
Flash Back

It was after my Higher Secondary Education, in the month of June, I went to the city of culture, but was one of the fastest growing cities of India, I went to Guwahati. You know a mountain looks so beautiful from distance, but in reality, it's tough to climb a mountain. My thoughts about Guwahati was quite like this, at first glance everything looked good for me. So , I decided to get admitted in one of the top colleges of Guwahati University, B.Borooah College. During this time I was staying at cousin's flat, at UzanBazar, near Belly View.

It was a clam place, one of the peaceful places of Guwahati I could say. In fact, the entire situation of city life seem suitable for me. After some days spent wondering around, the forms started distributing in colleges, my percentage was fare enough but not the best to get admitted in cotton college, however, I had no intention to get admitted in a college where it's difficult to differentiate between teachers and the students. Back at home, father was worried, he even asked me to submit forms in private colleges too. However, I was confident about my admission in B.Borooah College, even my cousin was more confident than me. Somehow, I was trying to satisfy my heart with these fantastic assumptions, which could have hit me back. However, after a few weeks of fun, the admission time came. I woke up early in the morning, father was there to company me too as he was much more worried than me. Everyone, got cleaned up n stood ready to visit the college.

It was one of the crowded places in the universe for me. I went straight to the auditorium where the event of admission was going on. Then I noticed, the process was going on the basis of merit list, and the subject will be chosen after admission. which was the worst part of the college for the people like me who didn't submit the forms of other colleges.

After, sometime, I went outside the hall as I was getting sick standing with fear if I don't get admitted.

Saw my father sitting at the edges of College's botanical garden with a serious conversation with a another father.

However, I was happy, seeing my father like that. My hope couldn't die seeing his hopeful face.

I went inside again with a stupid face, and stood by the walls beside the entrance. Noticed a beautiful girl standing exactly beside me , looking at each-other and smiled and shook hands with greetings and names, we even exchanged numbers, in-fact we were having fun, after a short talk, which wasn't really short because we never get enough time with pretty girls😂😂😂. Her named was called in mic , so she went on. I made my stupid face again, all of a sudden my name was called, at first I didn't notice but after the second call I realized it was me. I ran towards the row of tables, after signing on the first paper, I was happy and wanted to tell my father that I got it. Uff, that moment was the happiest moment of my life. It was amazing. I somehow got it done. If you have watched "pursuit of happiness" you will know, how can small things make you the happiest person in the universe. It was a pure and true feeling of joy.

Happiness is not something you do something for someone and smiled inside : happiness is something you do for yourself and smile and smile, whenever you remember that moment you will smile. And that is happiness. 😊😍