
Chapter 43

His hate was directed towards both of them. He can only see as the same tongue he used to suck on while they kissed was now being used to pleasure Rick's asshole. Unknown to him though, Rick had already known that he had been trailing them but chose not to expose him. This was his way of showing him that she belonged to him now. He can feel the rage coming from the boy as he had her girlfriend sticking her soft tongue inside him. Still the girls were in complete control of lust so they felt nothing. Being done with them he got them on their knees and as a last display of his power jerked all his cum onto the floor. Getting his go ahead they lunged at the spots of his cum licking the ground sensual to satisfy his ego. Jhon was disturbed watching him treat Maria even less than a pet. He can't take it anymore and took his leave. Rick made sure to remind Maria to break off with Jhon by today. She nodded and they too dressed up, leaving for their first class of the day. Strangely after they left, there was a streak of green burning fire from which a figure materialized. Her whole body was covered in a jet black attire and even her face had a veil. Only her slender limbs and a bulging chest gave her away as a woman. She walked to the spot where the children had sex and dropping on her knees wiped the leftover cum off from the ground. She placed the finger in her mouth "Hmm.. it is not the same!" Just as fast as she arrived, she vanished from there by breaking into flames.

*Chatter**chatter* Rick was surrounded from all sides by his classmates. Just as he entered Ross gave him a tight hug. Fatty had been his best friend so he too was delighted to see him back again. Everyone wanted to know what had transpired in the forest and how did they manage to survive. Rick patiently told his story once again to all of them. At this point he can narrate this even in his sleep so it was not a big deal for him. In the whole class there was a single girl who had not joined the group. Stella's mind was in turmoil. She had been thinking about what she ought to do and how she should face Rick. She was saved by the arrival of Hina, making the class disperse. She saw Rick giving her a 'hi' before taking his seat, which she awkwardly responded. He didn't mind her reaction and sat beside Monica. Ross had offered to switch places with her which she readily agreed. Looking ahead he can see the downcast face of Jhon sitting beside Maria. 'I think I got too carried away back there. It's not like he tried to hurt me or something. Most probably he is just a jealous individual. Maybe I will clear the misunderstanding someday.' Hina's class ended and before he could follow her to her room, a silver haired beauty tugged on his hands. "Can we talk a little?"

Stella had always been cold towards him but considering her personality was like this only and he was not a special case, he hadn't minded it. Also, it was so out of character for her to begin a conversation. "Hmm" Right when he left with her Maria and Jhon too left behind them. Jhon had known what was coming so he had been prepared for it. Yet when the final declaration came his heart burned in fury. Shouldn't she have told this to him at the starting itself. Now he doesn't even know how long her affair with Rick had been going on. But maybe in his heart he still loved her, he blamed it all on the shit faced guy. Frustrated he returned back to the class and the students noticed Maria moving her seat to Monica's side. The buzz broke out in the room. On the other hand it was exact opposite case with Rick and Stella. "I know that you have been in love with me. I am sorry that I never realised." She bowed at her waist and Rick was stupefied at the turn of events. She must have misinterpreted his act of trying to rescue her. But he didn't say anything waiting for her to complete. "You see, all I have ever done in my life is to train

I never had the time to look into matters of heart but that day when you tried to save me despite being so weak, I was appalled at your reasons to do so. Only when I woke up from my injuries and hearing the news that you have gone missing, I realised that you had loved me so dearly all along."

'Firstly, I take offense on the word 'weak'. Secondly, what the heck? Was I supposed to leave you to die there? There was definitely no seniors there and you would have been as good as dead.' He didn't say all this loud, waiting for the girl to end her monologue. "After thinking for all this while I came to the conclusion.. that I will take you as my boyfriend." Her face was deep red at the end of the sentence. It was clear that it had taken all her courage to just say the last line. Wow.. I girl threw herself in his hands again. This place was closet thing to a heaven. Why would he refuse her? On top of it, she was no ordinary beauty. She even more beautiful than his two existing ones in some aspects. Only stats where she would lose points will be charm. Still he needs to confirm with her "Ahem.. I too want that Stella but.. actually.. I already have 2 girlfriends, namely Monica and Maria." Now that she had said what was the most important thing, rest was easy for her to handle. "Don't worry, I am not a petty woman. I can be your third one. Anyways, I am not sure how much of my time I will be able to devote to you so I will need those two to keep you company."

