
A Yakuza's Dream.

Now Known As,Masaru Takao,The Son of A Yakuza Boss,Has Been sent to Train,At The Age of 5, Under A Mercenary Haired by His father.His name? Giichi Abe,But Unbeknownst to him, is now In Tokyo Revengers.

Linking_Vibes · Cómic
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13 Chs

Graduation Day.

'Its Been 1 Year Since He Was Sent To Be Trained By Sensei Abe. & Honestly,He Isn't Making The Training Easy For Me.'

'A Boy Could Be Seen, Laying Down On The Wooden Floor, Looking At The Celling.'

"Takao-Sama." 'An Older Man Silently

Walked Over To The Young Boy.'

"Break Is Over,Back To Training."

"Ugh,But We Just Stopped our 1 Hour Training, Can't You Give Me A Few More Minutes, Please,Sensei?"

'The Young Boy, Looking Up To The Man, Tiredly Asked.'

"You Know The Rules,Young Man. Besides, You Already Finished Your 1 Year Of Training Of kyokushin karate,So Today,You'll Be Learning...Muay Thai. For Another Year. Get Ready."

'The Older Man Slowly Started To Walk Away.'

"And After That?"

'The Boy Started To Stand Up.'

"After That, What's Next?"

'The Man Stopped Walking & Stood In Silence.'

"Judo. That'll Be Your Final Test. You'll Learn It For 2 Years."

"C'mon, It's Time For Your Training."

'The Older Man Continued Walking,But This Time, He Was Followed By Masaru.'


[𝟭𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿]

190- 191 192 193

'Masaru Could Be Seen Doing Duck Walk Exercise In The Backyard,While His Sensei Was Sitting Down In The Shade, Drinking Tea.'

'Masaru Counted Tiredly.'

194 - 195 - 196 - 197 - 198 -199 -200!

'Masaru Instantly Stood Up, Almost Falling Backwards,But managed To Keep His

"What's Next,Sensei Abe."

'The Brunette Asked While Breathing Silently.'


'The Older Man Slightly Looked Up From His newspaper.'

"Oh,You Finished? Didn't Noticed. Alright Then."

'Abe Puts His Newspaper Down & Places His Cup Down Next To Him. Then proceeds To Take His Black Shirt Off,To End Up With A Black Tank top.'

'Scars Could Be Seen Across His Arms & Chest.'

"Woah,Sensei Abe, That's Bada-"

"Takao-Sama. Please Concentrate. This Is Your Final Test for This Year. Tomorrow You Will Rest,Do What you Please With Your Time. But Today,We Spar."

'They Both Got Into A Combat Stance.'

'Both Stared In silence. Masaru Was The First To Make The Move By Throwing A Strong Low Kick,Which Was Stopped By Abe's Knee. Masaru Used That Chance To Get Close By Throwing A Spinning Back Elbow To Abe's Ribs,Which Connected.'

'Due To Their Size Difference,Masaru was More agile than abe. But that meant that Masaru wasn't strong enough to inflict Enough damage to Abe,But it did sting.'

"You're Getting Stronger,Takao-Sama."

"I Thought I Told You To Call Me Takao, It's Embarrassing To Be Called Sama."

"Okay,How About Young Master?"

"The Older Man Smirked mischievously."

"Even Worse! Please Don't Fool Around Like That, Sensei,Kinda Scares Me."

"Okay,Okay, I'll Stop. Let's Get Back To Sparing."

'Both Exchanged Blows,The Older one blocking most of the hits From Masaru. While The Latter Was Having A Hard Time Blocking The Hits From Abe. The Latter Proceeds In Throwing A Spinning Backhand Towards Masaru. Masaru Attempts Dodging The Attack By Lowing His Head Down,In Process Taking His Eyes Off Abe & Ultimately Falling Into His Trap.'

'Abe Stops Midway & Knees Masaru In The Face,Throwing Him Into The Ground & Starts Bleeding From His Nose.'

"Goddamnit,That Hurt."

"That's Enough For Today,You Have Free Time For The Rest Of The Day, I'll Recommend Resting Though."

