
ABDUCTION - A New Language in Love

Fidgeting with my fingers, I tried my best to stand straight without falling back and embarrassing myself in the presence of all these men I have no idea who the hell are. “Sign it” he ordered one more time pushing the papers to me. I stood still unable to get what he wants from me. “Rule No 1, Never ever try defying my orders” his hands instantly gripped my neck in a dangerous hold and he put his Gun on my forehead, his finger very close to the Trigger. Looking at the Gun in his hand, a relieved smile made to my lips. After all, he is going to gift me eternal liberty. “Why the hell are you smiling, do you think this is some joke Iril Ranallo?” he growled. Realization dawned upon me, hearing him speak. How the hell am I supposed to say that they have kidnapped me than my sister? “Speak up Goddammit” He screamed scaring the shit out of me. I sucked on my lips as my throat turned dry, moving my fingers towards my throat I signaled him that I was mute. His eyebrows turned into a thin line and immense shock was evident when he shrieked… “What the Fu…….” ********* Life is tough for ladies in Mafia families and it is nothing less than sheer torture for specially abled. Born in one of the influential and powerful Mafia families, I had every materialistic thing the world could not even dream of. But being lost my voice in the horrendous incident, I was the ignored piece. Unlike my sister Iril who manages most of the business and stuff, I am confined to my room and the world outside is just a dream for me. All I prayed for 23 years is an escape from this prison and finally, when my prayers are answered, I was kidnapped by some men. I was taken to some strange place in the middle of a deep ocean, almost like a stranded island. Men looking nothing less than beasts and the one they call Boss stares at me with despise. I am forced to sign some papers, of which I have no idea about but all I knew is the liberation I seek from one Prison has stranded me up in some unwanted prison of which I knew nothing about!! Careful of What you wish for, lest it come true! And now, I have realized that in return for dreams, I received a Nightmare!!!

Marvellous_mistake · Ciudad
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188 Chs

What's the Matter??

Zach's PoV:

I stormed out of the meeting lounge, I couldn't stand these people disrespecting her. She can be anything, but not a mole. I could sense that.

However, it is utterly surprising that the Ranallo's didn't initiate any action yet. I have spies everywhere and had they strike a single chord, I would know that by now.

Why are they so nonchalant? She is their daughter dammit… or ain't she?

Women are our pride, abducting women from Mafia families just doesn't make you a hero but also makes the family from where the girl is abducted a zero.

So why the hell are they so careless about their own blood? What is the matter with them? Why they don't care about her? Is she even their daughter?

With thoughts dancing inside my head, my legs made their way to the elevator. Stepping out of the elevator, my legs turned to the left, the room allotted for the girl just opposite that of mine.

I did trust her innocence, but I can't be fooled. We never know what people hide, they always put on a mask hiding their reality and not to miss even a moment of this girl, I wantedly put her in the opposite room.

My focus shifted to the room, it is unlikely bright with all the curtains folded to their ends, rays of the sun made the room brilliantly shine and I saw her leaning on the glass door.

She was wearing a long gown, my associates did get her clothing and now she is dressed in one of those. She looked so petite and lean.

As I walked towards her, I observed how she shredded, her back trembled as I inched closer to her.

"How do you feel now?" I asked standing behind, and her back facing mine.

She just nodded her head but didn't turn my side.

I walked beside her and tried to look into her face, but she turned to her right and tried to hide her face.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked.

She shook her head negatively but didn't look at me.

"Irene, I am asking something and better you concentrate. I hate repeating" holding her shoulders tight, I turned her towards me.

Her whole body trembled as if she is hit by an electric shock, I stared at her trying to decode the reason only to see her cheeks turning red.

What is wrong with her? Why is she shying to look at me?

"Did you take your medication?" I asked

She just answered in a small nod. I know that she is mute but I can't understand the reason why she is trembling so much.

I quickly put my hand over her forehead and next on her neck, as my hand went in contact with her neck, she was quick to look into my eyes.

There is definitely something with her eyes, they exhibit so much innocence but right now they exhibit something I never had any idea about.

"You don't have temperature, do you feel cold? Why are you trembling so much?" I demanded an answer.

Just like earlier, she shook her head. To the hell with her.

"Take tablets, follow things as the Doctor said. I want you healthy as soon as possible, the faster you heal the better it would be" I added.

I can't waste any more time, if the Ranallo family is not going to make any move, I am going to do that.

I have received an invitation from Ceaser Marco, the previous Mafia King of the Southern part of Korea, now working under me for his wedding reception. I have turned that down, but now I am going to be there and not alone.

Ranallo family excited to set their foot and extend their base all over the world would be there trying to strike a deal and that's exactly the time to make them taste their own medicine.

"Irene Ranallo.. The darling daughter of Damian Ranallo, the apple of Ranallo family" as I spoke she looked up at me as if I spoke something unimaginable.

She looked shocked.

"Am I wrong?"

She didn't say anything and stood neutral.

"Tell me the truth, do you really belong to the lineage or are you adopted?" though I know Ranallo's never done such good deeds, I asked it as a matter to get the information.

She moved her fingers quickly, I observed how precise she is in sign language. Was she born mute?

'I am their daughter' she quickly moved her fingers, conveying the answer.

I looked up at her.

'As much as I know….' She added.

"Ain't you sure about being their daughter?" I quizzed.

She shrugged but within seconds her eyes grew wide, her eyes almost touched her brows in surprise.

'You understand sign language' she quickly moved her fingers and her face started glowing as if a million lights are lit up in the sky.

"Yes I do" I nodded.

She gave a brilliant smile, and that's when I observed that she has dimples. She looked beautiful smiling. Her happiness looked so pure, her hands were quick to clap in joy.

Why is she so happy about it?

She kept smiling wide, and something inside me wants her to be like this.

"You look good when you smile," I said, I somehow felt uncomfortable to mention the word beautiful. I don't know why.

She shied hearing that, the crimson red on her cheeks is the proof.

"Keep smiling, as promised I am no harm to you. Within a few days, you will be attending a party with me and you can go back to your family there" I added.

Her face changed colours as I spoke, the smile she carried until then dropped all of a sudden, she looked gloomy and sad with the mere mention of returning to her home.

What am I not getting here? She is happy in the place where she is abducted and is feeling sad to go back to her home, what is the matter? Is there something I need to know?

"You have earlier stopped me when I spoke about returning you to your parents and even now you are sad with the mention of home, what is the matter? I need the answers" I gripped her shoulders tight.

I have been caught up with examinations, so couldn't be regular with updates. From now I am going to update regularly.

Please do share your thoughts and shower your love.

The tale does have a lot to offer

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Marvellous_mistakecreators' thoughts