
Chapter 2: Part 1

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

-Corinthians 13:5

Hans, a rising,living differently:

(Valentine's of 2019)

I thought I already had everything this world has to give. When people who were longing for justice

started cheering my name, I thought I already did. I thought I don't need anything else. I was always contented. I was always filled. I thought I'm already whole, but then, I saw those sparkling hazel brown eyes of yours. Those eyes filled with emotions I can't decode. The only eyes I can't. That night when the city was filled with red and blue lights, that night when all I can hear was the siren and your cold voice, that was the night I felt something in me is missing. You made me feel incomplete.

I pulled my phone out of my tight distressed jeans and dialed the wicked old man's number.

"I'm here." I said.

I heard nothing on the other line but her, screaming. I walked towards his men in black suit and tie in the filthy abandoned factory. They looked at me with blank expressions. Without a word,

they opened the tall rusty gate. Welcoming me.

"Dale!" the words I long to welcome me.

She tried to pull her hands away from what's holding her back. She tried.

"Dale!" she's sobbing.

"Oh, here you are. It's been a year my friend." He greeted me with words he always used.

I threw the case at him.

"Now untie her!" I yelled.

He walked around, not losing sight of me, giggling.

"You're intelligent, but do you know the key to destroying your enemy? It is Power! " He paused

when his men nod, confirming that they got what they came for. Inside the case were the evidences I

need to put him behind the cold aged bars.

He ordered "Untie her."

I walk towards her, so I can hug her tightly. She's trembling out of fear, her warm hands caressing my pale face.

"It's okay now." I guaranteed her.

Her hands trembled as she pointed onto something.

She pointed at the man holding the case,

"But he is..." I cut her, "I know."

I looked into her eyes, as deep as I can. Is this what they call the moment when you need nothing

else? Her eyes filled with tears, but it's smiling at me. I looked at it as it looked at the different direction.

"You'll pay for this!" He screamed. I saw him being cuffed through her eyes.

I teased, "Remember this, intelligence and power!"

I thought it'll make his face wrinkle and his blood temperature high but I was wrong. Instead, he burst out in laughter. Suddenly, I lost sense of reality. Her eyes, my weakness, they're weak. I looked at my hand which is holding her back filled with blood. It's déjà vu. Those red and blue and the siren, is in agony with me. Her voice, colder than it usually is. In this exact situation, I found you. Could it be this time too, I'll lose you?

"Cut! Cut!" for the fifth time, finally.

"It's a wrap!" Mr. Bradford, the director, clapped his hands like cymbals. It finally ended!