
Abigail Darling

Haunted dolls are beautiful things... but don’t let them deceive you. Abigail Darling isn’t what she seems. (Told in the format of a journal. Each chapter is short, averaging at about 200 words)

EmmaRoseHerondale2 · Horror
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2 Chs


April 26

I have only had Abigail for a few days now but I can already feel a shift.

The first few days after I bought Abigail home things were amazing.

The house felt warmer and felt more like a home rather than just a house but after the first week things started to change; not in a bad way, just in a different way.

The warm feeling in now long gone and so is the warmth. The house is back to the way it was before Abigail came home and I don't like it.

Abigail watches me now, it seems. She sits on her bookshelf as happy as she can be and watches me go through my day. I can feel her watching me. Even when I go into a different room to escape her lingering eyes I can still feel her staring at me.

It's not always unpleasant, most of the time I don't mind the feeling of her presence but after the sun goes down something about her blue eyes change into something darker.

I've thought about giving Abigail away but the second I think of it tears gather in my eyes and I quickly push the thought far away from my mind.

As much as I wish she would stop watching me, I can't bare to get rid of her.