
A Yakuza's Dream.

Now Known As,Masaru Takao,The Son of A Yakuza Boss,Has Been sent to Train,At The Age of 5, Under A Mercenary Haired by His father.His name? Giichi Abe,But Unbeknownst to him, is now In Tokyo Revengers.

Linking_Vibes · Cómic
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13 Chs

School?! Ugh! What a Drag!

[2years Later]

"No! No! No!!!!"

"Why must I go to School?!"

'Masaru screamed as Eli & Masamune struggled to pull him out of bed.'

"C'mon,boss,you have to prepare yourself for school! It's your first day of Junior High!"

'Masamune said as he struggled to pull any further.'

"I don't wanna,I don't wanna!! Just thinking about school is already killing me with boredom-"

"Ahh! Ouch! That hurt!"

'Masaru shouted as he hit the floor of the room,as he turned around to see who pulled him out of the bed, he was shocked to see who it was.'

"A-aia?! What are you doing here?!"

"Tsk. I came to get you bunch of fools,& knowing you,I knew you would throw a tantrum."

'Aia Hasegawa is a young girl of age 12,like Masaru.With below-average height, black Hair styled in a wolfcut,& Purplish eyes. She met Masaru & the orphans two years ago when Daisike introduced each other,She has a One sided Crush on Masaru,she likes to hang around Masaru & the others. She has a big scar across her abdomen,due to a car crash that killed her parents & leaving her & brothers orphans,the oldest brother spending less time with the two,due to having to work two part-time jobs. She also enjoys practicing capoeira.'


"C'mon, hurry up, were gonna be late for school!"

'Kyoya shouted as he & the two orphans waited for Aia & Masaru.'

'Finally both, preteens came rushing out the door,but not before closing the door.'

'All four ran the whole way to school,I say four cause Aia can't keep up with them,so Masaru had to carry her all the way to the school, which wasn't a problem for him,he has Carried heavier things. ..Butt he probably shouldn't tell that to her.'

'Alot of things have happened over the past two years,for once,Masaru told the other four the truth about his family,& how his father is a Yakuza Boss. Speaking about his father,𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙮𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙤,was at first against the idea that a couple of kids knew about their relation with Yakuza,& wanted to do some heinous acts,but his Masaru assured his father that they were trustworthy.'

'Since then,the orphans & Daisuke have become extremely loyal to the Young Boss.'




'Masaru screamed as he tried to get Aia out of her thoughts.'

"W-what?! Why are you screaming?!"

"We arrived,you Bozo! Get off already, we're gonna be late."

"O-oh, right!"

'After Aia & Masaru change into slippers,they go to their respective class.'

'Masaru boredly paid attention at the lesson,as he had his chin ontop of his resting arms on the desk.'

"God, I'm so bored that I don't even have energy to get up..."

'The Bell for lunch suddenly rings, indicating the end of class,Masaru sits up in a flash & bolts out of the classroom.'

"I'm free! I'm free! Finally, I'm free!"

'While turning a corner,Masaru bumps into an upperclassmen.'

"Oops! My bad! Excuse me!"

'Masaru was getting ready to bolt again,but the upperclassmen blocked his way.'

"Look what we have here,Fresh Meat outta of the fridge."

'One of the upperclassmen said while giggling.'

"...Mind moving a bit to the left? You're kinda blocking my way.."

"How about we show you around the school? It's our duty as upperclassmen."

'One of the upperclassmen said as he wrapped his arm around Masaru.'

'...Ah. I see what's going on. It'll be fun to release some steam.'


"Yo! Let's go to the rooftop for a smoke."


'As both teenager walked up the stairs,Masaru was walking down the stairs, smiling innocently,Masaru walked past both teenagers without saying a word.'

"That kid has a weird vibe to him.."

'one of the teenagers mentioned.'

"He's probably a loner, c'mon let's go."

'As both teenagers walked up to the last stairs,they could see the door was slightly open.'

"ugh,damn kid, leaving the rooftop door open."

'As the teenager pushed the door open,he saw the beaten Bodies of three upperclassmen.'

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"Masaru! Did you fight again?"

'Aia asked as the other four joined them.'

"What?,pssh,no!.....How could you tell?"

"Your hands are tainted with blood,Masaru."

'Daisuke said as he ate t his lunch.'

"Oh...uh,I promise I didn't kill them.."

"That's not the point,Masaru. You're enrolled in school,you can't be getting into fights."

'Aia said with a sigh.'

"Hey! It was in self defense. They had it coming."

'Masaru said innocently as he ate his lunch.'

"Ugh, you're a lost cause."


'The remainder of school was the same, boring...it wasn't after school when Masaru & the others walked home.'

"So how was Junior high for the both of you?"

'Eli asked as they walked.'

"It was fine,I quickly made friends in class."

'Aia said as she raised her arm up high.'

"How about you,Masaru,how was it?"

'Kyoya asked as he glanced to Masaru


'Masaru said as he tilted his head towards kyoya.'

"Typical Masaru."

'They all said in Union.'

"C'mon, something must've been interesting to you, right?"

'Eli said with hope.'

"Ehhh,I guess the beating I gave to those upperclassme-"

"You fought upperclassmen?!!"

'Aia exclaimed.'

"Yeahhh? Why??"

"I knew you fought,but I didn't know it was against upperclassmen,why did you fight them?"

"..Uh well,I kinda bumped into one for them,I did apologize,but they insisted in taking me to the rooftop... after that...eh,it was pretty boring."

'Masaru said as he scratched his neck.'

"Hehe,Dear Shin, let's go for a walk.."

