... He helped me so he merits my gratitude. He acted courageously today even though he resembles a Badly rich kid. I chuckle and step into my bed and fall asleep.

Already 9 o'clock and am with Ivy on a table taking breakfast, Jackson already went to work he had to realize a milk advertisement at the downtown. He too has a dream, realize a great film inspired by the tragic life of his junior sister already married today with two children. It was so cute when he told me that. 

Ivy and I never quarrel for long and at the end, we just turn the page and forget all without talking about it again, that has always been our relationship, so simple!

"How are you going to go to work now?" Ivy asked me while taking a piece of cake into her mouth.

I wiped my mouth with the table tissue before answering her.

" I don't really know, am sure she will not be able to come today, she must certainly have a hangover," I said before someone rings at the door.

Ivy tries to get up ready to open the door, but I stop her and go forward to the door, open it, and see the red mane of Rose at the door.

" Can I enter?" She asked me.

" Yes, get in," I said while giving her the way to enter. " I thought you would not come."

She turns suddenly right in front of me and with a serious face.

" Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...." She said continuing to say sorry.

Realizing she is making too much noise, I send my hand on her mouth to shut her up. She looks at me with surprise before I tell her to stop her noise. I remove my hand realizing she had stopped speaking.

" I didn't like what happened yesterday, but that isn't your fault, you didn't call the drunk man to sit with me," I said

" But I left you and I force you to come to the night club." She said

" Nooooo, stop thinking about that, alright let forget the past okay?" I said while she smiles.

I asked her to wait in the parlor for some time. I forward myself to the kitchen where my bag is found. I take it and wish a good day to my Philippines princess. She stops me before I go.

" Today some friends are coming at home for dinner so come earlier." Inform Ivy.

I shake my head in sign of yes and go forward to the parlor to join Rose. We get out and enter into her red Mercedes car in front of the house. 

" Wow, your Lily is very sparkling today," I said.

Lily! Is the name she gave to her car. Just as she has a flower name, she gave a flower name to her car. She spent months and months of savings to buy the car and that is why she considers the car as something very important until even giving it a name and keeping it clean every blessed day.

On the road, I realize she didn't tell me what happens with her famous prince charming in the nightclub, so I asked her what happened?

" Ohh no, don't talk about that, please. It was just a mess, a fiasco. He is gay Tiara, gay..." She said before we both laugh at the ridiculous situation she had yesterday. " It... It was the bartender he was looking for." 

I wanted to fall out of the car when I hear that. Fuck! That is so hilarious. I can't stop laughing, blowing out waves of laughter in the car. I needed to stop so as to breathe a bit, my ribs hurt me because of my unstoppable laughter. Oh God help me.

" Stop..." She said while laughing. " Stop mocking at me." She said trying to sulk.

" O...okay is...( Laughs) is okay," I said while trying to calm down.

"You are so mocking." She said.

We stop at the label music building, she parks and we get down and enter the building. We take the elevator and go right to our floor. 

Already there I can't stop teasing Rose about the " gay story" it so funny this story. She sits on her office table and I enter miss Torneur's office.

When I enter, just like the other time she wipes her tears and makes me feel uncomfortable. Crying is just the proof that you are suffering for someone without him realizing, and as such you need to talk, to expose yourself, to liberate. I approach her before she looks at me.

" Good morning Tiara." She wishes me.

"Are you sure the morning is good madam?" I said directly inviting her to talk to me.

She sighs while joining her hands on her face surely not knowing where to start. She needs to feel confident with me and if not I will not insist. She shares much sweetness in my heart when I see her smiling and when she gets sad is just bitter to me. I never felt comfortable with someone just after meeting her one day ago.

"Do you have tea?" She said.

I smile noticing that she followed my advice of yesterday, I stand up and go to my bag and pour the tea in two mugshots. Forward myself to madam Torneur and serve her. I sit down and we drink our tea.

" Tell me, Tiara... Is your mother doing what you need from her?" She said.

I was about to take another drop of my tea when I heard her questions. It sounds to me like shit. My mother! What should I answer right now, my mother, I don't know her anymore, where she is, how she is, and with whom she is? And it doesn't interest me. But right now, we are in a sort of confession and I realize I also feel as to liberate myself to someone, it has been a long time.

" My mother isn't anymore with me, she left us," I said trying not to feel sad cause no way to be sad. 

I learn how to live without her and I will continue obviously.

" Oh sorry Tiara my condolences..." She said.

" Oh no... I didn't mean she is dead, no... She just left us and went far from us. So am not capable of answering your question." I said while a huge silence surrounds the room. But I decided to break the unpleasant silence " but tell me why are you asking this question, madam?" 

" I am the worse mother ever had in this world and that is why he hates me." She said with a sad face.

I drink a little bit of my tea waiting for her to continue. 

" I never had time for him, since his childhood. He always passed his time with his father and when his father died, his anger for me was harder than before..." She said while sending out tears from her brown light eyes.

She has the same eye color as her son. Now that she continued, I realize she is talking about her son. The last time he was with her, I entered and she was crying and still now she is crying. Can't he see the great chance he has?

" I did all my possible to be closer to my son, but he decided to travel each year around the world, and since, we never had a harmonized relationship. The worse is that am getting married very soon and I didn't find the time to tell my own son am getting married. Which type of mother I am? he hates me and he is right to feel so." She said while filling her jaws with more and more tears.

" Madam Torneur..." I said while holding her hand and forcing her to look at me " you aren't a bad mother, on the contrary, you are the best. You made errors like any human being but it isn't for this fact you have to be judge so rapidly. I will a hundred times want a mother who doesn't have concern for me and whom I can see every day than a  mother whom I can't see or even talk with. Your tears are the proof of your love for your son, you don't have to be dominated by his words, you have to be more authoritative. Tell him what you feel and organize something for the three of you. Let him see what he is missing and stop acting like a child." I said, letting myself free from all the words that were block into my throat.

She wipes her tears and continues looking at me.

" You have great words Tiara you are very mature even though you are young." She said amazingly.

" I just said what is true Madam," I said with a shy smile.

" And you are right, no more tears left to cry. I have to be categorical with my son." She said decided to do so. 

She takes up her glass and drinks the rest of the tea at once. She looks at the time on her phone and notices she will be late for her meeting. She gives me some work to do and  I agree before she forwards herself to the door. But before going out...

" If you don't find some documents let someone indicate to you the archives room." She said before going.

Hope you love it...