'Abe Starts Walking Away, From Masaru.'

"Umm,Sensei Abe."

'This Stops Abe In His Tracks.',

'The Brunette, Unsure If He Should Say What He Wanted To Say.'

"Yes? What Is It?"

"Thank You. Thanks For Training Me These Past 2 Years. I Know I Was A Pain In The Ass When We First Met. But Thanks To You,I Get to Be Badass."

"Who Said You're Still Not A Pain In The Ass?"

'Abe Slightly Turns Around, Only Letting His Left Eye Visible.'

"You're Still The Same Brat. You Should Really Clean Your Nose, You're Bleeding."


'Masaru, Finally Noticing His Nosebleed, Wipes The Blood Off.'

"This Ain't Shit."

'Both Teacher & Student Give Off A Small Smirk.'


'Abe Continues Walking Away.'


"Ah, Finally,All Finished."

'Masaru Has Now Finished In Putting Two Nasal Plugs To The Nosebleed.'

"Now, What Should I Do?"

"Hmm, Guess I Could Go To Futako Shopping Center."

"Yeah, It's Only 4Pm. I Take Burn Time By Walking To Futako."

'Masaru, After Deciding Where To Go,Went To Change Clothes.'

'After Changing Clothes,Masaru Had a Light Jacket,Black Sweatpants,& Canvas Shoes.'

'After Masaru Locked The Door To The House, Started Walking Calmly.'

[Half An Hour Later]

'As Masaru was Walking Along,He Noticed 5 Middle Schoolers Smoking & Talking. All. Wearing Similar Clothing.'

'Pfft, Already Wasting Their Lives Like That? What A Bunch Of Fools.'

'Masaru Continued Walking, But Masaru, Mistakenly Makes Eye Contact With One Of The Thugs.'

"Oi,Oi,Come Here Kid."

'The Thug Yelled.'

'What Does This Fool Want?'

'Masaru slowly Approached The Thugs.'

"Yes? What Is It?"

"Oh, It's Nothing, Really. But,Can You Do Us A Favor?"

"C'mon,Can Y'all Hurry This Up? I Got Places To Be!"

'One Of The Girls,Which masaru Hadn't Noticed Before,Bitched Moaned.'

"Well,If Ya Got Places To Be, You Can Piss Off,Ya Skank."

'Another Of The Thugs Yelled To The Girl.'

"Nevermind Them. Anyway,Like I Was Saying,We Need You To Do Us A Favor."

"... What Kind Of Favor?"

"It's Nothing Serious. Just Give Us All The Money You Hav-

"Pfft- Hold Onto That Thought For A Sec--"

Oh My God--! Please, Please,Pfft, Please Tell Me You're Fucking Joking--! 'Masaru laughed uncontrollably.'

"Oh. My. God! You Cannot Be Serious!"

'Masaru's Laughing & Mockingly Behavior,Made All Of Them Quiet.'

"A Bunch Of Middle Schoolers Need To Steal Money Of A Children Now?"

"You've Hit Rock Bottom, Haven't Ya?"

"Utterly Pathetic."

'3 Of The Thugs & The 3 Girls Started Laughing,While The Last Of The Thugs Slowly Started Getting Up.'

"Ahahaha,Asa Got Owned By Some Kid-"

'another thug said.'

"He Insulted All Of Us, Genius."

'One Of The Girls Responded To The idiotic Thug."

"Why You Little-"

'The first thug Threw A Punch Directed To Masaru's Left Cheek. Which Connected.'

".. I'm Sorry,But Was That Supposed To Hurt? Cause That Wasn't Shit Compared To Abe Sensei's Beatings"

'The Thug Slowly Backed Off Cause Of Shock. But Latter Realized That It Was Just Some Kid & That He Was Bigger, Meaning That He Was Also Stronger Than The Boy. The Thug, Once Again, Foolishly Rushed Towards Masaru.'

"Underestimating Me,Huh?"

'Masaru,This Time Dodged The Thug's Badly Thrown Punch.'