'Why was she talking like everyone was so beneath her?' She should at least know that both his girls were of no ordinary backgrounds. "Okay then." Stella saw him bring his mouth closer to her "What are you doing?" She panicked and stepped back. "Hmm?? Aren't we in a relationship now so shouldn't we kiss?" Stella was clueless about these things, she can only stutter a response "No.. wait. I mean.. I am not ready yet.. we can.. yes. We can do it in a few days. Give me some time." Saying till here she didn't even wait for his reply and ran back to the class. "It sure is going to be fun." He was very confident that his girls would not mind an extra sister to their ranks. He strolled to Hina's room to take care of his daily duties.

Hina cleaned the leftover feces from his tract before addressing him. "Rick my husband returned yesterday and he had agreed to our marriage. He is going to get us married on this Friday so if you have any objections you need to let me know before that." However embarrassed she was saying all this, she knew this was a serious matter that needs to be handled carefully for her daughter's life. "What are you saying? I will be ready on the day then. Sorry, I would have wanted to kiss you but you know.." Hina swallowed the bits and pieces in her mouth "That's good to hear. We are planning to hold a small ceremony at our house only, we can get it legitimated by the church later on." "As you wish!" He brought his butt to Lily who was lost in thought. She licked it for him. "You don't look too happy sister Lily? How about this.. you too can marry me if you like. I really want to take both of you as sister brides." She playfully slapped him in his butt "You wish kiddo." On the outside she had brushed him off but in her mind she was seriously considering if she should too bring this up with her husband. "Let's meet tommorow then, my beautiful wives haha" He both his teachers behind fuming with fake anger.

Reaching back to his class he found the mess he had overlooked. Both his girlfriends were glaring at his new one, who was ignoring them. Stella must have told them about her discussions with him. He calmly placed in between. "Now, now girls. I think I should make a formal introduction. Stella will be my new girlfriend in addition to you two and you guys need to get together." Monica and Maria grumbled something but didn't register any protest. "Come sit here, Stella." The blonde and the redhead had each other to accompany, so he decided to have the new girl sit with himself. A decision that the other two didn't appreciate. But he knew how to cheer them up. Just as Stella took her seat beside him, he pulled out his junk and swinging it to entice them. At first the girls were acting hard to get but within minutes Monica's lust took over and she gave an embarassing smile to Maria before getting under the table to suck on the stick. Stella can only gasp at the sight of her little mouth doing its best to devour the whole appendage. Rick seperated his legs more to let her have a good view. Maria too can't control herself any longer and dropped down. She can see that Stella was a complete novice in sex and it was her time to one up the genius girl. She sensually began licking all over his length all the while maintaining her gaze in her eyes.

Looking at the wanderment in the silver haired girl Rick had an intense desire to forcefully shove her face in his groin and fuck the shit out of her. But he calmed his nerves, not willing to scare the bird away. Still he can gain a few advantages with his new relationship. Thinking that his hands snaked under her dress finding it's way to her ample bust. Stella sported the largest breasts out of all the girls her age much to the jealousy of his prior girlfriends. Stella was so much entranced by the performance of her fellow classmates that she didn't even realise when Rick hand had found its way in her dress and was now softly squeezing them. She looked in surprise towards him only to hear him say "Don't worry Stella. You can watch and learn. No one is here to judge you. You can open up to us at your own pace." Her face heated up. That was definitely not what she wanted to question him about but having lost her chance she chose to remain silent. This in turn gave boost to Rick's confidence whose hands now wandered to her large nipples before rubbing and pinching them. The fire lit in Stella's pussy. It was not easy for her to maintain composure while in the vicinity of such sexually charged atmosphere but adding to it the stimulations brought on by his hands on her breasts, was proving to be too much.

But when had she ran away from challenges all her life? The stubborn personality of her's will not allow her to back off. A faint moan escaped her lips but she suppressed the ones coming after that. All three of her companions were enjoying her condition but she had her eyes tightly shut. Being a virgin meant it wasn't long before she eneded up spoiling her underwear. "Mhhh mhh" She moaned at first from the euphoria but her expression changed having sensed what she did. Her face turning red she ran out of the class without speaking a single word to anyone. Rick lightly chuckled along with his girls once she left them. "It's really fascinating. I will have fun training her to be a good little slut like you two." He gave a slap to both of them as they ravenously began sucking him with loud noises. But their escapades didn't last long when Agnes entered the classroom and Rick was left with a hard stick in his pants. It had been a complete week since he saw this sugar mommy of his. He can't wait to enter her fuck hole and humiliate her a little. Her stern expression somehow told him that she might not be too happy with him. The class continued and she actively ignored him. Also, meanwhile Stella returned taking his seat alongside him but refusing to meet his eyes.

