
Starting life

The short time with mothers love was enough for little Andrew to learn about life..

At age 3 Andrew would be sent to school all clean and pressed...

His mother would provide meals for him to have at break time and lunch.

As the years went by ,his mother would be admitted to hospital where she would of taken a turn for the worst..

Leaving Andrew to fend for his own...

At age 6 he would enter primary level schooling where he would learn mathematics ,English language and a few more subjects Including art ....

One day the teacher asked the children of the class to make a token of appreciation for their mom's....

So little Andrew not having a mom made the most beautiful card to give as a gift.

But deep down inside he knew he had no one to give it to and would feel hurt....

Luckily he had a friend by the name of Dianne who would comfort him when he was down..

She would take the card and give it to her mother as a gift from Andrew and they would cheer him up .

As the years go by mothers appreciation day would come and go but every time he felt sad Dianne would assist him ...

One day she left to go to another school and Andrew was left alone once more to fend for himself once more...

He would choose to use his time interacting with other children to comfort his loss...

One day he met a student named Nigel who was a few year older than him ...

Nigel was good at cricket and Andrew was also a good batsman...

One day the coach dicided to put them to play on the same team together ...

At the start of the innings the bays was unstoppable...

Runs after runs they both would go on to make 56 runs between them until Andrew was bowled for 34runs...

Nigel went on to make 67runs not out at the end of the game.....

The school applauded the boy's on their great success and gave all the players medals ...

As time went by exams came up and the boy's would be separated into different schools....

Secondary school was new to Andrew and he had to make new friends....

At first he would meet the bullies who would try to take his money and push him around but Andrew was not letting none of that happen to him he would fight the boy's to keep his money because at this time without mom cooking for him the little money his dad would give him was to buy meals for the entire day ...

So he was always defending himself....

Soon he would start defending other children from the bullies in return his actions made him popular with the children .....

Soon everyone knew who Andrew was and would be looking for him to play sports with them...

One day Andrew went to the cafeteria where he met the most beautiful girl he had ever seen .

Her eyes was like marbles shining...

Her skin was like smooth chocolate at this time Andrew was overwhelmed and decided to approach her .....

He ask her her name and she replied to him....

He asked:"what is your name"

She replied:"Laura "

They started talking to each other and Andrew asked her to be his girlfriend....

She replied:"yes I've been waiting for you to ask ".

He was thrilled .

As the days past he would grow fonder of Laura...

It was all he could think of...

As he lied down in his bed on evenings he would think of the softness of her hands and the smell of her hair...

It was like a dream come true for him..

Every day onwards Andrew would take his lunch money and buy gifts for Laura this went on for about 2 years and on's day as he was passing by her class he would see her kissing another boy ...

Andrew was hurt once more he tought to himself haven't I sacrificed my meals for her why would she do somthing like that...

But what Andrew didn t know is that laura was a n oppotunist somthing a 14 year old could not comprehend...

He cried himself to sleep that night and a few night more that week as well...

He never asked her why and would stay by himself thinking that his efforts was not good enough....

Soon he would come to terms and started back defending the smaller kids from the bullies...

He would go on to recieve the name Conan from the kids at his school because of his bravery....

Soon was time for him to leave junior high to go on to senior classes in another school.....

At age 15 he would enter senior high an from the start he was greeted with respect because everyone heard about his good deeds at junior high...

The classroom was much more bigger then he was accustomed to the kids were like adults...

The boys having beards and the girls looked like women.....

He started interacting with other children and developed a respect for his peers...

One afternoon as he was walking home a student called out to him :"Andrew how are you doing haven't seen you in a long time "..

When he look around was his friend Dianne ,he never knew he would meet her once more in this life and was very happy to see her...

She ran up to him a hugged him so tight that his pen broke in his shirt pocket making a mess for the both of them...

But he did not mind because he remembered her kindness and his heart was full of joy...

Him mind started to think about all the fun memories they had and this made him very happy....

The next day he went to look for his friend she was a year older than him so he had to go to the upper level to look for her...

As he passed class by class he would see a lot of students doing their studies...

Finally he reached Dianne's class ...

As he called out to her the other girls in the class heckled him as he was also a handsome young man...

Dianne got up and shouted:"he's off limits ok"...

Andrew was astonished to know she was still the same girl taking care of him once more.....

As she came to the door to meet him a male student approached him...

The student asked him:'"why have you come here to look for Dianne "

Before he could reply Dianne took his hand and they left the classroom....

They went to the cafeteria to get drinks and went down to the playing field where the would have a long conversation....

She asked him :do you have a girlfriend "which he replied:"no"....

So he began to tell her about Laura and how he spent all him lunch money and buy gifts for her....

She was furious and wanted to meet her...

Andrew sat and tought what a good friend Dianne was to him ...

So he ask her if she had a boyfriend she replied :"yes but he's In another school and we see each other on weekends "...

Andrew was sad but happy at the same time knowing he would have her from Mondays to Fridays in school...

So Andrew decided to go after her heart the best way he knew by showering her with gifts and compliments....

Soon they were inseparable but she was still attached to her boyfriend...

They started walking to the taxi stand together everyday until one day her boyfriend showed up and started insulting her Andrew stood up to him and said to him:"we are just friends why have you choose to insult her like that "

The boyfriend furiously said :"I will beat the shit out of you if you don't step out of my way"...

Andrew stood there and did not move replying to him:"you think you are a man by insulting her she has done no wrong all we do is walk to the stand together"..

At that point the boyfriend slapped Andrew.

Andrew was so surprised of the boyfriend's response but did not take it likely and a fight occurred...

The boy fought and the taxi drivers that were there had to separate them....

Dianne cried as she entered her taxi to go home....

Andrew and the boyfriend would go thier separate ways...

The next day at school Dianne seemed to be avoiding Andrew and he was confused by the way she was acting.

He sat and tought about the day before and how he stood up for her .

Finally the day was done and time to walk home but Dianne didn t show up so he had to walk alone.

Frustrated by the past events Andrew decided the next day he would go to the class to talk to her...

So the next day at lunch time he went to the upper level to speak to her and again the male student approached him and told him that Dianne didn t want to speak to him no more.....

Andrew seeing her in class called out to her.....

She sat there for a few minutes the she came out ....

She said:"Andrew you are my friend and I care about you but I love my boyfriend and I cannot afford to loose him because he has been there for me a long time I think we should stop haging out "..

Andrew was crushed not only did he lost the girl he wanted but a good friend as well...

Andrew started skipping school and hanging out with delinquent boys who would have him smoking and drinking alcohol.....

He tought to himself why not I already lost my best friend what is there more to lose....

But soon he became lackadaisical...

And would start using drugs...

The time had come for final exams and Andrew was in a mess....

He failed his classes and left school without any qualifications....

His father was furious and sent Andrew to work as a pump attendant at a local gas station.....

This started a new chapter in his life ....