

Aarav is a CEO of a company. He is arrogant, stubborn, short-tempered, and a bit egoistic. His life was miserable. He has a past life. He repeatedly sees a girl in his dream. He slowly remembered his past life. Surprisingly he meets her. They were lovers in the past life but she doesn’t remember him. He tries to seek her attention and remind her of their past life.

abia_thomas · Ciudad
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4 Chs


Finally, she got a house but it was near him as she has no other option, she took the house for rent. She hates him, one day she dreamed about him and they were lovers in that dream. She was very disturbed as she saw this. She was why she dreamed like this; she was really annoyed. Next day she went to the office even she saw him she didn't mind him. He got annoyed as she didn't mind him. As he was annoyed, he vented the anger to his subordinates. After work they both went to home. When she came out from the house she saw him, as soon as she saw him, she went back inside and the door was shut loudly. The next day when she opened the door, she saw a basket of flowers with a note on it saying am sorry. She did not know who kept it there. When she returned, she somehow came to know who put the flower basket she was shocked as she did not expect him to be sorry for his mistake.