"Wait! Mrs. Agnes." Class was over and Rick was running behind. He can't address her as mom in public. Still, she was unwilling to answer him. "I know you must be mad that I took such risks even after assuring you otherwise. But you know, how will I ever grow up if I don't take my chances in life. Also, I need to get powerful enough to claim you as my wife." With his last sentence he can see a tinge of red on her face. That told him that he had definitely managed to calm her down a bit. Building on his progress, his hands slipped in her tight garments and his fingers tunneled their way directly to her warm asshole. Agnes tried to intimidate him with a glare but he just shrugged it off, knowing that she was just putting on a show. To register his protest he added another finger to the mix. The teacher and student pair walked through the gallery maintaining this posture. Reaching her room Rick settled in her lap after she took her seat in the chair. "What do yo... mhhh" Before she could complete her sentence Rick closed her mouth with his, kissing her passionately as his hands squeezed her boobies over her clothes. Through reluctantly, slowly Agnes began to respond to him and it wasn't long before the new mother and son pair was sucking ok each other's tongues. "Do you know how worried I was when I heard the news?" Agnes was acting like a coy little girl in front of him. A complete 180 degree turn from her usual behaviour. Rick can see her eyes turning moist. He gave her s light kiss before answering "Ain't I back now? Haha Rest assured I won't allow anything to happen to me before I take you as my wife." Agnes blushed and Rick took out his cock, placing her hands around his rapidly hardening erection.

"One more thing mom. I need to talk about some important matters with you actually." Agnes paused the handjob and Rick explained the situation he was in regarding Hina. To his surprise Agnes's hands resumed the motions aro his cock. "I don't care about that. As long as I am the first wife, you can marry as many woman as you want. Anyways, with the amount of sex drive you got in you it is rather natural that you would require multiple partners to satisfy you. Also, Hina is a very good natured woman. I can't have any reservations against her." Rick gave her another kiss. "You are the best mom! But I got another problem that I need to discuss with you. I am sure you can help me out." The matter of sucking mana out of his women during sex had been weighing on his heart for a rather long duration. It's about time he shared this with the most powerful and intimate of his ladies. Agnes fell in silence when he was done with her explanation. It was clear from her expressions that this was a way bigger concern for her than his marriage with Hina. She in believed him since there was no reason for Rick to joke about something like that. "Hmmm.. it is rather peculiar case. There are a few dark soul cultivation methods that helps the user drain the power out of the living beings but those all come under dark arts. There is no way that any human can get their hands on those things not to mention the sheer difficulty of practicing those arts."

Rick took this opportunity to explain to her about his waste products containing soul power traces too. On one hand Agnes was worried about his condition but on the other she was very happy when he told her that she was the only one he shared his condition with. She had to admit, the thoughts of being trusted sure didn't feel bad at all. "Wait a second here for me." She got up and before he could ask anything she had disappeared right in front of his eyes, bolstering his belief that she was a true powerhouse who surpassed even Helen by a big margin. He had already been amazed by her powers so one can only imagine his state of mind when within minutes she appeared back in the room this time carrying a struggling lady on her shoulders. It was clear as day that the other lady was not pleased to be carried around like this. "Oiiii.. stupid!! What do you think you are doing? That was not even a fight. This can't be counted, you ambushes me idiot Agnes!! Put me down!!" Agnes ignored her cries and dropped her down on the table and tore off her dress, revealing a plentiful buttocks to Rick. "Here!! Do it with her. I want to observe what is happening with you." She address her stupefied student cum son. "What's the heck Agnes? Are you out of your mind?" The woman pushed against the table kept grappling but Agnes maintained a vice like grip on her, courtesy to her fours hands.

Rick was gripped in shock and awe. How would he not know the lady Agnes kidnapped? Those five fluffy tails attached to her behind can give away her identity any day of the year. She was their principal Mrs. Anya. Though there were only a handful of times Rick had glimpsed her but her beauty was such that no one can forget her. He gulped the built up saliva in his mouth. Was Agnes really asking him to breed the principal with his dick? Everybody knew that principal Anya was one of the powerhouses in the whole empire. And here his sugar mommy was holding her down like a little kid. He sure struck gold this time. "What are you standing there for? Didn't you hear what I said? Pahh.. Quieten down!!" The next part of the sentence was for Anya whose butt cheeks had turned red with the beatings they recieved. Taking one last look to check if Agnes was serious, he got out of his pants and began stroking his dick to life, all the while staring at moist pussy lips peeking at him from under the dense bush of Anya's foxy tails.