
Abandon Spirit

Past incident lead Jane cold, broken and quite. Darek helps her stepping into reviving and will help her to find the secret of the abandon spirit and the demon man. Hi viewers! I am Emma . Kindly support me with coins and reviews. Also if you have any idea related to the novel story then you can also contact me.

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Darek : The heartthrob

Jane's POV

I know very well that you all are thinking that I still get bullied . No luckily, the contingency didn't go on. The incident have happened been 4 years. And in these past years, I worked as hell to made my name as a topper in Junior Year so that no one would be able to bully me anymore. However, nothing being comparable in me as it was used to be in the old one or we surmise it as my personality is changed from gabby to a whole taciturn person. I know perfectly well that some people can't stand bein alone; but for me it's like another sphere of life where I only find peace, tranquility and imperturbation. Now I don't have any, so called a friend. In home, I mostly spent my time researching on the spiritual stuff or possibility of some hideous creature existence but mostly it turned out as entirely false disclosure and about in school, I busy myself in studies or sometimes reading novels and books in library. I often get lectures from my parents on not having friends. I didn't trust anyone and never open up about my insecurities or the trauma I have been suffered from with anyone, after receiving the lesson gave by that bitch Alexa. (end of POV)

At Jane's Mathematics Class ~

The whole class was paying attention to the preceptor, instantaneously a tall physically attractive guy with broad shoulders enter in the class . The preceptor asked about him, the handsome guy with green eyes and wavy reddish brown hair, initiate himself as a new comer named Darek Miller. Everyone was stunned for his looks especially girls, but Jane didn't look surprised after watching him for a distance. Darek went to the last empty bench and lodged his bag besides. Darek caught many girls staring at him and he just smirked. After the class, he went popular in no time.

Darek was big headed and a type of person who only wants attention and he got what he wants because of his good looking and dashing personality and became the heartthrob of whole school.

Later two weeks of Darek joining the high school.....

Darek with his minions was sitting in the cafeteria ; Did you guys made the Literature's notes, Darek asked. Sophia and Drake responded in no, Why don't you asked it from Jane? She is a favored student of almost every teacher, Sophia replied. Hold on girl! Ask that chick to brought her notes to me. Darek attitude was on it's peak. Sophia said, Okayyy Dude! well I am heading to the girl's restroom, if I met her I'll deliver your message, with this Sophia left the place.

Sophia was passing from the corridor after using the washroom, suddenly her gaze stops on a girl who wear a brown t-shirt with white jeans, the girl was packing her bag, Sophia perceive her as Jane.

Jane's POV

I was putting my books in my bag when Sophia entered the class and said '' hey girl, what's your name uhh Jane right!, I am here to give you Darek's message. He is asking for your Literature's notes'' what a jerk, I said in my heart . First of all, if you guys didn't bunk the class for the whole semester, maybe I would have thought for giving you my notes and the second thing is that I am not his maid like you , so whatever he says I'll do , I said. Sophia burst in anger and took a step forward , to slap me but I hold her wrist and said you better not come in way again, get it! . After saying this, I let go of her hand, her eyes became red with anger and she started telling me that now you see how I'll humiliate you so that all your attitude will disappear. I ran out of there and went to the washroom .

I was happy that I stand for myself for the very first time and if I'd done this four years ago, nothing would have happened but a little bit I knew that I stepped into a big trouble and it was.

Next day after the second class of mathematics, I was hungry so I went to the cafeteria, on my way some eggs fell on my yellow shirt which I JUST bought three days ago, I looked back and found Darek with Sophia , she was standing besides him and retaining her mobile to make video of mine and some more students were standing there .

Darek had a very evil smile on his face which proved that he was not going to do me any good but still somehow I managed to say , WHAT the heck is this! Darek started moving towards me till my back was hit by the locker behind me, he leaned towards my ear and said in his hot voice '' You insulted me in front of my friend , now you have to pay babygirl'' then he left from there along with his minions.

I was still processing that what he just says but before getting loss in my thoughts I went to the washroom to clean the mess from my shirt because people were not doing anything else except me watching the spectacle.

I was cleaning my shirt when the thought of what to do next woke up in my mind; I knew that something was going to happen to me in the future and I also knew that I would not be silent like before. This time I will stand for myself at any cost because when it comes to self-defense, it is better to have the power and not need it than to need it and not have it...