"Tsk-Tsk. Your Descendants Will Pay The Price."

'A Smirk Slowly Appeared On Masaru's Face,He Then Proceeded In Kickin' The Thug's Johnson.'

'The Thug Let Out A Scream Of agony. Making The Thug To Fall Onto His Knees,With His Head On The Ground.'

"I- Y-You -Son Of A B-Bitch-

"Holy Shit,That Kid Busted Asa's Dick."

'One Of The Thugs Yelled In Annoyance.'

"Asa,You Damn Fool!."

'Another Thug,Who Seemed Like The Leader Slowly Stepped Forward.'

"Imma Fuck You Up,Kid! You Just Made This A Pain In The Ass."

'The Leader Ran Towards Masaru. First Throwing A Kick Towards Masaru,The Latter Dodging It.'

"God, You're So Slow. This Is How You Throw A Proper Kick."

'Masaru Raised His Leg,The Thug, Thinking It Was heading towards his Arm, Shielded Himself. But Masaru Changed His Direction Of His Kick At The Last Moment & Ended Up Hitting The Thug's Ribcage.'

[𝗕𝗿𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗰𝗸]

"G-God Damnnit-"

'The Thug Took His eyes off of masaru for a second,By the time he looked up again,be was gone & by his side.'

"Never look away from your opponent. Now. Go To Sleep."

'Masaru,After Saying This, Jumped Knee Into The Thug's Face, Knocking Him Out.'

"W-What Th- just Who Is This Kid?"

'One Of The Last Three Thugs Said.'

"C'mon. If we three rush him at the same time we'll definitely win."

'One of the thugs took charge, since their leader was knocked out.'

"Y-Yeah,We can do this... Right?"

"Stop being such a bitch & move your ass!"

' the sub-leader kicked the thug's ass to make him move forward'

"Heh. Hope you like bricks for dinner."


'The thug couldn't finish his sentence Cause a brick Hit him on his forehead. But that didn't stop the other two thugs, who were still rushing towards him.'

"Oh are you fucking kidding me?"

"Let's see if this works."

'Masaru Throws another brick towards the nearest thug, missing...on purpose. The thug "Dodged" it on time,but his teammate...not so much. That was enough to district him.'

"You should've payed more attention,Heh."

'Masaru Launched Himself Towards the last thug...& jumped. In midair,He made a fist & Punched The Thug, Launching The Latter Onto The Ground.'

'Masaru Ran Towards The Thug & Got Ontop Of Him & Began Punching Him.'

"Plewase I bewg of you, sto"

"Shut your mouth."

' Masaru Kept Punching The Thug,

Specifically On His Mouth, Knocking Some Teeth Out. The Three girls were too afraid too move & didn't dare move from their place,in hopes of them becoming unnoticeable.'


'The Brunette Looked Up For A Second & Spoted The Three Girls Shaking In Fear While Staring At Him.'

"Don't Worry. I Don't Hit Girls... Unless I'm Attacked First & If They're Being Annoying."

'Masaru Stomped On The Thug's Face.'

'And So...Masaru Went On About His Day. After Brutality Crushing The Group Of 5 Middle Schoolers In Under Five Minutes. But Unbeknownst To Him, Someone witnessed The Whole Fight. But What that person didn't know. Was that this wouldn't be the last time they would encounter each other. Meet Daisuke Bushida. Masaru's Future Second In Command.'


[𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽 - 𝟮 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀.]

"Congratulations,Takao-Sama. You Have Finally Completed Your Training With Me. But Don't Think You're Off The Hook Yet.

'The Older Man Pointed A Finger Towards The Brunette.'

"You Still Have To Train At Least 2 Days A Week."

"Yes,Yes,I Know,Sensei. Thank You For Everything."

"Well,I Gotta Get Going,Say Hello To Your Father For Me."

'Abe twisted the handle to the door to the house, opening it. Abe stops in his tracks.'

"Takao-Sama. Take Care."

'And with that Abe left the Takao-Residence.'


anddd that's chapter 1 for "A Yakuza's Dream."