
Chat Group(9)

In the silent solitude of the dormitory room, Vale sat on his bed. Thinking about his long and tedious day, he began to take off his uniform for a more comfortable set of attire.

Within a minute, Vale had changed into some baggy clothes that felt warm and free. With this added comfort finally afforded to him, he could Rest In Peace; with little discomfort.

And 3 hours went by quickly as Vale slept in his bed. His dorm mates would soon enter the dark room and find Vale fast asleep, careful to not wake him up.

"Julian, make sure not to step too hard..."

"Shhhh! Vale will beat us half dead if we wake him up during his afternoon nap!"

"Uggghhhh..... You two are too loud!" Vale groaned.


Vale slowly got up from his bed and confronted his two dorm mates.

"What are you doing back here at 6pm? Don't you have work to do, Julian? And why is Wendell wearing that?"

Vale pointed at Wendell who was wearing an immaculate red suit, with expensive patterns all over it. The suit featured a black dress shirt and diamond cuff links. From any point of view, it looked like Wendell meant business. This was not something that one could buy at any suit shop.

"Ehhh.... well... you see..."

"You forgot that tonight is the formal?" Julian interrupted.

"Aahhh, that." Vale spoke

"No, I did not forget. I am just not going." Vale announced in a tired voice.

"Anyways, I am guessing that Wendell managed to find a date, so congratulations." Vale said as he patted Wendell's shoulder.

"Come on, you should at the very least support him! It's not like you got anything to do tonight." Julian shouted.

"Dammit, you are too loud. I literally just woke up. And what would I do during the events? I don't have a date." Vale complained.

"Just find one, you got an hour, remember?"

"ENOUGH! Can't you see that Vale is tired? He has had crappy day! Let him rest." Wendell shouted.

"No no no. Vale has to be there for your first dance." Julian responded forcefully.

"I have had a date for every single formal event we've gone through, and you two haven't. So for this one time, we need to all be riding in as duets." Julian confidently spoke.

"Easy for you to say, Julian-"

"Stop it! If you just put yourself out there, I am absolutely confident that you will be swarmed with requests!"

Vale gently sighed as he shook his head in defeat. With no way to get himself a win in this argument, he gave in.

"Fine. When is the event?"

"In 4 hours, or 10pm. Make sure to bring a hot date!"

Vale waved his hand at Julian as the former opened up his clothes hanger, revealing four sets of suits which are encased in thin plastic covers.

"What do you think would look good on me? Maroon, grey, black or dark blue?" Vale asked the two.

"Ehhh.... I think you'd look good in black." Wendell said.

"Definitely black." Julian spoke.

"Okay, Black it is."

Vale quickly pulled a black suit from the covers, placing it on his bed.

"All that's left is for you to find a hot date." Julian laughed.

"I bet she'll be a stunner. Vale will definitely have girls throwing themselves at him."

"I have 3 hours, and you expect me to have dates lining upon such short notice?" Vale coldly remarked.

"Yep. That is exactly what we expect. Isn't that right, Wendell?" Julian confidently responded as he nudged Wendell's arm.

"Yeah! If it's Vale-"

"On a second note, Wendell hasn't revealed his date." Vale interrupted.

"Don't think you can avoid the question by bombarding me with suggestions."

"Fine! She's a second year, just like us. She is very popular and she even has 82PQ! She is an angel!" Wendell announced.

"And what made this girl pick you as her date? Does she have some ulterior motive? Is she after your body-"


"She's not like that."

Vale backed off a little, crossing his arms as he sat on his bed. His hand quickly found its way towards his drawer, opening it to retrieve his phone which he had been charging for the whole day.

"I am going on the second year group chat. I will post my status on there right now."

Vale quickly scrolled through his apps, instantly opening the messaging app. He then opened up the second year chat group, halting as he did so.

"Why are you stopping?" Julian smirked.

"Don't you think that you will be popular?"

"Well, if I do state my availability and still do not get any requests, I would basically be a social outcast for the rest of my school life. This sort of risk is infinitely hard to calculate."

"Come on! Just send it to the group chat and watch as you get back a tonne of heart emojis! Trust me!" Julian insisted.

"Just like you insisted that I join the board? Well either way you will make me do this, so why not?"


Susan_Li: Hey girls.... r u ready?!!

Princess_Violet: u bet!

DarkLord_Lenny: You girls are so excited for a dance when you are just going with some sub-par dates! ;)

Susan_Li: Hah! You got nothing on my man >:(

Princess_Violet: go away you creep =P

JustKira: STFU

JustKira: u are pinging the chat with so much crap!

LilDillan: Yeah... can you guys stop arguing?

DarkLord_Lenny: They starred it uwu

CrystalGlimmer: *started

DarkLord_Lenny: ...

PlayboyPeter: anyone wanna be my date?

Susan_Li: No G O A W A Y

Princess_Violet: ;P be alone.

DarkLord_Lenny: sure uwu~

PlayboyPeter: I don't bend that way...

PlayboyPeter! Besides. You girls should take the opportunity while you still can! The school is made up of 65% girls after all! It's much harder for you to find dates than I do...

Ariel: and yet here you are, WITHOUT A DATE.

DarkLord_Lenny: ooft

Greener.Vales: Hi there, I know this is on short notice but I am going to the formal and I am available. Cheers.

[Multiple people are typing...]