'The group could see 4 high schoolers walking out another high schooler out,the latter being a fragile looking boy.'

".. Highschool delinquents,that Symbol...I think that's th-"

"𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙆𝙣𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙨."

'Daisuke said, interrupting Masamune.'

"How do you know all about the local Gangs?"

'Kyoya asked, glancing towards Daisuke.'

"Hehe, it's just that ever since I was little I was kinda of a delinquent fanboy..."

".. Anyway,we probably shouldn't mess with high schoolers, so let's go home,Masaru...?"

"....He's long Gone,Daisuke."

'Aia said as she crossed her arms.'

"Ugh, he never listens to what I say.."

"He's gonna piss the Burn knuckles off,& it's just gonna start another fight.."

"But that's one of the rules of

『𝕭𝒾ℊ 𝓭 𝓮 𝓪ℒ』, Protect the weak,ill,poor & helpless."

'Kyoya said as he looked at Daisuke.'

"Yeah,yeah, I Know, it's just that Burn knuckles was recently conquered by triplets,the Oldest being the leader. The beating was so bad, that the former Leader was left disabled."

"So? Tora Miura was also said to be a monster,& look what happened,Masaru defeated him & Conquered the Devil's Brotherhood,very easily too. I think we can handle The 𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙆𝙣𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙨 if it comes to it."


"You guys won't mind if I join y'all, right?!"

'Masaru shouted as he leaped towards the high schoolers.'

"What the hell?"

'one of the high schoolers said as he took out his cigarette outta of his mouth & turned to the direction of Masaru,the former being kicked into the wall of the alley by the latter.'

"Shit- Kazuya!"

'one of the high schoolers screamed.'

"Why you- wait that uniform, you're a middle schooler? Did Kazuya just get owned by a damn middle schooler-"

'The high schooler, being distracted as he glanced at the body of Kazuya, didn't notice Masaru charging in,& delivering a powerful Straight punch, sending the thug flying.'

"Sh-shit! C'mon let's get the hell outta here!"

"You'll pay for this,you damn brat!"

'the remaining two thugs bolted outta of the alley, leaving the two other unconscious thugs & Shin,the freshmen they were beating.'

"Um...Thank you for the save..."

"There's no need to thank me. I was just doing the right thing."

"....But how are you so strong...? ...You're a middle schooler, right? How were you able to defeat two highschoolers so easily?"

'Shin asked as he slowly stood up & breathed heavily.'

"I trained in marital arts since childhood,& cause I'm naturally Strong."

'Masaru said with a smile.'

"There you are!"

'Aia shouted as she slid across the ground when she saw Masaru in the alley,the others catching up.'

"Oh hey guys! What took y'all so long?"

"Don't hey guys me,Masaru!"

'Daisuke said annoyed.'

"Why are you always getting into fights that are unnecessary?"

"It wasn't unnecessary,I helped someone who was weak, isn't that the right thing to do?"

"...I-i yeah, you're right,but sometimes it's best to not get involve yourself wi-"

"𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 𝘽𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙙𝙖. Who do you take me for? You know exactly what I'm capable of, & you know about that '𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴'."

'Masaru interrupted annoyingly.'

"..I'm just saying not to be so careless,be more careful with your decisions.

"Yeah,I Know....Anyways,we should probably go,we still have dinner to prepare."


[After Dinner.]

"Bye,Daisuke,Bye Aia!"

'Eli & Masamune Said as they waved goodbye.'

"Don't you think those gang members will look for vengeance against you?"

"That's fine with me. Cause I Know in the end, it'll end in my victory." 'Masaru said as he stopped doing the dishes & glanced over to Kyoya.'

"Besides. I can always call for backup. Don't forget, 『𝕭𝒾ℊ 𝓭 𝓮 𝓪ℒ』is under my absolute Command. I have the final word if it's anything major, other than that,Tora guides them."

"You're right....but I can't shake off what Daisuke said earlier.."

"What did he say?"

'Masaru asked,as he continued doing the dishes.'

"That 𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙆𝙣𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙨 has recently gone over a change. Triplets brothers took over the Gang, what's more,the former Leader was left Disabled by the older brother, who's the New Leader. And the Thugs that you defeated are mostly likely associated with

『𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙆𝙣𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙨』, since they had a bracelet with the Symbol of the Burn Knuckles..."

"Interesting. But not intimidated."

"Right...Considering your family affiliation with Yakuza,you wouldn't be scared of some Teenage Gangs..."

"Right now,Kyoya! Now,let me finish doing the dishes, please."


"What happened to Kazuya & Itsuki?"

'one of the gangsters said as the highschoolers dragged the two unconscious bodies.'

"I-i...hear us out... Some middleschooler-"

'the thug was interrupted by the laughter of the gangsters

"Oh my god,you have to be joking,a middle schooler?! What a joke!"

"No! You don't understand,he took out Kaz & Suki with one strike!"

"So you ran like a bitch & left your friends behind? That's not good,now is it,Daiki?"

'One of the gangsters said mockliy.'

"Now,now,Ren,no need to tease Daiki & Dai. I mean, what could you expect from two complete losers?"

'one of the gangsters said chuckling.'

"That's enough,𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮. The 𝗕𝗼𝘀𝘀 is getting ready to speak."

'A rather large person announced.'

"Tell me,𝗗𝗮𝗶,who did this to y'all? Is he at least strong?"

'The boss asked, being interested.'

"U-um..I don't know who it was,but I do know the uniform he had...it was Gin middle school..."

'Dai said with fear.'

"...Gin Middle school,huh? Isn't that where that Middle school Gang attends? ... what were they called?....ah yes, 『𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿』."