
1st floor

The building named "5th +teen" is

Looks good which located on peace area but alone. 15 floor of this building almost finished the finishing work. The 1st floor fully covered by glossary mart and remaining 14 floors are opening to booking.

The day one couple came on this building to look is it good for settled. They look whole 14 floors and they decide to immigrants. Slowly the sun going to sets and the sound of wind become strange. Lady of that couple started to worries and she feel something strange and wrong of this building. So lady try to let themselves from this building but at they going they faced different different scared shadows which are tried to harms them.They used evolater for scape from the building.On the 1st floor evolater opened but there is all normal and the couple expose that 1st floor is safe zone of this building and they take deep breath and back to home.