
Abandon Spirit

Past incident lead Jane cold, broken and quite. Darek helps her stepping into reviving and will help her to find the secret of the abandon spirit and the demon man. Hi viewers! I am Emma . Kindly support me with coins and reviews. Also if you have any idea related to the novel story then you can also contact me.

Emma_subjects · Ciudad
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The night before Jane's 14th birthday, Jane was so excited that she didn't feel sleepy .She start writing her diary but suddenly she felt cold ,she realizes that the aperture of her room is open. Jane went there to shut the aperture but the moment she was about to close the aperture, a big calamity knock the door of Jane's predestination that change her typical feature for life time. Jane's eyes were fixed in a steady and earnest look on one spot. She saw an erratic tall man in black suit, who wears a smiley mask, and his skin was all red and he holds a brief case . The strange demon man was marching on the street. Watching the scene, Jane ran towards her parent's room, she laid beside her mother and shut her eyes tightly, Jane was so much feared and she stayed up whole night .The next morning Jane tried to ensure her parents but they didn't listen to her and told Jane to stop fabricating stories and focus on preparations of the new day. Jane was all over the moon as she was excited for her birthday party but she was confused about the last night, whether it was real or she was just amusing by herself.

At night; after the occasion was over, all the visitors left the home. Jane helped her mother to clean the house. Later, Jane was going to her bedroom . As she opened the doorway ,Jane cried so loud that no one could hear her ,it was a scary scream made in the state of frightening; her slim long legs were jiggling in terror and her upturned hazel eyes were wide opened as she detected the freaky demon man with smiley mask , in her bedroom. Jane's body drop on the floor at the point and she fainted for a while . In the middle of the night , she came back on her senses and stepped inside the room but found empty. Jane looked outside the aperture but the demon man was no where to be found. Jane ceased the aperture. She decides to tell her parents and headed a way to their room but she felt an effective force like an abandon spirit was blocking her trail. Jane didn't understand anything that was going with her.

After that day she never saw the demon man again . Jane decides to tell everything to her one and only friend Alexa .Jane trust her friend blindly . The moment she told everything to her friend, Alexa stayed silent and looked deeply in Jane's eyes until Jane tell her the complete incident . Then Alexa turned completely in different personality, and starts laughing like a maniac , everyone paid attention to Alexa and she told everything to everyone in class. The whole class laughs at her and Jane couldn't believe on her eyes that her own friend humiliates her infront of everyone .Tears start forming in Jane's eyes , she covered her face so that no one notice her tears and immediately ran towards the school's washroom.

Just a few days later, Jane's classmates starts bullying her and she became one of those who bullied everyday .

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